Area 51 Moved to Colorado?


Registered Senior Member
Hey all. Can anyone confirm the movement of Area 51? I mean it is rather difficult to do, but I mean I've started seeing some unusual activity around here in the past few days, such as possible 'earth lights' or other things that could explain it. But I highly doubt the 'earth light' theory. I heard that it moved somewhere in between South and North Park of Colorado in the south west area. Can anyone give me any clue? Although I live in the north part of colorado, it seems that they like to fly here. Let me know.
Depends on what you mean by 'area 51'. Area 51 in Nevada has not had any 'ufo' invovement for some time. (at least that's what I hear) The area has moved, but I can't recall to where. Colorado? I'll be moving there in about 2 weeks. Pue town. Check out Renses' Sightings; You might have to go all the way to the bottom and check past articles.
Hopefully what ever it is will continue till I get there. There are some who think that the flap in CO. is staged, to lead people to report, so the gov't can then come in and ~explain~. Dunno though.
Keep looking!! :)

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
Well the sightings I've seen were very few. In fact too few. There's actually a flap going on here? I haven't seen one if you heard about one.
I had heard that the operations at Area 51 were moved somewhere farther east. I'm drwaing a blank as to what state I had heard.
I understand main personell from area 51 are somewhere in the state of Utah.

There is supposed to be a real fast (mach 9)
vehicle flying out of Vanderberg, on the central coast of CA.

On the ground it appears as a "normal" aircraft. When it gets out of sight of land, all hell breaks loose. It triggers the Richter Scale at Cal Tech. i.e. at 8 am every Monday morning. You can't very well call that an earthquake?

Area 51 or as I like to call it Dreamland has not moved I promise you that it has even grown. There is a base like it in Utah. There are quite a few Dreamlands throughout the country. If anyone thinks they have moved from the
Nellis Range then drive up the dirt road and see what happens.
Alien, I had just seen a clip on TV, I think it was the History Channel showed a desert road with the "no trespassing ect" signs but the cameras were not in place nor did any Jeeps with armed guards show up. A gate was standing wide open. An informant had told the producer the reason for the move was because the North Korean's, as well as the Chinese, have the technology to send a nuclear missile to the location. They got the coordinates from the Russians.

We can only post what we see and what we hear. Every thing we see is not necessarly true. It is not human nature to take everything you see and hear "with a grain of salt".
