Area 51


Registered Member
Well guys i think that we may have to face the fact that area 51 is non-existant! The us government knows that most peolpe beleive this theory so they are secretly expeirimenting elsewhere while our attention is there....
If anyone thinks that Area-51 is closed down then I suggest that they drive up the dirt road leading to the installation and see how lonely they really are!!!!I assure you that if anything they are working harder there than ever.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited September 23, 1999).]
Well, last i heard Dulce,N.M. is the new Area 51 not saying Area 51 is dead because i believe its still quite alive and well. The 4 corner states are supposed to be underground bases? as well as much activity taking place on the Indian Reservations. But never let them mislead you that Area 51 is dead as i dont believe it will ever die

Eric Cooper
Just to jump in here.

I don't live that far of Area 51. merley 35 miles from it. Area 51 is not near dead. It's not long ago since they seized more land so it would be harder for you and me to look at the base. They also have a much larger no fly zone so people with their private planes can't look down on it.

At a place here, if you stay up at 4-5 AM in the morning, you will see white busses marked Area 51 picking up people..

So it isn't dead.

Dulce NM I agree with that.
Tell me Reticuli, were you planted here by the US government in order to divert attention away from Area 51? are 'they' planning some large experiment and want to make sure that no-one see's it?
Supposedly, Area 51 is still in use, but not with the supersecret (Aurora) projects. I heard that there is a new base in Colorado, and some weird stuff is happening there.
I saw a show which interviewed a nuclear physicist who's job it was to back engineer one of the UFO's. He said that all the real nitty gritty stuff happens at s-4. S-4 is near Area 51. He said people at area 51 don't even have security clearance for whats at s-4 so it must be pretty secret compared to area 51.
Deadwood-What do you think might be there?


"I have to go. I have to...I have to go now."-from Mrs. Doubtfire
Deadwood...the physicist you speak of is Bob Lazar and his credibility was tarnished long ago. Whether or not he was actually there has been questioned many times as none of his credentials or schooling checked out under scrutiny. As far as S-4 it is still a part of Area 51 but its in the mountain side and is supposed to be the hangar where all of this stuff is located. Ie. crashed discs, alien bodies etc. I believe most of them may be at Wrihjt Patterson AFB however.

Eric Cooper
area-51 is still there up and running. now, area-51 is the most famous of the secret bases that the U.S. operates. try to find out about what exactly is going on at Johnson Atoll, which is a small island 720 miles southwest of hawaii. in any case its your tax dollars at work.

You must live somewhere around Ash Springs then? I spent a few days in that area a couple of years ago on vacation. I also saw one of those white buses that picks up some of the Groom Lake workers at the junction of U.S. 93 & S.R. 375/318, I believe it is (where that old burned out building is). I didn't have the nerve to drive up the dirt road, but did take some pictures by the famous mailbox.

And what's up with all the rivalry between the people at the Area 51 Research Center and the Little Ale Inn?

Very interesting place you live in, I must say.

[This message has been edited by Searcher (edited October 31, 1999).]
I think the word secret should be dropped as a prefix for Dulce and "area 51". Clearly they are not secret.

Accept it.