Astral Projection (Help)

Mystic Web have online courses and a forum, I've been through most of the course literature but haven't seriously attempted anything.
To understand Astral Projection, one has to understand first the structure of the 7 Layers and their 7 chakras, in particular the Solar Plexus Chakra.

For those who can read Arabic, they have all the answers in :
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My ninth smrfl just erupted into flame when I read this thread.

There are 11 angles of smrfls. To understand the Smrfality of Smrflness, and if you can read Smrfilite, check here:

If you can attain 10 of them, you are a Smrfl Guru.

Unfortunately, I can only get to 9. My smrfl powers are lacking, I am sad to say.

But, it is said that once you get to the 11th smrfl... THAT is when you can leave your body. All of your potential smrfl angles combine and exit through your mouth in your sleep. you have to be dreaming for this occur...

Good luck and may the smrfl be with you.
Reminds me of the dillema with religion. You believe in god, but so much crap about religion, made up by man i might add, is made up, bown out of proportion, and results in holy wars, priests (that job makes no sense...), and all the baggage.
I think the mind has higher mental powers. I see crap in here that litters the web, like "the solar plexus chakra". Why does a belief and engagement in the belief have to be so damn complicated! I believe in god, jesus, astoral projections, ESP, and that's that, no system or institution!

Now with that note, anyone know any non-factioned sites concerning astoral projections? And no, the smrfl angels didn't help me at ALL, lol
weed_eater_guy said:
I think the mind has higher mental powers.

Yeah, me too... I can do some integrals in my head... that's a damn higher mental power... :rolleyes:
The integral of ln(x) is x*ln(x)-x... integration by parts... did it in my head
in less than 5 seconds. Muahahahahaa, bow down to the cavernous yield
of the blue head!
My question is this ...

Why would someone who can astral project share this information with individuals still so attached to the physical world?
>> They wouldn't because the projection would fail.

If one wants to leave the body without harm to their consciousness, the body, or the use of psychedelic drugs there are conditions that must be met. Those conditions cannot be met in a closed mind.
My point is that if one does not believe it's possible then it won't happen.
Skepticism will cause failure in this endeavor.
If the mind is busy and not focused then it won't happen.
If the body is not relaxed it won't happen.
If the breathing is not rhythmic it won't happen.

None of these things take place when a person is lying in bed thinking "OK, this isn't working.", or "My arm itches.", or "I could be fixing the car.".

The mind must be open to the possibility or any attempt would be fruitless.
That's all.
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Agreed. For me I will find my self in that state (I lightly wake up at 4am, say) and then think, this is the perfect state for an OBE. As soon as I think that, wham, the rushing sound starts and I just relax for thirty seconds or so and then step out. Then it's zippetty-do-dah time. Last time I went through the front door to find it humid and raining a torrent like in the tropics--weather we don't have now. All the trees were about twice the size, as if it were years later. I had blossoming cherry trees in the front yard that don't exist now. The valley below my house had become a lake.
It's nice to know there are open minds here.

I'm an intuitive healer so and open mind is important to my practice. Otherwise the healing doesn't take effect ... just slides off.

Many of the posts in this forum make me wonder if sharing information here is wise.
it may be we leave our bodies every night and the trick is to remember when we have been.
STNE said:
It's nice to know there are open minds here.

I'm an intuitive healer so and open mind is important to my practice. Otherwise the healing doesn't take effect ... just slides off.

Many of the posts in this forum make me wonder if sharing information here is wise.

Part of having an open mind is being open minded enough to doubt your own beliefs. Most skeptics are far more open minded than yourself.
I have 'astraly projected' on several occasions.

I just don't believe in it.

There is no point in believing in it. Just like there is no point in believing in the existence of black holes (singularities) or believing in the existance of God.

Most newage-nutters don't appretiate this very basic principle, this is the principle of not having to hold beliefs. Infact proffesional researchers and scientists are usualy much better at it, they know that any theory that seems valid could change in an instant. And they even have the wisdom to not cling solidly to universal postulations.

From my experience most newagerers are usualy quite naïve, they believe that what they do can or will change mankind, so that we can all run in nirvanic fields of endless colour and play with the unicorns, yay.
ah, the joys of indiscriminately accepting beliefs that are physically inconsistent, go kids, go!
Emmm, Im kinda new to astral projection, how do u leave ur body in tha 1st place

I have many e-books on Astral Projection

Follow the Theoretical path through
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