Arguing with Doom

Zero Mass

Registered Senior Member
Please post all arguments for and against our English friend here, instead of clogging up other places on the forum.

Dude, don't get me wrong, I like you and all, I want you to stick around and not get kicked off the forum, so you should hold off on the swearing, and the attacking, and the general aire of "doom" that accompanies each and every one of your posts.

Personally, I think that you can tone it done a bit and be just as effective. Try saying "crap" instead of "shit", and "jagoff" instead of
Originally posted by doom
unintelligent dipshit waffle

Hope this helps you stay on the forum, please don't kill me


Edgar, in case you haven't figured it out yet, you slow-ass-piece-of-crap, I am a real jerk.
I think thats good advice for you doom.
I think you are great but you might get banned and then you wouldn't be able to swear at the christians at all. If you do it in moderation you'll be able to continue this beloved pasttime for years to come.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I think thats good advice doom.
I think you are great but you might get banned and then you wouldn't be able to swear at the christians at all. If you do it in moderation you'll be able to continue this beloved pasttime for years to come.

If i get banned i wont care,life goes on,perhaps ill manage to concentrate on more important things,like washing my socks,or staring at porn,playing x-box or some sh*t.
o yea because first of all he starts insulting me, even though i never realy personally attacked him...and he attacks others.....
Originally posted by edgar
o yea because first of all he starts insulting me, even though i never realy personally attacked him...and he attacks others.....

Yes, I do do that often, don't I. Well, here's my apology:


That make you happy? You craphole!

i thought logical and reasoning people dont use such aggresive and prmitive language.
Originally posted by edgar
i thought logical and reasoning people dont use such aggresive and prmitive language.

Don't know who told you that pice of crap lie, sounds like something a idiot with a dumb OPINION would say

While there are some rational and logical people who do not use "primitive" language, there are also genius men like me who embrace every aspect of language in order to fully be able to express themselves.

Don't post anything else like that on this post again, it is strictly for arguing with doom.

Originally posted by edgar
i thought logical and reasoning people dont use such aggresive and prmitive language.

Better than pretend your intelligent by using words you dont understand,i see this BS all the time,makes me want to puke,like you suddenly become logical or not cos you use certain words.

Ive seen people speak with far more vocabulary than me,but they still sound like an idiot.

If you dont know the meanings of things or what your saying,just make it so people know what you are saying or shut the hell up.
Re: Zero

Originally posted by Prisme
Finally something you and me can agree on. ..!..

Don't be a hater man; we all have to agree that we are all total fuckfaces before we can have any attempt at amiable and constructive conversation.
My opinion is like everyone else's opinion- It sucks and resembles, well, a piece of crap

It's just that my opinion happens to be the least crappy one out there.

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Originally posted by Zero Mass
While there are some rational and logical people who do not use "primitive" language, there are also genius men like me who embrace every aspect of language in order to fully be able to express themselves.
What a wonderfully positive way to look at cursing! :D
Way i see it people in this world are turning into wimps,lazy ass wimps with it.

If you went back 80 years and said you only ate vegatables,everybody would have pointed at you and called you funny names,
nobody wants to work hard,they wanna do everything with a pocket computer and moan,they probably moan there microwave meal takes too long to cook,if the tv's remote control packs in people get too lazy to change things manually.

The tv today is shit,its all friendly bullshit,there trying to cut out swearing and violence,stuff they say is bad is pussy but some wimp is still out there to bitch about violence casuing people to kill or whatever.

Fuck all that bullshit,heres what we do,we make a new tv program where one guy is on a mission to kill everybody cos hes pissed off,we watch him as he runs people over,blows shit up,acts evil,swears,drinks,does drugs and shoots people,and he always wins,he dont act like no normal bad guy thats so dumb he shoots and misses the good guys but the good guy does one shot and hits,no no no the good guys get fed to alligators and you see em ripped up,or he sticks em on spikes.
Originally posted by doom
Fuck all that bullshit,heres what we do,we make a new tv program where one guy is on a mission to kill everybody cos hes pissed off,we watch him as he runs people over,blows shit up,acts evil,swears,drinks,does drugs and shoots people,and he always wins,he dont act like no normal bad guy thats so dumb he shoots and misses the good guys but the good guy does one shot and hits,no no no the good guys get fed to alligators and you see em ripped up,or he sticks em on spikes.
I have to admit I am getting tired of movies where the good guy wins all the time. Life's not like that.
Face it bad guys have more character than the good guys,james bond bad guys were more interesting than that dipshit bond who seems to be bullet proof.

I reckon bond must be a cyborg,like terminator or some shit,cos hes programmed to say the same shit,"bond james bond"
"shaken not stirred"
SHUT UP,thats why hes called 007 <-----thats his model/serial number,the previous ones got killed cos there battery run out,or they were running windows.
Yeah, Sex Machine, version 0. 0. 7.
"Bond, James Bond. Can we have sex now?"
"Err, I'm male."
"Oops, I'm using GOS (Gay Operating System)"
"*cough* Freak *cough*"
"Come and sit on my lap, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up."
"Right, enough of this shit!" Bad guy turns bond off (EWWW. I wonder how?)

You are right when you say the bad guys are more interesting. I have ALWAYS said that a "bad" ending is a good ending. Did you ever watch the series of Mortal Kombat (on at 1am in the morning here in Australia). The Outer World won! Just when I had almost lost my faith in TV...