Are You Kidding Me ?????


The Smoke that Thunders
Registered Senior Member
:confused: This weeks question:

Morals ??

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Top Doc's across USA. ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!

Win free Plastic Surgery. Enter to Win online.
Fast and Easy. $50,000 value. Enter today. ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!

Get a Booty Lift now!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!

I thought getting a tan was strange enough
(mind you I am not of the European descent)

Can someone PLEASE explain this to me. :(
So, what's wrong with all of that? People can do with their bodies what they wish.
Did you not understand the last question I asked. You did not explain why. But to answer your question. A lot is wrong with that, what about fixing your mental problem instead. You would obviously have one to need that kind of physical improvement. Thats like having a fake rolex and trying to pass it off as real. Are you kidding me??
Why not lay out a nice wee essay on why you think plastic surgery is morally wrong. Then that will give people something to argue with. At the moment you have merely made statements of belief.
So, weak people fix their problems the best way they can. As you noted, the problem is in people, but do you care enough to try changing the people?
guthrie said:
Why not lay out a nice wee essay on why you think plastic surgery is morally wrong. Then that will give people something to argue with. At the moment you have merely made statements of belief.

O.k., sooo did you see me say it was morally wrong ? No you did not. I asked that you explain to me what your reaction to this is. I personnally don't think plastic surgery is wrong when you are trying to fix a problem, but come on breast enhancement ?? Booty lifts ?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?? Whats next. Stomach implants for fat people so they can eat more!!! I don't want people to argue, thats whats wrong with this website already. I just want honesty and if it should be classified as moral or immoral. :bugeye:
No such things as morals. They're all relative. Nothing wrong with a person getting plastic surgery. The only thing it says is that the person is insecure. I'm all for improving one's self wherever it may be because it makes the person feel more confident with themselves. What's wrong with that? Sorry if everyone isn't as perfect as you may be.

- N

P.S. And no, I've never had any surgery before. Hell, never even been to a doctor before except for my childhood shots, heh.
Neildo said:
No such things as morals. They're all relative. Nothing wrong with a person getting plastic surgery. The only thing it says is that the person is insecure. I'm all for improving one's self wherever it may be because it makes the person feel more confident with themselves. What's wrong with that? Sorry if everyone isn't as perfect as you may be.

- N

P.S. And no, I've never had any surgery before. Hell, never even been to a doctor before except for my childhood shots, heh.

That's precisely my point. INSECURITY ! In the end changing your appearance is not going to help your insecurities. It will actually make things worse. And I am perfect without surgery because I am mentally, socially and morally fit. No need for physical change. But that's not the point either this is not about me just about plastic surgery. You did however answer my question though.
Avatar said:
So, weak people fix their problems the best way they can. As you noted, the problem is in people, but do you care enough to try changing the people?

Duhh !! That's the purpose of my post to this issue. First, to see how many people are ok with it. Second, to find out why and what we can do to change our mental thinking instead of paying some chop doc to cut us up and make us something we were never meant to be. :bugeye:
That's precisely my point. INSECURITY !

Most cases, not all.

If you ever got your teeth knocked out, would you get dental surgery, wear dentures, or have no problem being a toothless woman?

- N
Changing your apparance does help with insecurities. Ugly people, I hear, have pretty bad lives. So do fat people. Hell, I have a hard time taking fat people seriously. Most fatties have fat personalities, anyway.
Getting cosmetic surgery is essentially like working out or whatever to buff up, without the health benefits.
am english and live in england

first saw about this happnin in calIforniA

now its friggin here

as soon as digital tv channles arrived....NOW many late night progs have titles thus: 'nip and tuck'; 'celebrity face lifts'; '.......etc
theres one advertized about 3 self-presumed ugly women given the 'opportunity' to go toooo....guess where?....cali fornia for...a....body lift is what
i hear younger and younger girls are wanting it

the hole thang sucks!
Roman said:
Changing your apparance does help with insecurities. Ugly people, I hear, have pretty bad lives. So do fat people. Hell, I have a hard time taking fat people seriously. Most fatties have fat personalities, anyway.
Getting cosmetic surgery is essentially like working out or whatever to buff up, without the health benefits.

:mad: On that note, only you can determine who you think is ugly. What's ugly to you may not be to someone else. Only insecure people think about things like that. The only thing ugly is an ugly attitude! Fat people are simply that. FAT They eat too much of the wrong foods. Doesn't make them stupid or anything, it simply means they enjoy a good meal. Some are insecure though as well but are mentally stable enough to realize that life is not just about how you look etc............................. What I don't understand is why if a european (american) women gets bigger boobs she looks good (fake) but when a woman of color has natural big boobs, she's fat? Why is when Jen. Lopez came out everyone was all over her big booty (lol) but there are plenty of women of color with much better butts than hers their considered fat? :confused:
duendy said:
am english and live in england

first saw about this happnin in calIforniA

now its friggin here

as soon as digital tv channles arrived....NOW many late night progs have titles thus: 'nip and tuck'; 'celebrity face lifts'; '.......etc
theres one advertized about 3 self-presumed ugly women given the 'opportunity' to go toooo....guess where?....cali fornia for...a....body lift is what
i hear younger and younger girls are wanting it

the hole thang sucks!

Exactly !!!! :D
spuriousmonkey said:
Apparently it is not acceptable in this society to be insecure. And that is thought to be normal. Hmmmm....

Do you know how many crimes happen because someone was insecure about themselves??

Rape, serial killers, molestation. Just to name a few.
Rape is a power issue. So is serial killing.
On that note, only you can determine who you think is ugly. What's ugly to you may not be to someone else. Only insecure people think about things like that. The only thing ugly is an ugly attitude! Fat people are simply that. FAT They eat too much of the wrong foods. Doesn't make them stupid or anything, it simply means they enjoy a good meal. Some are insecure though as well but are mentally stable enough to realize that life is not just about how you look etc............................. What I don't understand is why if a european (american) women gets bigger boobs she looks good (fake) but when a woman of color has natural big boobs, she's fat? Why is when Jen. Lopez came out everyone was all over her big booty (lol) but there are plenty of women of color with much better butts than hers their considered fat?
I don't care about Lopez. Why do you? Maybe because you're a consumer whore who can't get over his whoredom?
What's attractive to A, not attractive to B, blah blah blah. Well, most Western people (68% at least) agree on what's attractive. Otherwise we wouldn't have a standard of what's attractive.

Attitutde is unrelated to physical attractiveness. Weight is however, related. Fat people aren't considered attractive. Probably because they're unhealthy and weak. Unhealth and weakness aren't attractive attributes in a mate. Sorry life isn't fair?
First off, how do you know what 68% of westerners say? Did you ask each one what they thought about it ?? hmmm?? Secondly, you're actually making my point. Answer me this then, why are skinny women trying to increase there body weight by adding fake boobs, thighs, calves and butts?? Lastly, the reason rapist have power issues is because they''re insecure about lack of power in there lives. Serial killers kill for a number of reasons. Insecurity and power are both involved. But I digress from the reason for the post anyway.
My main argument against plastic surgery wasn't that it was untruthful or unethical or whatever, but simply that it was ugly.

But now the techniques have vastly improved, and can be very subtle. Even good boobjobs are now nondiscernable from the real thing. Of course it's sad when you use it as a way to boost self esteem, but people always try to look good, and now that plastic surgery does look good instead of making you look like Pamela Anderson or the face-lifted aliens from Star Trek IX, I'm all for it.
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First off, how do you know what 68% of westerners say? Did you ask each one what they thought about it ?? hmmm??
We have this thing called the normal distribution. What is considered generally attractive by a culture is normall distributed. That means in the first 68% of the population, everyone is identical. In 95% of the population, there's more deviation, but essentially everyone agrees what beautiful is. Only 5% of the population disagrees substantially from the middle 68%.
Here's a link for what a normally distributed attibute, IQ. What a culture finds attractive also is distributed in such a manner.