Ask not what your country can do for you instead as what you can do

Robert Patterson

Registered Member
Hi! My name is Robert Patterson, and I have been studying fluid flow dynamics for a number of years now. Particularly vortex mechanics, why vortex mechanics you ask? Well, it began with the study of Wing Chun Gung Fu a Chinese martial art invented some 400 years ago by a Shaolin priest her name was Ngmuie. The art teaches you to borrow the energy from your opponent use it against him too out time him at each move. Does this sound familiar? Borrow the energy from your opponent/environment.

In particular my studies were the vertical takeoff and landing aircraft witch led me into ducted fan technology I realized that placing a fan in a sleeve was the same as a piston placed in a sleeve of an engine. Where you can obtain and utilize ten to one compression ratios. However this is the explosive side of nature, and a ducted fan is only utilizing the explosive or push component of for every action there is an equal opposite reaction where is the applied suction in the equal proportion to the explosion or push? If you stand in front of any household fan you can hold a piece of paper and the fan will blow the paper away. If you drop it, you can do this a considerable distance from the fan although you must be within inches of the backside in order for the fan to be able to suck the paper up.

Now, I was working on this UFO styled hovercraft a sports car, a one-man version of a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, and was attempting to utilize the known aerodynamic principles/fluid flow dynamic principles. I built a model of paper and Styrofoam 9 ft. 6 in diameter in order to study the flow dynamics. When I began to put two and two together I realized that I would need a specific type of ducting in order to combine the push and pull energies and thus radial plus axial flow combined. The basic venture Ducting of a turbo charger was the beginning of my first real breakthrough. Then in 1997 I attended the Sixth Annual UFO Symposium funny though everyone's story was the same old same old light in the sky, save one, doctor Le Shargel of the Galaxy Observer his was a swept forward aircraft. Although, when he showed his Alien Mark it did seem to become a shuck and jive show. Though I am not the judge. But that's when it hit me this image either from some remote viewing psychic impression or a subliminal implant call it what you will.

The shape of this image was an Impeller of a specific design and shape, so as to extract useful kinetic energy from its environment in flow. A shape designed in such away as to borrow and reverse parasitic drag into a useful and beneficial energy transference system. I have been able to reverse engineer this image. Witch led me into common knowledge technologies, and the reverse engineering of common knowledge technologies and following the specific flow dynamics of parasitic drag and borrowing its kinetic energy, such as a glider aloft on the air, a no moving part motor.

Well, to make a long story short, reverse engineering common knowledge technologies led me to the electrical properties embedded in the fabric of space, Yes zero point energy I have discovered a way to imitate and borrow this energy witch translates into a synergistic room temperature superconductive/antigravity technology!!! And as if that were not enough I have translated the embossed pictographic abstract language embedded in the abstract design found on ancient statues Easter Island, the Dogu statute and it is inscribed on various other rock formations, the flow dynamics of superconductive antigravity perpetual motion technology.

Now I have compiled my inventions and concepts into an 87 p. illustrated manual, a step by step illustration of engineering mechanical as well as higher generation electromagnetic devices, lofting as it were a no moving part motor on the electromagnetic frequencies of zero point energy. My next step was to contract the writing of a business proposal and patent reports. Then low and behold the established Orthodox scientific status quo of the day is busy debunking room temperature/superconductive antigravity technology. My contact has informed me based on the uninformed status quo that the government will not issue a grant to me based on the fact that I'm presenting room temperature superconductive antigravity technology without a working model. Not true I have presented a working model of the Ram Impeller Wing which is the basic building block leading to these technologies. Through the understanding of flow dynamics, energies changing from one place or substance to the next through small or large vortices.

Since Mohammed will not come to the mountain should the mountain go to Mohammed? In other words should I go public, and perhaps lose the chance at patenting my inventions? Should I present to as many, that is the ones interested in free energy designs as possible? You know the money time and effort that is required to obtain a patent, or the ability to get new ideas into the mainstream of acceptance. Should I attempt to produce a WebSite and divulge this technology? After all free energy belongs to the world, does it not? It was in effect given to me freely. Once I understood the flow dynamics and the borrowing of parasitic drag and reversing it into a useful kinetic energy and then the translations, specifically the Dogu statues which infoulabley explain in pictorial form the language of flow dynamics, culminating into a perpetual synergistic superconductive/antigravity technology. I view these statues as a sort of time capsule though I did not invent solely from the translation of the statues. But rather from the reverse engineering of common knowledge technologies.
The Temporal Subliminal Man
Robert A. Patterson

Congratulations Robert, your obviously very intelligent.

Although I would be interested in hearing your research techniques, specifically in reverse engineering photographs????

(Research is what I`m doing when I know what I`m doing)
Hi Mike,

Though I have examined pictures from project blue book, and I have found some anomalies, the anomalies our contained within the matter snatch capabilities of the acceleration speed of the UFO's. In other words they move so fast that they take a portion of matter with them, this phenomenon can be observed in the moiré pattern, that is the checkerboard pattern that appears in these pictures. It's like viewing a picture of an old woman, and then inverted, that's flipped upside down and the old woman appears to be a young princess. It all depends on your ability to allow the mind to see what is, not, what you want it to be.

I did not say reverse engineering pictures; I said, Pictographic/Pictoglyphic, these are the symbols the symbolic language of strange statues unearthed by archeologist. Some of the statues are between 6 and 30,000 years old, and no one has been able to completely translate this language, until now! Vaughn M. Green has written a book the 6000 year old space suit. Mr. Green compares the Dogu statue to space suits and diving gear of today. And the games afoot my dear Watson!

The Temporal Subliminal Man


I hope that you are not entirely serious about your claims and ramblings.

...If you are serious, up the voltage/dosage.

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
-Mark Twain

I hope that you are not entirely serious about your claims and ramblings.

...If you are serious, up the voltage/dosage.

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
-Mark Twain
RAP, it sounds about as likely as turtles growing up in a chicago sewer and being trained Karate by a speaking rat. That was make believe too.

You know it to be so

They were fake?!?!?!? All my dredging around in sewers and they were fake?!?!?!?

The Guy Who Started This Topic,

Why not just patent the thing? You patent it and it's yours. Nobody else has to learn about it unless they are trying to patent the same or a similar thing, in which case you two should hook up.
Okay, this one's for Patterson. I am channeling the spirit of your third grade English teacher.

I am very suspicious of the validity of your claims of being a scientific mucky-muck. At first, I sped-read through your posting, then went back to give it another look. There is nothing in the spelling and sentence structure to validate your claim that you are capable of (and I really don't want to be picking a fight here, but if you're going to post high-intellect material, make it look good) anything higher than a public education in a California high school. You have thrown a lot of big words in, and most of them are even spelled correctly. What I am appalled at is your sentence structure and misuse of homynyms.

I am challenging you. I declare you are a fraud with your claims. Prove me wrong. And don't try to pull the dyslexia excuse. Again, I am not picking a fight. It's just that I can't stand it when I sit through what looks, on the surface, to be a juicy bit of technological information only to find out that it's spelled like it was written by an eighth-grader. It just doesn't reflect well on the author.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited August 21, 1999).]