Artificial Intelligence Awakens - Scary or Cool?

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
With Google announcing that "computers are opening their eyes" and that 2015 was a breakthrough year in AI, and the information that AI just learned to write with new machine learning program, I guess it's time to be either in awe or panic.
While I'm super excited about the advances in AI, I admit I feel scared in the same time, not because of Matrix or whatnot. Simply, my biggest fear is uselessness of humanity in years that come.

I found two awesome pieces on this matter (they're longer read, but it's worthy):

AI Revolution: Part 1
AI Revolution: Part 2
It's tempting to venture that the completely unexpected might happen in regard to a future of artilects and sapient robots. However, this is one area where it seems that every potential option / variation has been outputted at one time or another by speculative fiction and technical futurism books and articles.

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"Aside from encountering an underground alien colony there that told us to get lost or face annihilation, no one predicted the outlandish possibility that we would to to the Moon and then just stop. No further manned landings on it and other bodies after the Apollo phase. No Lunar and Martian bases established or anything."
The two works in progress that I am familiar with is Bayesian programming and deep learning. But when you say "awakens", what technological advances specifically are you referring to?
I agree it's fearful and I too do want humanity to remain useful. They are needed to program the computer so I believe they will always remain. This is UNLESS the machine programs itself:


GET (A/1)

PUT (A+(A/1))



The first letter is taken and placed at the end of the program, and second at the end plus 2 etc.

When the program has finished writing it will run what it has just written (appended.) A similar program that tkes each letter frokm it's own place and replaces it disproves evolution as it is without change. However the program may have to run for longer perios, but I believe it will be without change regardless. However "random" letters may be found if the letter is appended to the file but PLUS it's own number. For example 1=A+1,2=A+2,3=A+3 etc.
With Google announcing that "computers are opening their eyes" and that 2015 was a breakthrough year in AI, and the information that AI just learned to write with new machine ledarning program, I guess it's time to be either in awe or panic.
While I'm super excited about the advances in AI, I admit I feel scared in the same time, not because of Matrix or whatnot. Simply, my biggest fear is uselessness of humanity in years that come.

I found two awesome pieces on this matter (they're longer read, but it's worthy):

AI Revolution: Part 1
AI Revolution: Part 2
May be the global warming, pollution, crisis of our ecosystem is scary. So I think we should think about artificial intelligence (ROBOTS) carefully.
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A.I. will never be achieved. As posted in another thread computers are simply calculators: computers were designed to be so and so any A.I. will be the result of an equation. Computing ALL possibilities will yield ANY (if there are any) robots. We must include a division by zero (as zero is a part of the numeracy construction (0+(1-9))):



We are without result!


Provides a cancellation of +- leaving x*x/x


or (((45*45)+1)/46)-1

This uses ALL operators!

Also dividing by zero should bring about something that does not exist i.e. A.I. If A.I.=0 then the division described should bring the noise. It doesn't!
A.I. will never be achieved. As posted in another thread computers are simply calculators: computers were designed to be so and so any A.I. will be the result of an equation. Computing ALL possibilities will yield ANY (if there are any) robots. We must include a division by zero (as zero is a part of the numeracy construction (0+(1-9))):



We are without result!


Provides a cancellation of +- leaving x*x/x


or (((45*45)+1)/46)-1

This uses ALL operators!

Also dividing by zero should bring about something that does not exist i.e. A.I. If A.I.=0 then the division described should bring the noise. It doesn't!
Do you even realize that none of that is coherent?
A.I. will never be achieved. As posted in another thread computers are simply calculators: computers were designed to be so and so any A.I. will be the result of an equation. Computing ALL possibilities will yield ANY (if there are any) robots. We must include a division by zero (as zero is a part of the numeracy construction (0+(1-9))):

That's not how AI works. Briefly said, it won't fail if some calculations require a division by zero. These can be avoided, and the result can either be treated as zero or infinity. But usually division by zero isn't even a problem. An AI also does not need to calculate ALL possibilities. It usually has strategies to prune or crop the problem space and only calculates strategies which are promising. Often an AI just "guesses" much like humans do, and this is a surprisingly efficient and effective approach.