Are you against human-animal hybrids?

Are you for or against human hybrids?

  • For

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Against

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • I want a hybrid monster to do my evil bidding

    Votes: 10 58.8%

  • Total voters


the vatican have complained about the 15% human 85% Sheep hybrid testing. they called it a disgusting insult to human dignity (or something like that). people are saying they cant play god etc, the methods used wont create an actual hybrid with combined features and ability. i wish they would adjust slightly to allow cellular fusions to happen, but never mind i can create my super hybrid army for world domination later or something.

are you against it or not? for what reason is it good or bad in moral terms to you?. i think its a step forward in advancements of the human race, but i would also like to make a human/Lion hybrid or maybe a human whale for my underwater attack squads.
1 and 3, like everyone else. Isn't 3 what every little boy dreams of?
What is immoral about allowing a cell to 'live' for brief period of time to help with medical research?
The vast majority of us, it seems, want hybrid monsters to do our evil bidding. There would be other benefits too - eg lonely, depressed lambs that volunteer to be eaten (and are willing to sign the appropriate release forms).

Also, I agree with Kenny.
Against 100%.

How in the world can you get a combo sheep-human? Absolute disgust.
the vatican have complained about the 15% human 85% Sheep hybrid testing. they called it a disgusting insult to human dignity (or something like that).

The Vatican, now there's a pillar of honesty, NOT!