Ark Genetics


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
If we did not evolve, can someone tell me which of the 8 ark survivors carried the gene of, or was, the African pygmy? Who from the scripture quoting community can fill me in on what part of the Bible to look in for this knowledge?? There are a host of other races with varying characteristics and traits that somehow sprang into existence after the flood in a short time. How is this explained in the Bible if evolution did not occur? Were the ark survivors white, black or what? A satisfactory answer would surely clear up some misconceptions.
snake river rufus said:
Don't hold your breath for that answer.

Sometimes they dig up some amazing quotes. Too bad the quotes don't really get to the point. Meaningless to the non-believer but allegorical to the believer which is just another way of saying it's not really to the point but we'll make it work.

Back to the Ark. Imagine stepping out into a vast wasteland. There isn't a single living soul for an entire world's circumference. From that point they and their broods branch out in every direction to populate the Earth. Those pilgrims must have been some of the strangest families ever seen.

Everything from Pygmies to Patagonians with pure races of black, white, and any other color. The blacks went to where its warm and the whites went north. Just a coincidence that evolutionists would say that's the way it would have happen had we evolved from a common ancestor. Some climbed mountains, some swam or sailed, some trekked across deserts and amazingly every single one of them ended up in a patch of turf that would have suited them had they evolved. An amazing, astounding, coincidence. My question is still out there....which of the ark survivors is or is responsible for the African Pygmy?
There are literally thousands of species of beetle alone. By 7s or even just 2 the walls of the arc would woud be covered, not to mention every other species of every other kind of bug in the world. Hey, maybe there were only two on the arc but they evolved, lol. The global earth flood never happened. At best there was a local flood somewhere that served as an inspiration for the Noahs arc myth. That geological feature that looks like the arc alone disproves the myth, for obviously someone knowing a story about a great flood and seeing that the geological feature looked like a boat made up the myth of the arc.