As Salam Alaikum, La ilaha ilallah


I have done what I came to do here on Sci-Forums, You can read what I have said in my post history.

Fare-Well to all inshallah, May he guide you to the right path before it is too late, staying here posting would not be productive it is tme I be gone from this place. Many of you have alot to learn yet you will remain stubburn until the last day in your ignorance, on the day of your judgement you will say "oh but only if we were dust in the wind".

I wish all of you the best experience here on earth and it would be wise to remember death when you pray.

Only god may unlock the keys on your hearts I see I can not do the work of a prophet I am sorry.

For those of you who are righteous and do the work of good deeds, you are on the right path but over-stand that you are surrounded by evil here and grumblers, be carefull not to let them corrupt your mind with techno sorcery and false idea's.

May peace be with thee,

No. You do not get to walk away into the clouds with a higher purpose- here you pay what is due. And what is due is you coming back from the grave to profess yourself a prophet, yet unable to convince more than one person that you're a prophet.

I said it many times: if you have a point to make, then make it. You clearly do not; you clearly FAIL.

We all have our own personal moments of glory when the heavens are opened to us and we can see clearly. And it takes a while to adjust reality to it. But few of us shoot off at the mouth and proclaim doctrine, which is all you did here and FAILED.

Good luck scaling that mountain- it's a good analogy for the mountain of bad karma you brought yourself that you need to rid yourself of.

And here I am- a poster with 1,500 posts. Saying goodbye to a poster with 9,000 posts.

Fare-Well to all inshallah, May he guide you to the right path before it is too late, staying here posting would not be productive it is tme I be gone from this place.

Bye Chi..

Take care and enjoy the time raising the kids!:p

Stay well..!!

For those of you who are righteous and do the work of good deeds, you are on the right path but over-stand that you are surrounded by evil here and grumblers, be carefull not to let them corrupt your mind with techno sorcery and false idea's.
Awwee come on!

Spoil my fun..:bawl:

*Stirs cauldron of "techno sorcery"*

Only god may unlock the keys on your hearts I see I can not do the work of a prophet I am sorry.
sorry to see you do not have the patience to give them the resources to help them find the key.
over-stand that you are surrounded by evil here and grumblers, be carefull not to let them corrupt your mind with techno sorcery and false idea's.

they lose..
sorry to see you go..
Chi your enlightenment is just that "yours". Becoming discouraged and defensive regarding how others receive or perceive you and your new religion is not helping "your" cause!
thank you god for showing chi the way
thank you for bestowing mercy on sci

god is great
Good timing, EmptyForceOfChi, because you just earned yourself a 1 month ban, with you 4 active infraction points.

You may choose to return after 1 month, or you may choose not to return. If you do not return, I wish you all the best in your "real life".