ASCENSION Q- Religion and science based-Research review request


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Greetings Forum readers,

My name is Larry Thomas and I am currently writing to you from Wiesbaden , Germany . I am currently looking for your review of my research and a review from others within the general public,the government, the media and those in the religious and academic communities.

The total work itself is religion and science based and was created in 2004 and is a combination of several fields of study such as, Neurology, Cosmology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering, Astronomy, Religion, History, etc just to name a few in advance.

The written work is posted on a free website which has its annoying Ads, so your pop-up blockers should be set at max on your web-browser to avoid them. The address of the material is posted at or it can be Googled under the title of the research called Ascension Q.

Each page has its own hyperlinked words which link to Wikipedia for a simple explanation of that word or topic and for visual reference for any person, place or thing in discussion. Some may find that some of the information is argumentative in the way that it is being used, so these links and video references can be used to cross-check what I wrote about for that subject when I used that specific word or topic for any explanation or analogy.

The graphics used in most of the diagrams represent actual things and representations in computer model form and in photographic imagery. Several of the computer models and images present in the site itself are already in publication in some science books and documentary films seen today. Each diagram is accompanied by a descriptive paragraph which explains the diagram in more detail other than the story that the diagram presents itself when one studies it in a hieroglyphic way.

The research covers the field of quantum physics which states that there may be a spiritual underpinning to the entire known material universe. My work explains what the soul is and what it is made of and it explains the process by which the soul ascends into the universe through scientific and religious information and beliefs.

There are many scientific video references dealing with the discussion of the soul attached to this research which should be viewed to understand how a theoretical physicist, philosopher, neurologist or psychologist views the soul and if science can actually seek the soul as discussed in these documentaries. The research shows and points out the connections between man and the universe and how its design is reflected in us in a mirror image like comparison.

The design or structure of the observable universe ( cosmic web) as we know it has the same appearance as the human neurons when seen from afar. Other patterns that give indications of mans connection to the universe is the hair spiral galaxy pattern resting on the back of each human head. Even the process of fertilization from copulation shows that the sperm cells and the ovum mimic the visual characteristics of a star or sun during solar flare activity or eruptions.

Most scientists will say that we are in the universe and the universe is within us which seems to be true and holds more similarities than just our elemental composition when one sees the same designs or patterns reflected or mirrored in and on us.

Science is now taking a deeper look at consciousness in the universe at the sub-atomic level and discovering that there is an ocean of intelligence that permeates the quantum world and also gives rise to matter.

My work in detail is a combination of ideas and concepts brought together by intuition and scientific study. Its first approach in its unorthodox form doesn't make any predictions that would lay it on the grounds of testable subjects. But a full review of the material through the ideas and the concepts could give the reviewer his own inner predictions on the subject through understanding the Ideas and the concepts.

Some of my work in particular can be tested for instance I have a page called Fractal Man in my work. I've discovered through careful observation and through testing that a measurement and perhaps a gene as well can determine the dominate hand a person will use.

The prediction states that the fractal spiral located on the back of the human head has a center point that falls on the side of either the left or right hemisphere of the head ( this also relating to the brain as well) to reveal the dominate hand of that person.

Testable approaches to this prediction involve placing a line down the center of a person’s head which separates the hemispheres. The eye of the spiral tends to fall on either side of the head in credible examples through images.

The observer of the experiment writes down the location of the eye of the spiral on either side of the head before knowing the test subjects dominate hand. All of the data can be recorded from 100 test subjects with high defined spirals to discover that an accuracy rate in using this technique would show that a dominate hand theory would he high.

The spirals on the back of the head of people born in the northern hemisphere have spirals that spin counter clockwise.This is the same direction hurricanes spin in as well in the northern hemisphere. The typhoons of the southern hemisphere spin the opposite direction and the spirals in the human head for those living in that region should be as well. There are cases where there are two spirals on the back of the head which point to ambidexterity in that person

There is defiantly a pattern present there which would indicate such results as projecting a hand dominance in human beings with a high enough accuracy rate through this technique. I have had a high success rate of projecting a persons dominate hand by observing the back of their heads before knowing the subjects strongest hand.

Further DNA or biological testing could result in a discovery of a biological process that determines hand dominance at birth either from the mother or the father depending on whose dominate biological process overrides who. The awkward multiple spirals could be related to these other type of handedness

. There are four main types of handedness:

* Right-handedness is most common. Right-handed people are more dexterous with their right hands when performing a task.

* Left-handedness is less common than right-handedness. Left-handed people are more dexterous with their left hands when performing a task. About 8-15% of people are left-handed.

* Mixed-handedness, also known as cross-dominance, is being able to do different tasks better with different hands. For example, mixed-handed persons might write better with their left hand but throw a ball more efficiently with their right hand. However, many writers define handedness by the hand used for writing, so Mixed-handedness is often neglected.

* Ambidexterity is exceptionally rare, although it can be learned. A true ambidextrous person is able to do any task equally well with either hand. Those who learn it still tend to sway towards their originally dominant hand.

There is strong evidence that prenatal testosterone contributes to brain organization. One theory is that high levels of prenatal testosterone results in a higher incidence of left-handedness. This could be why there are more left-handed males than females and also the increased incidence of left-handedness in male twins.

Some other interesting studies have been done that show the possibility of handedness occurring as early as in the womb which would indicate a biological process.

This spiral pattern is also seen in the DNA, hurricanes, typhoons, spiral galaxies, whirlpools, sunflowers, a vortex and in spin at a sub atomic level.

All of the pages are linked to the homepage Ascension Q which should be referred to in case one gets lost in all the pages so any link should be "right" clicked and opened in a new tab or window and closed out after review. I would appreciate any feedback that you would have to offer in regards to the information posted on the website and within the video references. Please feel free to contact me via the contact information on the contact page or through this email address.

The TEXT size and page style can also be adjusted through the "VIEW" option of YOUR web browser. Choosing "No style" in the view option under "page style" renders the page into a white background with black lettering and no multicolored text.

Feel free to pass the research along to any that you know of that would be interested in an honest review of the material. Thank you.

With humble regards

Review these three pages from my work entitled "The Universe" , "The Unified Field" and "God Brain" for a quick look into what is being covered in this work.

The Universe:

The Unified

God Brane
Or maybe cesspool.
It's crackpottery with scientific buzzwords added.