Astral meeting.

Valued Senior Member
Ok, here it goes.
Starting next year, there will be an astral meeting at the Eiffel Tower, every Sunday at 24.00 midnight. The midnight between Sunday and Monday. ;)
I will start an astral community, but with your help of course.
I´m a bit rusty in my projecting skills, so I need to practise a bit more, and so can you do to. I will try to be at the Eiffel Tower every night from now on, until my skills are raffined.
And then, the real meetings will start next year.
So go and project! :D
Tell people about this, so more can join in.
This is evolution, friends. :)

a little to long ago...

Tried to get out for several times.

Didn't work out that well. Guess it really has been to long ago.:)

Came not much further than a little projection. Tried it later on again and again, but came not that far as I wanted.

Just a little more relaxing I guess. To much other stuff on my mind yesterday. Can't clear my mind enough to project exactly the way I want to.

It will be better in a few days. Keep on practising...the same goes for me.;)
Watch your local time and match it with Paris time. Otherwise each one will search at different times. Use a mind sync CD to generate the alphas and then go to delta for a short time.

Good Luck.
Are you meeting at the bottom or the top of the tower?

What will you be wearing? How will we know it's you?
How interesting that the fact of my not even trying to participate has produced for me the identical success rate.
:bugeye: How...coincidental? Maybe you should try to have a meeting at a place where no one knows what it looks like-you can imagine what the Eiffel tower looks like. How about you say 56 degrees north lattitude, 67 degrees west longitude. Then you'll know where to go, and if you see the same place, you'll knwo it worked. But anyone can say "Oh yeah, I was at the Eiffel Tower last night, sure."

Notice I'm a bit of a skeptic...
You mean carry a GPS in your...ehm...ehm...arse?:D

Clothing could be optional....for the opposite sex....
I notice that bebelina is posting less nowadays.

Maybe that astral meeting is doing real well and she's discarded primitive means of communications like BBs.
Sounds very inteesting. How is this done. Is it like we immagine/transfer ourselves to Eiphel tower and have a discussion there?
Can you tell about it a little more?

Never been to paris:(
:bugeye: I think Bebelina is posting less because someone stole her identity while on an astral meeting...again.

:bugeye: Seriously, I think we should wear no clothes for all sexes. Astral meetings are not fun without the aspect of danger.

:bugeye: But why the Eiffel tower? You might fall. If these people are doing something so real, as I said, there must be the aspect of danger.

:bugeye: Pick a safe place, like Bebelina's living room. But then again....
What clothes to wear in the astral state!?
I´ll come as bigass mecha and teach you a few lessons in optional avatar projections :D

Fart fart on all tiresome "masters of the universe". Skeptic=Unexperienced :cool:

Keep trying folks, don´t give up. :)
No clothes for me. ;) Come as you are in your natural state, or do as MuliBoy, create an astral avatar.
We will meet at the top, of course, so that we have a great view and can jump off the tower, for fun. No danger, because we will not be in our physical bodies....doh. :p
To project, you can start by lying in you bed, preferably on your back, like you were meditating. Then close your eyes and let go off all disturbing thoughts. Relax. When you feel totally relaxed, try to consciously open up a vortex at the top of your head. You may feel a spinning sensation, some even feel slight nausea, let go of the breathing, let go of your body and let your astral body float out. I can feel a buzzing in my body that usually begins at the feet and works itself up to the head. Then I feel like a darkness coming at me, and my ears get this feeling of being under water. Then I get sucked out from the head. But I´m experiencing trouble letting go of the breathing right now. Like the throat is actually clogging up and no air gets in, but that´s probably just something temporary.

If you have trouble getting out of your body, you can also consciously try to imagine yourself vividly being there, that may also help.
The intention in itself has a lot of power.

My intentions with doing this is not to prove anything to anybody. For me it´s
like a gift to the collective consciousness of humanity and the universe, by making an effort to join with other people in the astral dimension, to spread love and harmony. And from the Eiffel tower we have a good position to do so. And everybody knows where it is, and can produce an image of it in their inner mind. :)

Now that sounds great. But the only experience I've had with astral travel is Dreamwalking, and I was never able to control it. I don't do it very often, either. How would one learn to control this and branch it into astral flight?
I never tried astral travel, but I once fell asleep at work. Does that count??

Seriously, to do it right (like if you want positive results}, you need to first practice with a close friend where you already have a connection (quantum entanglement!). Then practice until you can get results that are 2/3 accurate. Then you can venture with others. Even then, you need a picture of people you are meeting and a picture of the place.

It is doable, but with a lot of practice in a super relaxed state.

Good Luck.