How do you know that it repeats? Each event is not repeatable; if you can't trust that these events happened, then you can't trust that there actually is this repetition.
1- just because reality doesn't conform to your wishes doesn't mean it aint real
2- WTF? so, a repeated situation that has the same repeated effect and is demonstrably repeated throughout history is not repeated because you simply say each event is not repeatable?
WTF are you smoking?
really... what?
Your own citation does not support this claim.
actually, it does, and i just proved that by the last post, physbong
No, it is unsupported by references that you are not reading. I have taken many courses on scientific methodology and read a great deal. I suggest that you do the same if you are interested.
1- you have given no non-subjective evidence that refutes my claims
or the evidence and references in my posts
2- i doubt seriously you've taken many courses on scientific methodology if you can't see an underlying commonality between all disciplines, so i must invoke RULE 37 and call you a blatant liar on that one
(unless you're a philo major... and then i will state: you argue like one. you think that just because you have a different opinion that there is just cause to believe reality just doesn't exist)
3- argument from authority without evidence - ya might as well be saying you're a toyota because you know where a garage is
A set of features that many different techniques share is not one method. It is a set of features that some sciences have and others do not. Note that there is no claim that any one feature is present in all scientific practice.
and as i stated in the last post: if said "
feature" is an underlying
rule, postulate, procedure or method that is
common to all,
and i proved that one, then it is a definite methodology that is standard across the board
in addition... i didn't just prove it in the last post, i proved it in the beginning with the references/citations that you didn't read but scorned because their initial link was on a wiki page
also note: it aint subjective. it's reality.
That doesn't mean that the people who study science do not actually study science.
nonsensical rhetoric
if it doesn't abide by the scientific method, it aint science
full stop
philo aint science
Says you. But since you don't even understand your own wikipedia citation, I think that we can all safely discard your opinion.
i think we can clearly see that i do uinderstand the links, references etc that i've used
problem isn't with me, bubba... it's either your lack of literacy or it's intentional bias
(or simply crackpottery - on your part, mind you... )
time for you to repeat a lie
Please identify one feature that all scientific practices have in common that is not trivial.
there it is!
well... if you read my last post: i gave you at least 6
how about another one?
If you are merely going to ignore all evidence that might speak against your position, you are telling all of us, "fuck you".
yup! a biggie!
except that i am not ignoring evidence. i am ignoring
subjective evidence because it is, by definition,
subjective to the individual. philo is subjective.period. full stop.
there isn't an argument there
if there was a way to constrain philosophy into a method that employed a mechanism to remove bias, it wouldn't be philo, it would be
where is another biggie lie...
Sure. Sure I didn't. I've never read anything about demarcation, ever.
A fine example of scientism in the service of badgering people. A fine example of a quack.
there they are! you have't failed to make the cranks proud
so what you're saying is that if someone can't make a completely subjective argument that sounds better than yours, then it's quackery...
you feel that, so long as you can provide a single opinion that differs then it's legitimate and proves your point
it's the tactic of a quack
source material is important when proving a point. and a peer reviewed subjective argument is still a subjective argument
there aint no way around that one... it's not about authority, Dr or PhD, journals, belief or the number of references...hell, even zephyr has references! does that mean he has a legitimate point? nope. realitycheck also had references... does that mean he was correct? hell no it doesn't! ot only means that they provided what they felt was justification for their belief.
that is exactly what you did. confirmation bias.
you've just validated this journal study -