
no topic, thread closed.

damn, I wish I could do that.
No, this is a useful thread! I'm trying to draw all the bellicose moths to one great flame. :D
Ok. I'll bite.

First, my stats:

I am an atheist of rank 7
I have invisibility powers.
I can throw electricity from my fingertips.
I can deflect incantations and blessings with anti-invocation shields
I can convert holy water to beer
I have level 3 theist-to-atheist conversion power
I will return in like manor

I am a level 9 theologian
I have a +7 Knowledge bonus to Angelic/Demonic
I can speak in tongues
I am a 4th level divine prayer caster
I a have 2nd level summon/turn explainer
I have level 5 laying of hands
Christians don't look at what they see.
Christians look at things they don't see.
The things you don't see are more real than the things that you see.
You see that desk your sitting at.
It'll perish.
I see faith that'll never perish.
Peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience.

Everything's supernatural.
Love..... go down to the drug store and buy me a quarter's worth of love.
I need it. See, you couldn't do it. Buy me a dollar's worth of peace.
You couldn't do it. See? Everything's supernatural.
Everything that belongs in the realm of Christianity is worked by supernatural.
An atheist once said "Anything that can't be scientifically proven isn't real."
Anything that can be scientifically proven isn't real.

Ask an anesthesiologist sometime, there are a hundred rungs on the ladder from consciousness to death, they only take you down about ten of them when they put you under.
Beneath that lies an ocean, the depths of which remain uncharted territory.

In this life, if you imagine yourself as a doctor when your a child,and you work towards that goal believing long enough, someday you realize that dream.
You saw a "dream", you believed in that dream and made that dream a reality.
Its the power of transformation.
By revelation Christians live by the reality of another "world" revealed to them to be real.
Beware of being drawn into the reality most people live in all their lives.
You by instinct think there is safety in numbers.
If you have let the unbelief of others become real for you...then,
Reality is the wool thats been pulled over your eyes.

The Christian looks at the unseen.
Remember, you are endowed with five senses. One of them is sight.
But I'll prove to you your sight don't see everything.
Right in the room your sitting right now, there's living representations of creatures in that room. There's living voices in that room.

If you do not believe me, then go turn on the television and see if there isn't people that's being represented right in your room.
Their figures and their beings are passing through the room. Isn't that true?
The only way you'll ever know it, is with a receiver to pick it up and transform it into reality.
Your five senses don't see everything there is to see.
There are five senses control the body: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear.
But the sixth sense is faith.Which is revelation from God.
You walk by that sixth sense; you talk by that sixth sense; you live by that sixth sense; you die by that sixth sense, and rise by that sixth sense: that super sense, something that's in you, that's different from what the natural man is.
The natural man only has these, and they're all right if they can be brought in submission to the sixth sense.

By this sixth sense mighty miracles have been performed.
It's the most powerful force that ever hit the earth.
There's where the power, "if you believe in your heart..."
Your fifth sense of thinking lays within your brain, but your sixth sense lays in your heart.
You believe with your heart.
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TheVisitor said:
But the sixth sense is faith.
No, faith is a conception, not a perception - senses are perceptions.

Faith is really ultimately a lack of love. If you love a subject deeply enough you will not want to 'believe' - you will want to 'know'.
Hell no. I have faith in my family because I love them, not because I am assured of their love by my all-seeing crystal ball. Faith is the product of love.
Hell no. I have faith in my family because I love them, not because I am assured of their love by my all-seeing crystal ball.

The answer comes after the comma.

The faith in this instance is hope that they love you back, it's not love itself.
SnakeLord said:
The answer comes after the comma.

The faith in this instance is hope that they love you back, it's not love itself.
No, no. Faith is not hope. Faith is a secure confidence in a belief. Hope is, well, hope that the belief is true; a good deal of uncertainty is implied.
Carcano said:
No, faith is a conception, not a perception - senses are perceptions.

Faith is really ultimately a lack of love. If you love a subject deeply enough you will not want to 'believe' - you will want to 'know'.
Faith is a perception,
You have the wrong definition of faith.
Faith isn't some blind mental conception.
It means a Revelation from God.
By that sense you "know", completely, and that knowledge...from the heart is what it takes to operate the power of God in your life.
Something that God has revealed to you from another dimension, where everything in this world is just a shadow of.
Often that shadow is reversed here from the truth.
What feels good is often bad for you.
No chastisement at the present time is enjoyable, but afterward yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness.
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No, no. Faith is not hope. Faith is a secure confidence in a belief.

Well, admittedly you might have serious confidence in it, ("I have faith that the number 12 horse is going to win"), but when you actually drag it down to reality, it literally comes up as "hope".

All the confidence in the world does not hinder or change the reality. That is the difference between faith and knowledge. When you know, you know, when you have faith, you might have confidence that it's true, but at the end of the day you're really just hoping.

Hope is, well, hope that the belief is true; a good deal of uncertainty is implied.

You have described the very meaning of faith:

- Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

As said earlier, you can be as confident as you like - it doesn't mean anything in reality. You can believe whatever you want to believe - it doesn't mean anything. If there wasn't "uncertainty" it would be called 'knowledge', not faith.
Faith and hope have to do with the one who has either, not with external reality. Someone who has faith is certain. Someone who has hope is not. This distinction is easy enough to make.
baumgarten said:
Someone who has faith is certain. Someone who has hope is not.
I wouldn't put it that way; you have to be stupid to be certain about something you don't know. (not that a lot of people who have faith are not stupid... including people who have faith in science)

Faith is the product of a complex chain of reasoning, by which a decision can be made in the absence of enough information to decide. People can have faith in God, but they can also have faith that their car will not be stolen while they go to the theatre. The point here is that you can't drive to the theatre if you have to account for the real possibility that your car might be stolen - in which case it would be better to call a taxi. And if you keep on thinking like that, you find you cannot use your car at all, that it doesn't even make sense to have one.

I think the issue of faith in God is the same thing. You have to live, but you don't have enough information to decide how to live. If you think rationally about the subject, you may conclude that uncertainty makes life as difficult to live as it makes it difficult to own a car. So you just live as if God exists, and if in the end you are wrong, it doesn't matter anyway.
Confutatis said:
you have to be stupid to be certain about something you don't know.

So you just live as if God exists, and if in the end you are wrong, it doesn't matter anyway.

Classic! Thanks!