Are You a mystic?

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member (My website)

What is a Mystic?

A mystic is one who, above all else in life, desires to know, not in the intellectual sense of knowing, the deepest Truth of existence. A mystic is one who senses more to life than making a living or being of service in the world although these things are both necessary and good. The mystic, however, is looking beyond an exclusive or preoccupied focus on these survival or self-actualization to something more.

He is looking to discover the deepest truth of our being as incarnate souls; to understand our greatest potential as reflections of God; to realize our wholeness within the ground of all. The primary interest in life for the mystic is to discover truth, to know God; to see into mans whole nature. The mystic sees all of life as an abundant opportunity to discover, realize, and express the Divine.

Mysticism springs from an insatiable curiosity for understanding the essential questions of life: matters of God, creation, the infinite and the human potential for knowing truth. The mystic is in reality the ultimate scientist who, looking beyond the apparent or obvious in all matters, asks, "Is this that

I am seeing reality or the illusions that stem from fear?" "What existed before this sense of reality?" "What existed before my mental constructs, my beliefs, and my self identity?" "Who is this that observes and is self-reflecting?" "What is at life's very source?

A mystic seeks to merge with the God mind to know the source of all knowledge. I have done this but my human frame and brain does not enable me to retain all knowledge about every thing. It is like plugging into a source

I think one is born a mystic, just my personal view

Mysticism, misunderstood by mainstream culture People incorrectly think mysticism is some kind of odd occult or a mystic someone who studies magic or renounces life and goes off to live in a cave. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The mystic consciously enters into the sacred journey that all the world's great religions speak of in various ways.

It is an inner journey that requires a deconstruction of the conditioned illusions of separation so that the true freedom of living can emerge.

It is the true meaning of realization of the real reality and source of all existence. It is the process and realization of letting die our stale and conditioned habits and beliefs so that we may live in the fullness of each new moment of creation. It is the understanding that conditioned patterns, belief systems, and memory are not living, but dead moments already. It is the realization that true living can only be lived in a freedom that moves with the current of creation, forever open to each moment teaming with new potential.

Mysticism springs from an insatiable curiosity for understanding the essential questions of life: matters of God, creation, the infinite and the human potential for knowing truth. The mystic is in reality the ultimate scientist who, looking beyond the apparent or obvious in all matters, asks, "Is this that

I am seeing reality or the illusions that stem from fear?" "What existed before this sense of reality?" "What existed before my mental constructs, my beliefs, and my self identity?" "Who is this that observes and is self-reflecting?" "What is at life's very source?"

It is by spiritual insight, to achieve direct communication with god or the divine reality. Some of my friends were horrified by my life long search to commune and dialogue directly with the Divine. Why not? God never said we could not ask him questions and I did and asked him question that others might find horrifying and presumptuous

From this the realization came that we are like sentient droplets the evaporated from the Great Ocean, the Divine Source most call God. Each off us are unique mind within the Greater Mind or God, we never loose our uniqueness, but travel back to the Source through rivers of forgetfulness and rivers of memory until we become aware in the Absolute.

It is this state of Omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence that I achieved, somehow my essence became the essence of the Greater Composite Mind and I knew I could become a Creator in my own right

Scores of people down the annals of history were mystics to a greater or lesser degree, where I fit in is debatable, but I know the reality of whom I AM within the reality of the complexities we call creation

Peace and light knowledge toward true realization

Alan McDougall said:
What is a Mystic?
A spammer?
Someone who posts, word-for-word, something from another site.
Someone given to accepting baseless, unproven assumptions as fact:
incarnate souls
Someone given to making ridiculous claims:
It is this state of Omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence that I achieved

In short, a deluded fool.
No thanks.
Besides, being omnipresent isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It's certainly not an excuse for being in Jessica Alba's bedroom.
According to the judge.
If assuming 'God', one's direction will be biased, and so thoughts and sensations will seem to take on that representation. Square one was empty.
All "mystics" are nothing more than con men who prey upon the weak minded and gullible. They are no more than charlatans and fakes that are a abscess on the face of life.
In other words you decide (somehow) what I'm feeling as I type and read that.
Which explains why you fail abysmally and constantly.

The way you talk to people is negative, Alot of your posts dont even teach anything, you usualy just focus on saying how people are wrong and giving them negative remarks.

You are not emotionaly intelligent regardless of your Book-Smarts, you focus too much on being sterile and sarcastic try teaching people happiness or hope see how different it is.

The way you talk to people is negative, Alot of your posts dont even teach anything, you usualy just focus on saying how people are wrong and giving them negative remarks.
You are not emotionaly intelligent regardless of your Book-Smarts, you focus too much on being sterile and sarcastic try teaching people happiness or hope see how different it is.
Why do you persist in forcing your interpretation of my words onto me?
If you had half the understanding you claim you wouldn't do that.
You seem to consider that your particular interpretation of my posts is the only possible interpretation.
Fail again.

And as for "teaching happiness or hope" - that's not my place. Others shouldn't depend on me for their happiness.
THE SELF-LESS ONES Mystics, Myth-ers, and Myst-ers ravel the threads with those answers that can never be read; so many words unreal—now they are spent; thence their descent, hence toward oblivion went… into the bliss of nothingness that their dreams meant.
Why do you persist in forcing your interpretation of my words onto me?
If you had half the understanding you claim you wouldn't do that.
You seem to consider that your particular interpretation of my posts is the only possible interpretation.
Fail again.

And as for "teaching happiness or hope" - that's not my place. Others shouldn't depend on me for their happiness.

Bitterness is only sweet to the Maggot.

THE SELF-LESS ONES Mystics, Myth-ers, and Myst-ers ravel the threads with those answers that can never be read; so many words unreal—now they are spent; thence their descent, hence toward oblivion went… into the bliss of nothingness that their dreams meant.

Some are lost, Some are Bound depending on what experience found.

A spammer?
Someone who posts, word-for-word, something from another site.
Someone given to accepting baseless, unproven assumptions as fact:

Someone given to making ridiculous claims:

In short, a deluded fool.
No thanks.
You are skating on thin ice . I don't like being called Deluded. We where born before the wind . I got a ridiculous claim for you. You are now a Toad. Shazam! All my friends out there think of this person as a toad. Can you hear them laughing at the toad?
THE SELF-LESS ONES Mystics, Myth-ers, and Myst-ers ravel the threads with those answers that can never be read; so many words unreal—now they are spent; thence their descent, hence toward oblivion went… into the bliss of nothingness that their dreams meant.

Dude you are a writer plain and simple . You must do it for a living for skills like that would be wasted otherwise .
Why do you persist in forcing your interpretation of my words onto me?
If you had half the understanding you claim you wouldn't do that.
You seem to consider that your particular interpretation of my posts is the only possible interpretation.
Fail again.

And as for "teaching happiness or hope" - that's not my place. Others shouldn't depend on me for their happiness.

We don't, We are happy whether you are dead or a live. Failure helps people to learn and the Chi Myster is learning quick.
Oh we hope you live because we care about you being Happy