Area 51

Do you believe in aliens?

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    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • maybe

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • i think this is stupid

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • could you repeat the question?

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Does anyone have any information or linx about Area 51? I have a research paper on the place and im having trouble finding ligitamite[sorry i cant spell, im only human ;)] sources. If you have any info or sites plz email them to me or reply to this or whutever [im new at this]
re, to typha

Hey meg,

Ive droven through Elko, Nevada and on exteresttrial highway. (The highway and town closest too area 51) I have also looked up alot of things on it. I know that workers that lived in Elko, Nevada and worked in the base were threatened by the base that they would be killed if they talked about it. I also know that a majority of the people that worked in the base commuted from an airliner in las vegas. The base set up a top secret plane in the las vegas international airport that carried employees too the base. The plane was disguised as any other commuter passenger plane in the airport, the people boarding the plane were NOT too wear mititary attire and were too blend in with the rest of the public so it just looked like any other flight, not one that transported area 51 employeees to the base.

I believe now they have really scaled back on using area 51 for alot of gov't projects and moved alot of projects to a base in southern utah or another base in the nevada desert. But it is still in use. They still have armed gaurds in jeeps and cameras at the top of lake havasu {not sure on spelling, or it is the correct name of the dry lake bed that area 51 is in, ask dexter he should know} also there = are many consipracies about the base.

Where the moon landing was said to be filmed and faked, in the consiracy of the NASA faking the moon landing and just going to area 51 to flim the craters in the desert and have a man in a bulky suit walk around in the dsert at night. the sets are still said to be kept in the base.

another consiracy, is that the roswell alien and other ufos are supposed to be kept there and any other alien projects [confirm this with dexter i dont know tooo much about the Aliens being kept there, except for people that worked in the base from elko, nevada saying that the say them}

one thing that is a fact that went on in there was the testing of top secret gov't jets and spy planes. The sr71 blackbird had flight tests there as long with the u2. During the cold war the gov't needed a fast high speed spy plane. THey constructed it at area 51 and tested it there too, it was known as the U2 spy plane. They painted whether logos on it and told the media, and most people that it was a weahter plane being tested so in case it crashed off base territory or if people saw it flying.

also go to and search for area 51 it will bring up pictures for you

it was good talking to you today while i did todaty. If you need more info, you can email dexter or me about it or just follow up on here. i hope this helps.

i voted yes on your poll

Thank you very very much for the info! Yeah i read about those planes that they go to work in, i hear that they were called "janet" airlines.
ya, um since when have you rode one the extraterrestial highway????

anyways, they dont commute by plane either, they go by bus. and then they have the famous signs along the parameter of groom lake (the place area 51 is llocated)

russian spy satalites have revield a runway long enough to have 2 space shuttles land at the same time. it is known for being a location of the soposed filming of t he moon landing.

they tested many planes there such as the ar-71 bllackbird (ive kicked the tire of one, when i was liek 5 :))
the stealth bomber (i used to know all the names.... kinda forgot them) that was a crytical part in the gulf war...

though many beileive that they did not test reverse engeneered alien space craft there, they believe that a place located directly south is responsible for those. a ex-worker confessed too it, though if it was real, he would have been "taken care of" and the film would not longer be allowed to b e played on network televison, and i have seen it numourous times.

area 51 is very interesting, not for alien space craft, but for the extreme security and the fact that the gov't denied its existent for nearly 50 years or so......

people have caped out along the highway hopeing to catch a glimpse, and have evan dared to climb the peaks to get a glimpse of the base. a few peple have gotten it .

it has also been dub'd a 'no fly zone' and all unauthorize aircraft 'will get shot down' or told to leave....


yeah ive also read about that airspace, the aviation ppl call it dreamtime or something like that and its like so much bigger than the base itself. I never heard of the bus things before.... oddness. i have heard of the white jeeps that they drive though.
yes i have rode on the highway and yes they did comute by airplanes from las vegas im sure of that to a town near elko where they took busses to the base

AREA 51 has presumably been around for quite a while!

To my observation of publicized reports, all the aircraft such as RS(SR)-71, the U-2, and the proposed Aurora, were first began by the Skunkworks crew of the Famed Kelly Johnson of past years. To my knowledge, Kelly Johnson was to military reconaissance as much as Werner Von Braun was to NASA!!!!!

I have often wondered if NASA was the civillian version of "For Public Consumption" , while the old SKUNKWORKS was the actual level of technology in Aerospace.

From my own paranoid point of view, I damn sure wouldn't put all my technolgy in the spotlight of the very public NASA! I would always want to reserve that "ace up my sleeve," in case the Russians, Chinese, ect.... were to decide to develop a suicide wish and attack my country!

I imagine that this has been (thank God) the point of view of our wonderful military leaders in the past decades. When one takes into account the godawful attrocities of the Germans & Japs of WWII, VS the truly incredible machines developed by the British & American scientists of the time, it would be a bit foolish to think that Space Shuttles and even an X-30 hypersonic space plane is really state of the art technolgy!

I don't have a problem with there being technology above what we have heard of so far. It may not seem fair to many of us, but in all eventualities one has to concede that it is neccesary! <I>FOR IF</I> you and I had it, then you can damn sure bet your sweet ass that the "often aggravating" Sadam would be hiring some out of work Russian scientists and engineers to build it, and use it against the Good OL USA! Besides, if one really loves sci-tech, then one should dream up his own machines rather than expecting the Airforce to fill his boring & blank hours just to entertain.

<i>"I have no response to that"(duh)</I>
<I>"The aliens have stolen my thoughts, as well as my job!!!!!"</i>

<I>"I only tune into Howard to hear what he's gonna say next!" (Mike Hunt)???????</i> :D
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Speaking of Aliens?

Howard I just saw my wife in a green facial cream mask and her hair up in curler's and I got to tell you I think she's a BIGFOOT? They shaved her down and taught her to speak, but she's a big foot!
She can climb the _uck out of a tree though!...LMAO

Bobby James Lee

<b>I found this site while surfing a little while ago.</b>

<i> Haven't had the nerve to actually go to some of the more ????????...... ones ! ! ! !</i>

<font size="4">If one is into the AREA 51 stuff, then this has to be the best site that I've seen so far! ! ! !</font size>

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Area 51 not near ELKO NV

I grew up in a small town that lies between elko and area 51 - area 51 is much closer to Las Vegas than Elko - The government would not fly people out of Vegas to Elko and then make them take a 400+ mile trip on a bus when it would be much shorter 120 miles from Las Vegas. This distance information can be confirmed on Google Maps. You can also see a pretty detailed satellite image of the area on Google Maps by selecting the "satellite" button.
I grew up in a small town that lies between elko and area 51 - area 51 is much closer to Las Vegas than Elko - The government would not fly people out of Vegas to Elko and then make them take a 400+ mile trip on a bus when it would be much shorter 120 miles from Las Vegas. This distance information can be confirmed on Google Maps. You can also see a pretty detailed satellite image of the area on Google Maps by selecting the "satellite" button.,0.085402&sspn=0.127029,0.120678&t=k&hl=en
A better question would be:

If you were a "Nuclear Power" during the Arms race and Cold War period, what 'Evacuation Range' would you draw up around your Silo's and Airbases that deal with arming such bombs?

Now remember if it's one bomb, it's one set footprint but if it's multiple ones stored at one location then the size obviously increases. There is then the questions you could ask about the storage of nuclear material for a number of years at the same location, just look how currently nuclear powerplants are dealt with when they are dismantled, it might give you some clue.