Arguments For Strong Atheism?


Registered Senior Member
I am a strong atheist (I believe that there is not a god). I cannot legitimately defend that position. I can legitimately defend weak atheism (the lack of belief in a god), but I have no evidence or logical processes that lead me to strong atheism (it's just an arbitrary assumption on my part). Does anyone know any arguments for strong atheism?
Athiest: a word to describe people who don't accept the theory of god

I wonder if there is a dedicated word to describe people who don't accept the big bang theory?
Yeah, can somebody answer Lao? If you can find one, and if it exist, I want to hear the so-called strong argument for atheism ((((giggling)))))......Ill be waiting for it........:)
is it just me or do I feel the word "God is giant purple squid monkey" coming this way.....the strongest argument for pathetic...
OK Whatsup, stop giggling like a silly schoolgirl.

God is a figment of mans imagination.
Originally posted by Vienna

God is a figment of mans imagination.

You made this claim, now prove it, oh you cant? then shut your hole Wang Chung.....Stop brainwashing yourself...
Is it time for the giant purple squid monkey attack again? :D
then shut your hole Wang Chung

This is a comment of which I would expect of a religious nut. Am I glad I got away from religion.

At least I have had the decency to reply to your comments which is more than you do to others.

You have not replied to people on the Thread "Why do you disbelieve?". So, please try to answer them, especially the comments by Tiassa and Cris (They are very intellectual, you may have problems!!!) It will be very interesting to see what you have to say.

And here is another thread which may be of interest to you "The Bible is totally mistranslated". Have a read, it might educate you!

Answer this simple question for me whatsup "Where did the idea of God come from"?
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Quite Colorful

Originally posted by whatsupyall
You made this claim, now prove it, oh you cant? then shut your hole Wang Chung.....Stop brainwashing yourself...
The point, of course, is that there are no good arguments that I've seen for ANYTHING other than weak atheism. That includes strong atheism, theism, and giantpurplesquidmonkeyism.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
You made this claim, now prove it, oh you cant? then shut your hole Wang Chung.....Stop brainwashing yourself...
Is it time for the giant purple squid monkey attack again? :D

ignorance is bliss isn't it?
so is denail.
Lao, I don't think any strong arguements exist for extreme atheism, just as no strong arguements exist for extreme theism. Really the only logical choices in this matter are agnosticism, weak atheism or weak theism. You can be an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist. The extremes cannot offer any proof for their side, nor do they logically make as much sense as agnosticism.

That's my view on it.
Strong athiesm is usually reached by people who take lack of evidence as evidence itself. Weak athiesm or agnosticism is usually reached by those who see lack of evidence as lack of evidence. Theism is usually reached by those who take feelings, emotions and intuition as evidence.
Originally posted by notme2000
Theism is usually reached by those who take feelings, emotions and intuition as evidence.

What? Maybe this is applied to some theists, but not to me and many others....My strong faith of God occured when I experienced Him (Heard him talk twice in my whole life, INCALCULABLE answered prayers till this day, interior locustion (message of the heart), etc..)

lack of consensus

'strong' evidence for the non-existence of god is the lack of consensus on the nature of god in this world.

the vast array of different religions indicates a sense of randomness in the approach of religion. If there was really a god then there wouldn't be this ambiguity.

Therefore the question arises why there isn't a consensus about the nature of god. The answer falls probably in the realm of cultural evolution and is probably a topic on itself
Originally posted by whatsupyall
....My strong faith of God occured when I experienced Him (Heard him talk twice in my whole life,
You mean you've actually heard god speak. Well, does god have a male or female voice, does he speak English or another language, does he have an accent?...I'm curious.
There is a medical term for hearing voices in the head, the good news is that it can be cured.
Vienna, I see that you've switched sides since we last ran into each :cool:

Awoo...Whatsupyall (I can't believe he's still here), please reply to these

the strongest argument for pathetic...
I would like to see how pathetic your strongest arguement for theism is. Come on, I'm up for a laugh.

If you cannot prove something exsists, then it does not exsist until proved otherwise. The exsistance of god has not been proved. It is merely a being made up in the minds of men. And many of us are gullible to believe in something that was made up thousands of years ago. I mean back then people were easily swayed but now, I would think people would know better.

You made this claim, now prove it
Prove to us otherwise and we shall stand aside. It's the way of the world

....Stop brainwashing yourself...
Oh I knew you were good for a giggle. Listen to yourself, if a trained Psychaitrist spent an hour with you, he'd know something was up

Is it time for the giant purple squid monkey attack again?
Man could make one of those...and man has also made god.

My strong faith of God occured when I experienced Him
Oh you just set yourself up for a joke it comes....oh it's too easy!! Just think of butch bikers guys in a public toilet and you'll get my drift!!

Heard him talk twice in my whole life.....REALITY MADE ME A THEIST........
Hearing voices in your head is not reality..maybe your reality, but not the common reality many humans share.

I'll answer Vienna's question shall I
To Whatsup: Answer this simple question for me "Where did the idea of God come from"?
Quite simple really, my lil sister could answer this. Man.

Simple eh
Hello Thor....Where've you been hiding :)

Vienna, I see that you've switched sides since we last ran into each
Yip, I have woken up to reality, and hard facts.
Avoiding the Religion section cos all these arguements get nowhere. I just thought I'd nose around Hi!!

Hi Thor,
Is whatsup a real person or is it some guy just acting stupid just to give everyone a laugh. If it's the latter then he does a very good job...:D