Astral Projection Help?


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Hey, everybody. I've been trying for a while to astral project, but I usually come across a problem.

What I usually do is relax, find a place where I will not be disturbed, turn off all of the lights so that I can't see it through my eyelids, and then visualize white orbs floating. After visualizing a few of these, I am usually completely calm. After that, I focus on trying to separate myself mentally from my body... Usually what happens is I can feel them separating, but when it [it being my mind?] tries to is stopped. As if it is attached to a rubber band, it is drawn back every time. Sometimes if I focus too hard I'll become dizzy.

This time was different. I tried again, and came upon the 'rubber-band syndrome' as I like to call it. But this time, when I pulled on the rubber 'snapped.' After that, I tried to open my eyes...but it wasn't the same. I didn't open my 'eyes,' it was more of opening a separate perception. But what I saw when I opened wasn't as if I was looking around the room where my body was...I was looking at something else. I would rather not go into detail at what I was looking at, [I would rather not have seen it, to tell the truth] but I was wondering if I have done anything wrong? Was 'snapping the "rubber band"' the wrong thing to do? Was I even projecting, or was I doing something different entirely?
Try searching Google for "out of body experience" "silver "cord". You might find suggestions therein. I’ve not seen or felt the silver cord myself, but I certainly wouldn’t tug on it if I did. :)
I think you are doing nothing out of the ordinary.. afterall Astral Projection is supposed to be just as natural as falling asleep. Just keep pushing forward and you will eventualy get it right. I can't say about snapping the rubber band, but as mentioned by zanket this sounds like you are messing with your silver chord. Your silver chord is what attatches your physical body to your astral and higher bodies, it can only be severed by the death of your physical body, so there is no way you or anyone else could 'snap' it save by physicaly killing you. And once you know how to project, you will notice that when you wake up it is always the same tugging on your silver chord.
Another method you might try is becoming concious in a dream, this way you effectively find yourself in the astral plane without the preparatory energy lifting and relaxation exercises.

What ever you do don't be frightened or discouraged by your first experiences, atleast you have actauly had one! When you learn to do it more effectively you will have better ones, I can almost promise this.