Ask and you will receive


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
Imagine that you are in a totally black void, there's nothing but yourself there, then God came to you and said that you could just ask for anything and He would give it to you.

There are a few rules though:
1: You have to deserve what you get - or try to deserve it.
2: You have to use what you get.
3: There will be consequences for each gift.

What would you ask for?
Cyperium said:
Imagine that you are in a totally black void, there's nothing but yourself there, then God came to you and said that you could just ask for anything and He would give it to you.

There are a few rules though:
1: You have to deserve what you get - or try to deserve it.
2: You have to use what you get.
3: There will be consequences for each gift.

What would you ask for?
This sounds like a reverse solipsist situation (mind the alliteration).

You know the story about a guy who lay there in hospital, at the end of his life. He's been laying there for quite a while, with no change in his condition, and getting understandibly frustrated. One day another nurse comes in to tend to him, and he wishes her away... she promptly disappears. Surprised, he decides to test it again, and wishes away the bedstand. That also disappears. So he proceeds to wish away the walls, the screens, the rest of the furniture, until at last only he is left, floating in a blank void. After a few moments of thought, he decides, what the hell, and finally wishes himself away.

Upon which a voice comes to him: "At last! I thought it would never happen, but better late than never. Congratulations and good luck being God," God says, and disappears.

But in all seriousness, if I could exist in this void at all, then I guess I'd ask for a partner, a companion to explore it with.
I would ask for Eden. I would use it, and I deserve it, although I might have to give up a rib to make a companion. :D Thanks!
Jenyar said:
I guess I'd ask for a partner, a companion to explore it with.
Nice wish, I think I would ask for the same thing (but remember you have to deserve it - and the partner should be willing also (what if someone made a wish that you would be his partner and you would suddenly appear in front of a stranger), or the partner wouldn't be conscious, but then the partner wouldn't be that interesting, and not someone to explore things with - since you aren't actually sharing anything, you are more or less talking to a wall).

Dr Lou Natic said:
Doesn't seem like there'd be much to explore in a blank void.
And that would be the reason why you would want to wish for something.

Siddharta said:
And the world appears in front of you. I don't want to be you if you would have to use everything. Sure it would be fun for a while, but after you used every nice thing...

Hevene said:
I'll ask him to remove the first and second rule.
I guess that would have a bad consequence. Since God (if this scenario was true, surely set the rules for a good reason and thus are needed also for your own sake).

Greco said:
A program rich, virtual holographic imagination.
You can't ask for what you allready have.

spidergoat said:
I would ask for Eden. I would use it, and I deserve it, although I might have to give up a rib to make a companion. Thanks!
You would have to deserve it, I don't know exactly how to say this in English, but you would have to go through a place where "the ringing swords" (?) and "Kerubs" (?) are watching the path to the tree of Life so that we won't have eternal life and live forever like Gods - since Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of knowledge. If you ask for deserving it then either you have to go through Life, or Eden will only be a shadow of truth - since you then deserve something you don't deserve, you can't fool God.

This is of course only imaginable consequences, to give you the idea that maybe there are reasons.
cyperium said:
Nice wish, I think I would ask for the same thing (but remember you have to deserve it - and the partner should be willing also (what if someone made a wish that you would be his partner and you would suddenly appear in front of a stranger), or the partner wouldn't be conscious, but then the partner wouldn't be that interesting, and not someone to explore things with - since you aren't actually sharing anything, you are more or less talking to a wall).
A) My own existence would be equally deserving/undeserving as theirs. Just as a question deserves an answer, my existence would deserve another person's existence.

B) Similarly, the consequences of my wish would depend on me - just as my wish did. If my existence is assured under certain conditions, so would theirs, and the consequences would depend on those rules. Remember, my partner would be like me - and therefore equally conscious, equally alone, and equally interesting ;)
Jenyar said:
A) My own existence would be equally deserving/undeserving as theirs. Just as a question deserves an answer, my existence would deserve another person's existence.

B) Similarly, the consequences of my wish would depend on me - just as my wish did. If my existence is assured under certain conditions, so would theirs, and the consequences would depend on those rules. Remember, my partner would be like me - and therefore equally conscious, equally alone, and equally interesting ;)
Hehe :), like I said, it was a nice wish. Nothing has more meaning than someone else to share it with (not that I know of anyway).
We all deserve to live in Eden, it is our birthright as human beings, however, long ago, some clever person thought they could improve the world, and ruined it. I wish to return to the earth to the original, primitive state of man, not precisely the biblical mythological Eden.
Cyperium said:
And the world appears in front of you. I don't want to be you if you would have to use everything. Sure it would be fun for a while, but after you used every nice thing...
Everything also includes perfect faculties and judgement. By the same token it also includes fallability, then I suppose in having everything I would be no better off than when I had nothing. Zen.
1: You have to deserve what you get - or try to deserve it.

How do I try to deserve it? Especially in a black void?

Doesn't seem like there is much to do for penance in a black void.

Otherwise...Heidi Klum..oh yeah
I would ask for a bar of chocolate to eat while I ponder what to wish for next...

I don't understand [as 'lard has expressed] what you mean by 'try to deserve it.' Do you mean think good thoughts? :D
Ozymandias said:
I would ask for a bar of chocolate to eat while I ponder what to wish for next...

I don't understand [as 'lard has expressed] what you mean by 'try to deserve it.' Do you mean think good thoughts? :D
Nah, I mean, use the gift in a way that is good for you, that helps you. Try to glorify the gift. What would you need in a black void? You don't have to be all that specific. You could allways ask God to help you or give advice. Feel free.