Assisted telepathic communications


Valued Senior Member
Not sure which group this topic belongs to, so if it needs relocation, have at it. I'm sure most of you know about the progress being made with thought controlling computers. Primarily to assist handicapped people.

The fact that wired thought communication with computers works, should be an indication of where this technology is headed. Obviously getting rid of the wires should happen soon. Next while the computer can interpret some brain activity as commends it's still rudimentary in it's development. Expanding the vocabulary to the point that natural communication can take place will happen and then giving the computer the ability to communicate directly back the the brain, bypassing the monitor altogether also seems possible in the not to distant future.

At this point the possibilities start going off the chart. For instance visualize that you have your interface cap on in Tucson Arizona and you want to contact your friend in China. You do the equivalent of a mental phone call. Your friend puts his cap on. Now you are essentially in contact mind to mind and if full translation is needed, no problem. Next if you need any information that you don't know offhand, the computer would be able to find it and supply it to your brain almost as fast as you needed it (no more worrying about a bad memory).

I'm sure most of you readers can think up other equally interesting possibilities and uses for this technology, but can you think of any reasons why we should not go down this road? If so, what can we do to stop it? At this moment I don't see any good reason to stop it and even if there was a good reason, I'm not sure it could be stopped.
[but can you think of any reasons why we should not go down this road?
Just to spark some paranoia:
the computer would be able to find it and supply it to your brain almost as fast as you needed it
What guarantees will there be (and from whom, and how reliable will those guarantees be) that information (or any/ something else) we don't want will be not be passed on/ through/ in?
If there's a way to feed "stuff" directly into the brain what's the future of spam (and that could be least of our problems) going to be?

Er, Edit. I can see why you put this in Parapsychology but to my mind it's probably equally (if not more) suited to General Science and Technology or Science and Society.
What guarantees will there be (and from whom, and how reliable will those guarantees be) that information (or any/ something else) we don't want will be not be passed on/ through/ in?
If there's a way to feed "stuff" directly into the brain what's the future of spam (and that could be least of our problems) going to be?

Well those are very good concerns. The thought that somebody might be able to read your thoughts without your permission, well it doesn't get much worse than that does it? Okay so safeguards are a must. But what about the subpoena compelling you to give up your thoughts? :eek::shrug:
But what about the subpoena compelling you to give up your thoughts? :eek::shrug:[/FONT]
You're more paranoid than I am! ;)

Would FAST be legally empowered to remove your brain in order to search for suspected bootleg downloads?
"We don't need a warrant. And you can apply to the courts for the return of your brain if you're in the clear. But there's a backlog, it'll probably take around 12 to 14 months before they get to your case".
You're more paranoid than I am! ;)

Why yes I do have my paranoid moments, but I don't dwell on them much.

Also another group I could have started this topic in is “Free Thinking” as in free for the taking. You did mention a possible problem with spam and you know that's a really disgusting thought. But what about the new hay day for virus writers. Brain worms are not cool and brain Trojans set to execute their payload at a particular time are enough to freak anyone out.

That's one of the perks about being old. Your not going to be around long enough to need to worry about this kind of future stuff. However that doesn't mean I don't enjoy teasing the rest of you. :D
You did mention a possible problem with spam and you know that's a really disgusting thought. But what about the new hay day for virus writers. Brain worms are not cool and brain Trojans set to execute their payload at a particular time are enough to freak anyone out.
Yep, that's why I said "the future of spam (and that could be least of our problems)"[/i]
You just KNOW that somewhere, sometime some airhead cracker is going to do it.

That's one of the perks about being old. Your not going to be around long enough to need to worry about this kind of future stuff. However that doesn't mean I don't enjoy teasing the rest of you. :D
Start running before I find my zimmer frame and come after you.
Start running before I find my zimmer frame and come after you.

Okay you don't have much to worry about also. I had to look up zimmer frame. No I'm not ready for zimmer frame races yet. I was kind of hoping to be gone before that need arose, but that's just me.

We definitely have pointed out some concerns, but what about the benefits? Do they out weigh those (only theoretical concerns)?
We definitely have pointed out some concerns, but what about the benefits? Do they out weigh those (only theoretical concerns)?
Good question.
I assume you're with me on thinking the benefits of owning a computer outweigh the concerns? (er, that's debatable!)
But the concerns with a direct-to-brain....
What would be worst possible effect? Spam? Loss of memory? Something like Cyberpunk's Black Ice that simply fries your brain?

"Hey I can have all the knowledge in the world, the only downside is that some smart 14 year-old can explode my head because he thinks it would be 1337 and really kEwL."

Yeah, lemme think about it for a couple of days and maybe check the bank balance before I buy...
Good question.
I assume you're with me on thinking the benefits of owning a computer outweigh the concerns? (er, that's debatable!)

If I couldn't have my computer anymore, I'd be looking for a hitman to take me out. I waited for the IBM XT as my first computer. It was an incredible piece of junk for $5000. But at the time I was in heaven. My first Internet connection was through a 300 Baud modem. I could type faster than it could transmit and I'm a slow typist.

However without the Internet I'm not sure the computer wouldn't be considered a pile of junk by me. So go figure, a computer and the Internet are a package deal or they are almost worthless by themselves to the average man or woman on the street.

Makes you wonder if people ever got used to assisted telepathic communications, would they ever be able to give it up, even considering the possible downside?
Hell PC with or without internet. But on-line IS a nice bonus.
Way back when cyberpunk literature first started to become popular (and VR was "just around the corner" for home users - yeah, look how that turned out) my colleagues and I declared we'd be first in line for a "jack".
But we didn't consider the downside since I.C.E was only fiction and spam was unheard of.
I don't think I would. Unless there were solid guarantees on safety and spam.
The usage of radiological interfacing to the human brain has been more than just a concept floated around in Cyberpunk fiction and more than just AI systems learning which brainwaves to sensor to move robotic arms etc.

The main problem has been the technology hasn't been designed or tested for commercial application, as it's development has been shrouded by the potential application in various Military's and overall Defence.

I personally have been utilised as an unofficial Guinea pig (unofficial because no bugger has paid me a penny towards being involved), the current systems tend to have a lot of human interaction (operators) mainly due to the concern that a completely automated system could potentially be exploited and turned against those that built it.
(That's why I don't have any interfacing programming language, no super enhanced mnemonics or even a simple Mathematic Coprocessor to act like an internal Calculator or even a simple alarm clock.)

Perhaps the human operators are there because they like their jobs, they like costing the defence departments or contractors to sit around twiddling their thumbs, who knows, obviously I don't since their stupid secrecy and methods of denialibility pretty much undermine any potential advancement to humanity by such equipment.

(Incidentally the Radiological method of interfacing is potentially obsolete, considering that it's a physical danger to those it's used upon.)
The usage of radiological interfacing to the human brain has been more than just a concept floated around in Cyberpunk fiction and more than just AI systems learning which brainwaves to sensor to move robotic arms etc.

The main problem has been the technology hasn't been designed or tested for commercial application, as it's development has been shrouded by the potential application in various Military's and overall Defence.

I personally have been utilised as an unofficial Guinea pig (unofficial because no bugger has paid me a penny towards being involved), the current systems tend to have a lot of human interaction (operators) mainly due to the concern that a completely automated system could potentially be exploited and turned against those that built it.
(That's why I don't have any interfacing programming language, no super enhanced mnemonics or even a simple Mathematic Coprocessor to act like an internal Calculator or even a simple alarm clock.)

Perhaps the human operators are there because they like their jobs, they like costing the defence departments or contractors to sit around twiddling their thumbs, who knows, obviously I don't since their stupid secrecy and methods of denialibility pretty much undermine any potential advancement to humanity by such equipment.

(Incidentally the Radiological method of interfacing is potentially obsolete, considering that it's a physical danger to those it's used upon.)

I've always wanted to know how to sign up so the military could do dangerous experiments on me for free. Got any tips for a first timer? Also did they make you sign a non-disclosure agreement so that no matter how badly they screwed you up you couldn't legally talk about it?

I prefer my electronic interfaces to look cool. Not big and bulky, no wires hanging out of it, complete freedom of movement and distance is not a problem.
Let me put it like this, from the perspective of you a poster here or the average man on the street, you'd have to make a choice between believing me (which might seem difficult) or writing me off as a crazy person.

Most tend to pick the later, not because I am crazy but because they are so damn predictable. That predictability is what aids those that misuse me, it aids them because they know they don't have to go to great troubles to cover up anything, they know they don't have to go to great trouble to pay me for my time, effort or the fact that their operation has undermined any alternative path for my life.

So when I get cross at people that automatically jump to the crazy opinion, it's not because I'm being crazy, it's because I'm upset that they are predictable, I'm upset they I'm being misused, I'm upset at being robbed or mugged off and I'm upset that there is nothing I can do to prevent this misuse to myself, my immediate family, friends or anyone the world over.

Really it's either "Believe me or realise I'm pissed off."

How I got on this system is obviously one of those things that they have never identified. Quite simply they have simplified conduct rules, No names, No places, no identifying hierarchy (No comments at Sergeant's or Colonel's. or Sahs! ) It's the standard method of any blackops operations, no defining marks or pointers as to who is responsible.

The daft bit however is that because they are using the blackops method, because they aren't using legitimate methods that universities would follow, because they don't pay or tell the truth, because they would likely attempt to manipulate delusion to aid in covering up what's going on with a fantasy; It actually prove exactly who they are without shadow of a doubt, especially since it's more than one nationality involved. (Bloody defence syndication.)

Incidentally while I might say "either believe me or don't", it doesn't mean there isn't actually a way to point out the method used or that such operations are a foot. In fact I'm pretty sure I have an idea of what apparatus would be required to prove external usage, mixing TEMPEST shielding, MRI and a chemical reactant sheet (similar to photosensitive paper) It's possible to identify that an External operative has been manipulating thoughts, images or movements. If that don't work then obviously some data will be release in about 38 years time Meh! :/
It isn't telepathy. Quads have been running computers for some time now. It's not telepathy. That's the relevance.
It isn't telepathy. Quads have been running computers for some time now. It's not telepathy. That's the relevance.

Technologically enabled telepathy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people, occasionally referred to by themselves or others as "transhumanists", believe that technologically enabled telepathy, coined "techlepathy", "synthetic telepathy", or "psychotronics", will be the inevitable future of humanity. Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading, England is one of the leading proponents of this view and has based all of his recent cybernetics research around developing practical, safe technology for directly connecting human nervous systems together with computers and with each other. He believes techno-enabled telepathy will in the future become the primary form of human communication. He predicts that this will happen by means of the principle of natural selection, through which nearly everyone will have the need for such technology for economic and social reasons.

My take is that anything that allows mind to mind communication can be termed a form of telepathy. Also at the moment you are right in that this can't be done today. But there is active research being done to make this a reality and I believe it will happen.