Asserting religious identity


Valued Senior Member
What are the factors involved in asserting religious identity?

When a person asserts "I am a Christian" or "I am a Buddhist" etc. - what are the processes that lead to this assertion?

Please discuss.
Yes because there are people of all faiths out there who keep it to themselves. Some would even think that to wear their religions on their sleeves is a vice, like pride. Others would just prefer to keep the world's nose out of their business.

Then you have the showy crowd. I never thought this about Eastern religions until I encountered American Hari Krishnas who are very showy.

It's a good question. Is there some image problem going on, or some underlying doubts, or is this person just not able to relate and socialize on other topics - like me, I'm always drawn to these religion threads. It's such a curiosity to me that people with an interest in science can simultaneously deny science. So maybe some folks express their faith identity out of curiosity too, to provoke a response, to dig into the other person's ideology.

If you wear it like a badge, you probably have an axe to grind.
What are the factors involved in asserting religious identity?

When a person asserts "I am a Christian" or "I am a Buddhist" etc. - what are the processes that lead to this assertion?

Please discuss.
I think it varies wildly.
Participation in the religious organization.
Belief in the tenets of the religion.
Depth and frequency of practices.
Family membership.
Role the scriptures play in the life and mind of the member.
If the category is seen as a default cultural label - rather than a statement of belief.
If the person feels they can be to some degree syncretic.
How strictly a person conceives of what participation and certainty should be compared to where they are.
How others might challenge the assertion - using their criteria for proper participation in organizations, amount of practice, behavior, clothing, language use - pretty much anything.

That's some factors I think people weigh and or are affected by when very consciously or rather knee jerk defining themselves.