Artificial Intelligence and China


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I just received this in my email. Can somebody shed some light on this. Is this a method to buy the book or what?

China, the Mossad, and Artificial Intelligence: An Extensive Overview
of Gordon Thomas' "Seeds of Fire" and Beyond (part one)
by Victor Thorn

NOTE: "Seeds of Fire" is available from Dandelion Books at:

NOTE: Nearly all the information in this essay comes from Gordon
Thomas and his book, "Seeds of Fire." I am merely acting as a conduit
to bring it to you, and to encourage you to purchase this book as
quickly as possible.

The most explosive book in America right now is Gordon Thomas' "Seeds
of Fire." The only problem is, certain `powers-that-be' have made it
very difficult to find. Why? Well, in a piece that will be published
in full next week, Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, explains
how a very concerted "privishing" effort was utilized to keep this
book from hitting the bookstore shelves. Privishing, by the way, is
defined by author Gerard Colby as the publishing industry's way of
"killing off a book without the authors' awareness or consent." He
continues, "The mechanism used is simple: cut off the book's
life-support system." This can be done any number of ways, as Carol
will show next week. The important point to remember is that
regardless of how potentially dangerous any given publication is, if
the public isn't "allowed" to read it, how damaging can it be? This is
a very important concept to remember.

Anyway, "Seeds of Fire" is dangerous because it reveals, more than any
other book released within the last year, a secretive plot fomented by
the Controllers to deliberately undermine America while at the same
time enabling China to become the next world superpower. Aided by the
Israeli government, and especially the Mossad, China is undoubtedly
this nation's greatest threat – a plotting, inhuman beast ready to
strike at us when we've been sufficiently weakened. Folks, I'm going
to say this in the starkest terms possible: our country is being
set-up to take a mighty fall, and when our economy and military are
stretched to their thinnest points, China is going to storm in and
give us a royal ass-whipping. Once we're beaten to a pulp and
thoroughly defeated, China will reign supreme as the next global King
of the Hill.

The reason I'm writing this review is (I would imagine) the same as
why Mr. Thomas wrote his book and Dandelion published it. We're trying
to get this information out to the public before it's too late. And
believe me; the wheels are being set in motion to implement a massive
shift in world power. I've written before about how the Controllers
have set their sights on China, viewing it as a huge untapped market
waiting to be exploited. Once that happens and America has been
knocked from its perch and loses its vaulted position atop the pyramid
of control, try to imagine the resulting consequences. Our standard of
living will drop, our influence around the globe will plummet, and
somebody else – an entire race of people that view us with disdain –
will be the vehicle through which the Controllers continue to pull
their evil shenanigans. In other words, all of the privileges that
we've come to enjoy will be stripped away from us and given to China.

Before I get into the actual review of this book, I have to ask you:
what will it take to propel us into action before time runs out? The
Controllers have already leveled the World Trade Centers, and look at
what happened when they did. I don't want to minimize the affects of
that atrocity, but believe me; that was only the first step. The next
time they decide to `bring us to our knees,' we won't know what hit
us. If 9-11 was a slap in the face, stage two of their evil plan will
be a full-blown knockout punch. Then what are we going to do? (And if
you still don't think that hidden forces were behind the WTC attacks,
you better start paying attention. The preponderance of evidence is
overwhelming.) I know people that experienced full-blown depression
for at least three months after 9-11. How in God's name are they going
to cope with an unleashed total assault on our collective
consciousness? The effect will be debilitating, if not altogether
crippling. I don't know how loud I have to yell this, but here goes:

Okay, with that introduction in mind, let's take a look at "Seeds of
Fire." A few pages into this book, Mr. Thomas mentions a figure who
gained prominence in recent times – Wen Ho Lee – who was accused of
passing defense and nuclear secrets to the Chinese. The only problem
was - all charges were dropped by U. S. District Court Judge James
Parker because, in reality, Lee was working instead on a program
called Project HP that delved into the futuristic concept of
Holographic Portals. These scientists from Los Alamos working at the
Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Laboratories were pushing the envelope
of "ET technology" and were trying to make contact with existences
beyond those on our planet. An authority on this subject and
behavioral scientist with sources at the National Security Agency, Dr.
Richard Boylan, says that the `nuclear secrets' mentioned in Lee's
case were actually code words for secret advanced technology such as
antigravity propulsion and psychotronic remote mind-control devices.
This type of research goes all the way back to the CIA's infamous
MK-ULTRA, which we developed after smuggling Nazi scientists into our
country via "Project Paperclip." After letting them loose to wreak
havoc, these evil men ultimately wanted to develop the ability to
control people. The Russians then further developed these procedures,
which the Chinese are now refining and perfecting.

Now, if you're wondering what any of this has to do with China, bear
with me. I promise that by the end of this essay, everything will be
tied together. Plus, even better, there are new reports surfacing that
provide a light at the end of the tunnel and ultimately give us hope.
So, although the situation facing us is precarious, it's not all
gloom-and-doom. If we pay attention to what's going on, peek through
the veil of illusion, and actually take action, we can still save this
country from the peril that the Controllers are deliberately burdening
us with.

With that in mind, let's switch our attention to Area 51 for a moment.
As most everyone knows, this once top-secret military base is
invariably associated with UFO's and alien technology. And although
the government did tinker with `reverse technology' in the past, for
the most part, the `little green men from outer space' scenario has
been a smokescreen. What's really going on at Area 51, and other
lesser-known installations, is Artificial Intelligence (AI) research.
In fact, there's even an AI lab in the "Dreamland" section of Area 51
called "S-4." There, scientists are experimenting with brain implants
in relation to robots in hopes that one-day, within this half of the
century; they'll be able to create machines that can actually surpass
man via the use of electronic brains.

Kevin Warwick, a professor of Cybernetix at the University of Reading
in England, says with confidence, "Machines will one day become the
dominant life form on earth." Did you notice that he called machines a
LIFE FORM? So, the big `secret' at Area 51 (and other such places)
isn't alien intelligence, but Artificial Intelligence! Warwick
continues, "The frontiers of space can be seen in a different way when
the frailties and limitations of humans are removed. This will be
achieved well before 2050. The human race will probably by then be
surpassed by a network of intelligence machines that were created by
humans. In doing so these creatures will have orchestrated the
destruction of the human race."

Now, if all of the above is true, why don't we simply ask Dr. Wen Ho
Lee himself? That's certainly an option, except for one minor detail.
In return for being set free and having all charges against him
dropped, the government demanded that Lee swear himself to secrecy
concerning his research. A convenient little arrangement, don't you

Since we've mentioned Dr. Lee again, the next natural step is to
examine the Chinese government's relationship to America's military
institutions. If you didn't know it, the CSIS (Chinese Secret
Intelligence Service) DID penetrate our installation at Los Alamos,
but not with Wen Ho Lee's help. Instead, they joined forces with an
intelligence agency of a different sort – Israel's Mossad! Yes, now
we're getting into areas that are very touchy, and extremely
dangerous. In fact, Bobby Ray Inman, former CIA head, described Israel
as one of a half-dozen country's with a "government directed,
orchestrated and clandestine effort to steal U.S. military and
economic secrets."

Could this revelation be true? Israel, the country which we give over
$5 billion in foreign aid to a year and our supposed ally, actually
spying on and trying to sabotage our nation? Well, it's true, and it
gets much worse. To show this country's mind-set, Meir Amit, former
Director of the Mossad, was quoted in a CIA report on December 15,
1986 as saying, "Mossad should live by the credo `Israel first, last
and always'."

Well folks, strap on your seatbelts and get ready to hang on because
I'm here to tell you in no uncertain terms that China is NOT America's
friend, and neither is Israel. I can say that because the Mossad and
CSIS – the two most dangerous intelligence forces in the world – have
teamed together. And here's what they've been up to. Israel was the
first to obtain Los Alamos secrets. Then, in a move beyond
forgiveness, they shared this highly explosive information with China
– America's greatest threat at the time being. As payment, the Chinese
gave Israel their latest military secrets to keep them one-step ahead
of their Arab enemies in the Middle East. Now I don't know about you,
but the Mossad and the Chinese secret service joining together scares
the living hell out of me!

Why? Because Israel is playing both ends against the middle. They
sided with the United States for decades because we were king of the
hill. But now that they see China slated to replace us, they're
switching their allegiance to them while still sucking vast amounts of
U.S. foreign aid out of us. Worse, the hidden Controllers are drawing
us into a god-awful Middle-Eastern Israeli/Palestinian war that will:

a) Further enrage Arab and Muslim hatred for us.
b) Weaken our military forces by spreading them even thinner (don't
forget about India/Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.)
c) Lead to further economic disaster – the more money we borrow to
fuel our War Machine, the more money we need to payback in interest.

If any of you think for a second that Israel is our friend, you're
seriously deceiving yourself. Israel cares about one thing; and one
thing only – ISRAEL! I mean, would an ally hire Jonathan Pollard, a
civilian senior analyst at our top-secret Navy Field Operational
Intelligence Office in Suitland, Maryland to steal our intelligence
reports? As Gordon Thomas said in "Seeds of Fire": "In the time he had
spied for Israel, Pollard read and copied and transmitted every
worthwhile secret the United States possessed." Keep this sentence in
mind, for it reiterates what the CIA's George Tenet said: "Pollard
stole every worthwhile intelligence secret we have." Think about this
for a moment. The Mossad possesses ALL of our secrets, and they've
recently joined forces with the CSIS and are exchanging information
with them. The key to the future of mankind at both Los Alamos and S-4
(Area 51) are now in the hands of our most dire enemy – China!

How did things get so bad? It all started with a software program
created by William Hamilton called Promis (Prosecutors Management
Information Systems) that was designed to share information between
various databases, and to also track information from other databases
by tapping into them. Hamilton explained to the Department of Justice,
"Enhanced Promis has the ability to track every citizen in the United
States by accessing their personal data files. The barest details of
their lives would be sufficient: a birth certificate, marriage
license, driver's license, or employment record."

Promis was obviously a powerful piece of software with the potential
to be so all-encompassing and octopus-like in its reach that Deputy
Attorney General Lowell Jensen labeled it, "one of the greatest
discoveries of this century."

Realizing its benefit as an intelligence tool, the LAKAM, operating
out of Israel's Ministry of Defense and even more secretive than the
Mossad, sent the most notorious spy in the world – Rafi Eitan – to
steal it. Eitan (who was the principle figure in setting up the
Irangate arms-for-hostages deal) "obtained" a copy of the Enhanced
Promis software; then presented it to LAKAM programmers, who
deconstructed it. The software was then sold to secret service
agencies, terrorists, and financial centers all over the world.
There's only one catch to this story, though. Granted that such an
undertaking was not only blatantly ILLEGAL on Israel's part; and a
betrayal against the U.S. in no uncertain terms, the Israeli's also
pulled one final trick. After ripping the Enhanced Promis software
apart, they installed a "trap door" before putting it back together
again that would allow them to know ANY information on the host system
that was using it.

Do you know what this means? Say, for instance, this software was
installed into YOUR computer. Because of the back door that nobody
knew about when they illegally bought it, the Israeli's could see
EVERY FILE on your computer. Every one! So, when the Israeli's began
selling the stolen software on the black market, one would wonder why
they'd lay such a golden egg into the laps of their enemies. But with
the trap door, it becomes evident. They could spy on everything their
adversaries were doing! And to whom were they selling it? To name a
few: the IRA, England's MI5, the Russian Mafia, the Jordanian
government, Sweden's Credit Suisse Bank (with a wealth of financial
data), the Soviet Union's military intelligence, Germany's secret
service (BND), and last but not least, the Chinese government, which
was intent on breaking into our labs at Los Alamos and unearthing all
of our military secrets. Also on their agenda was Sandia Labs, where
we arm our nuclear subs and also do research into time travel and

Once again, Israel and China are in cahoots to undermine the United

The man who sold the doctored Enhanced Promis software to China's
secret service was none other than publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell.
He was also instrumental in selling this program to spy agencies all
around the world before he got "knocked off" for talking too much and
not being able to meet his financial obligations. (Do you remember him
drowning after "falling off" his boat a few years ago? The Controllers
have a way of eliminating those who become a problem.)

Understanding the ramifications of Israel's role in supplying this
stolen, doctored, illegal software to shady organizations all over the
world (that THEY and only they benefited from), is crucial. A ruling
by the U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee declared in no uncertain
terms, "A foreign power – the state of Israel – has been engaged in
ACTIVE ESPIONAGE against the United States by the illegal use of
Enhanced Promis software."

What makes this matter even more appalling is that the powers-that-be
in our own country know about the Trojan Horse that was installed in
the back of this software that was sold to spies, criminals, and
governments across the world – and which invariably leads back to the
Israeli secret service – and they're not saying a word about it to
prosecute or expose them. It's truly sickening. John Cohen of the
House Judiciary Committee summed it up when he said, "There is a
putrid stench that reaches across party lines in Washington and
involves cover-ups by VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS and foreign governments,
specifically Israel's. Though tens of millions of dollars have been
spent investigating the `Inslaw Affair,' they have all failed for one
reason only. Very powerful people do not wish the truth to get out."

And what is the truth? Well, we'll get to that in time, but before
that it's important to realize how world government operates on a
daily basis. It isn't by the "selected" leaders that the Controllers
put into office. Nah, it's the secret societies and intelligence
agencies that really make the world go `round. Meir Amit, former
Director-General of the Mossad, spoke of transitional administrations.
"They are often only temporary stewards of government. The
intelligence community often remains in power for a decade, often
longer. To understand that is to see the world in a new way. Not the
world of elected government. But a far more powerful one, the one that
lies beneath."

Sean McDade of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who performed one of
the most extensive investigations into this sordid affair, said of the
Inslaw Scandal in a memo to his superiors in 2000, "If made public …
more than one U.S. Presidential administration will be exposed because
of their knowledge and complicity." He then went on to indict Israel.
"The Israeli Mossad modified the original stolen software by Rafi
Eitan, which was the `first back door.' Later it became a `two-way
back door,' allowing the Israeli's access to top U.S. weapons secrets
at Los Alamos and other classified installations in the U.S. The
Israelis now possess all the nuclear secrets of the U.S. Compared to
this espionage coup, it can be categorically stated that the Jonathan
Pollard case is insignificant."

Folks, the above information isn't coming from some schmuck sitting at
a barstool spouting off. These are credible, reliable sources speaking
about Israeli espionage that was so severe that it made the Jonathan
Pollard case pale in comparison. Yes, the Mossad has teamed up with
China to remove our military secrets, all of which are now floating
around in a cyber-world of doctored software, back doors, and
misguided alliances. And now our greatest enemy, China, is in the
driver's seat due to Israel's complicity.

At this point we should take a brief look at the Chinese and see why
we should be so suspicious of them. Yeah, this isn't a nation of nice
guys. Instead, they're the ones who sold Iraq the ingredients
necessary to develop their hydrogen bomb, specifically large
quantities of lithium 6 hydride. But that's not all. They've been
dealing arms to Middle Eastern countries for years, and in 1990 alone
they sold $300 million worth of military hardware to Syria, Iran, and
Iraq. Premier Li Peng even referred to his native China as "the new
friend of the Arabs." Nice guys, huh? During the Reagan
administration, China sold the Saudis missiles with a 2000-mile range,
plus brokered Silkworm missiles with poison gas warheads to both Iran
and Iraq. If you ever wondered where these dirtball countries are
getting their explosives and weaponry, a good place to start looking
(apart from the United States) is Russia and the People's Republic of

But an even better indicator of what type of people rule China can be
found in the ruthlessly brutal Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. If you can
remember that fateful event, the students in question only wanted two
things – freedom and democratic rule. What did they receive for their
efforts? A bloody massacre. When the Chinese military retaliated,
there were 4,000 deaths and 6,500 people wounded on the very first day

But how did the Controller-brainwashed politicians and business
leaders react to this atrocious massacre; and all of China's other
appalling human rights violations? Well, they gave them MOST FAVORED
NATION trading status and started funneling billions of dollars into
their economy! Doesn't this reaction seem odd to you, even downright
WRONG, especially from a country that supposedly places such a high
emphasis on concepts such as equality and rights?

There's only one problem, though; the Controllers who manipulate our
leaders like George Bush, Sr. and Bill Clinton, and now Bush Jr. don't
give a damn about justice or righteousness. Nah, they're only concerns
are power, money, and a side dish of war as an appetizer. To them,
China isn't a barbaric society with zero regard for individual
citizens. Instead, they view it as a huge untapped economic market
waiting to be exploited. In fact, during the last decade,
Controller-operated companies and governments have invested untold
mega-billions into China. Dow Chemicals pumped $56 million into a
processing plant, while AT&T laid out an entire communications system
for them. That was pretty nice of us, don't you think, especially for
a country that holds our values so close to their heart?

The primary devil spearheading this traitorous operation is none other
than Bilderberg/CFR luminary Henry Kissinger, who has pumped billions
of dollars into the Chinese economy via his company, Kissinger
Associates. Gordon Thomas says of him, "More than any other American,
he has been responsible for promoting U.S. investments in China."
Kissinger even created the highly lauded "American-China Society" with
former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. And guess who was on the Board
of Directors of this `association' over the years – Gerald Ford, Jimmy
Carter, Richard Nixon, National Security Advisors McGeorge Bundy,
Robert McFarlane, and Zigbniew Brzezinski, and former Secretary's of
State Dean Rusk, Edward Muskie, Alexander Haig, and William Rogers.
It's good to see that our former public officials have such high
regard for the best interests of this country. If it were up to me,
I'd court-martial the entire lot and hang `em upside down by their
feet like the Italians did to Mussolini. Traitors!

What Kissinger Associates do is influence their clients to invest in
China. There was David Rockefeller's Chase-Manhattan that plunked-down
$270 million for a nuclear power plant at Daya Bay (which was
subsequently used to make nuclear weapons – thanks David, ya fucking
chump). Or how about American Express that fronted $138 million for a
Beijing office complex, or Atlantic Richfield who laid $170 million
for a natural gas field. Aren't you glad that these companies are
`helping' a country that steals our military secrets and kills anyone
that dares speak out against them?

The most grating aspect of this scenario is our continuing lack of
resolve in the face of how China stands diametrically opposed to what
America is supposed to represent. But instead of completely banishing
them economically, its business as usual, with American companies
pouring more and more money into their coffers. The act that most
personifies our intentions toward China was the slaughter at Tiananmen
Square. Here's what transpired. George Bush was getting ready to
invade Iraq, but he wanted full support in the United Nations. The
only problem – China was hesitant to give their nod of approval unless
they got something in return. So, if the United States took a hard
line and denounced the brutal murders that took place at Tiananmen
Square, the Chinese would not vote in favor of our Iraqi invasion in
the U.N.

In other words, President Bush sold out in the most abhorrent way
possible. China outwardly pissed-on freedom and any hint of democracy;
then we turned around and gave them Most Favored Nation status and the
assurance of loans through the World Bank. We also ended all trade
restrictions with China, allowed them to enter the World Trade
Organization, and welcomed them as part of GATT. But the Globalist
controlled love-fest didn't end there. China forwarded to the U.S.
information on their military sales to Iraq that our NSA satellites
couldn't locate. By January, 1991, the Pentagon had the exact location
of every Silkworm missile site in Iraq, plus all their other weaponry.
In addition, we also knew where the lithium 6 deuteride used for
making hydrogen bombs was stored (which, by the way, was sold to Iraq
by China from a nuclear power plant in inner Mongolia). In all, when
we ultimately invaded Iraq and Saddam Hussein, it was like shooting
fish in a bowl – or like adults beating up a six-year old child.

But wait – there's more! When the Chinese government was going to
stage `trials' for the students they hadn't already slain (a total
mockery of justice), they didn't want the U.S. to give them any shit
over the penalties they doled-out (many of which were death
sentences). So, the Bush administration kept quiet like good little
lap dogs while the `rabble-rousers' were unmercifully eliminated. Like
the old Chinese saying goes, "kill one, educate one-hundred."

Since that time over a decade ago, what has transpired? Well, we've
helped China improve their satellites and given them the know-how to
upgrade their missile guidance systems. We're pretty nice guys, huh?
We've also given them advance aviation data for their jets and fighter
planes. Now, who do you think was behind the scenes acting as the
conduit for these deals? At the time, Joseph Brewer, a Washington
analyst, said, "Bush's implicit message to U.S. companies with a total
of many billions of dollars invested in China was clear. Despite the
massacres, they should regard the situation very much as business as
usual. The apologists of Kissinger Associations could not have
expressed their positions more clearly than had the President."

Reinforcing this opinion, the Wall Street Journal reported in
September, 1989, three months after the Tiananmen slaughter,
"Kissinger Associates could be on the verge of earning hundreds of
thousands from a limited partnership set up to engage in joint
dealings with CITIC (a merchandise and banking arm of the Chinese

Three primary individuals took the necessary steps to assure that
China got re-certified with Most Favored Nation trading status. They
were Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, and Prescott Bush (George's
brother). Haig remained a player as chairman of Worldwide Associates,
Inc., a consulting firm with ties to whom? You guessed it – Kissinger
Associates! Through these wheelings-and-dealings, he set-up an array
of joint ventures with the CITIC, thus keeping the machine rolling.
Prescott Bush, on the other hand, was a consultant for Asset
Management International Financing and Settlement, Ltd., where he
raised $60 million to invest in joint Chinese-U.S. projects.

At this point, please don't think I'm picking exclusively on George
Bush, Sr., and his crony James Baker. No, this traitorous behavior
stretches across party lines and successive administrations. Remember,
the Controllers don't care about Republicans or Democrats; they merely
use them as vehicles to accomplish their goals. As you'll see later in
this report, Bill Clinton was guilty beyond words of bending over
backwards to facilitate the Chinese, while Jimmy Carter (after leaving
office) visited the Mainland and suggested that China receive MFN
status, which puts tariffs on imports into that country at the lowest
possible rate.

Even today, the George Bush Jr. administration is packed with devils
doing the Controllers bidding. What do I mean? Well, look at the
former consultants for Kissinger Associates that are currently in the
Bush cabinet or on the periphery. First of all there's Brent
Scowcroft, now National Security Advisor, who was formerly the
Kissinger Associates Washington office director. Or how about Lawrence
Eagleburger in the State Department. Insiders say he's more familiar
with the financial interactions between China and America than anyone.
Finally, good `ol James Baker still pops his head up once in awhile,
shaping foreign policy behind the scenes on orders from George Bush,
Sr., who no doubt is in direct contact with the Controllers. And if
you don't think that the above individuals play a significant role in
determining our foreign policy, check out this December, 2000 CIA
report that says George W. Bush is "at best inexperienced in global
matters." AT BEST INEXPERIENCED! Do you think the Controllers, with so
much at stake, are going to let George W. fuck things up for them?

Since I've mentioned the CIA, we next need to look at a recently
released document entitled, "Global Trends 2015." Here are a few of
the CIA's very startling predictions:

1) China's economic growth will be greater than that of all of Europe
by the year 2010, while Russia's will only be 1/5th of the United
2) China will incite a full-scale trade war by 2010.
3) China will promote various terrorist groups to align and attack the
4) By 2015, the U.S. will surrender its role as world policeman.
5) By 2015, a MAJOR WAR will break out between the U.S. and China!
6) Finally, a direct quote from the CIA's "Global Trends 2015" report:
"China, as it becomes increasingly the NEW SUPERPOWER of the Third
Millennium, is likely to provide biological and chemical weapons and
`suitcase' nuclear devices to wage terror against the United States."

Yet all of the devils from Kissinger Associates, the Bilderbergs, the
CFR and Trilateral Commission keep pumping software, hardware,
weaponry, computers, and advanced technology into their country. What
the fuck is going on? We need to wake up quickly or the hammer is
going to drop!

What China is doing with the technology we're laying at their doorstep
is also very telling in determining what type of society they plan on
creating. The answer, horrifyingly, would make George Orwell shudder
in his grave. Yes, Big Brother has become such an integral part of
China's long-term planning that
... but not very credible

I've always said that unfortunately CHina will beome the next superpower, but...
...the Israel theory I think is completely ridiculous

anyway- this whole essay/theory is too far fetched and made from thin air to be true

maybe some 5 0r 8% are (China and US dumping resources into it), but not more
Kmguru's article said, "Aided by the Israeli government, and especially the Mossad, China is undoubtedly this nation's greatest threat – a plotting, inhuman beast ready to strike at us when we've been sufficiently weakened."

Interestingly enough, many people would describe the American government as "a plotting, inhuman beast ready to strike at others." And with good reason, though i would change the inhuman to inhumane... There are some branches of the American government that are humane, but as far as those in political power go...

I would say that this was just written by a paranoid American.