are you a hypocrite


It's all greek to me
Registered Senior Member
I am.

I say to people that I am all for freedom and the rights of people to live how they chose .and just the other day, I had some people viewing house's, around my area, and thought they look a bit dodgy.
I hope they dont move here, then I thought wait a minute, that's hypocritical.

so I ask, an anti war friend a question,I said if you were relaxing in you home in walked some soldiers, and theatened to kill your family, you had manage to hide and find a rifle, what would you do. she said I'd kill the bastards,
they come in to my home, there asking for trouble.

so I thought how easy it was to be a hypocrite.

so what I would like is, could you relate the tales, of when or why you've been a hypocrite,because you all must have been at one time.
I tell people I don´t give a fuck about them. And I don´t give a fuck about them. Looks like I am no hypocrite.
But I suppose that it is normally pretty hard not to be a hypocrite. With all the feelings towards other persons and the things they expect from you.
Also see group pressure.

At least you know that you are a hypocrite, that´s better than most.
I hate hypocrisy. It is the worst thing in the world yet unavoidable. Everyone is a hypocrite at some point. All you can do is reduce it as much as possible. Knowing you are a hypocrite and actively identifying when you do hypocritical things is the first step. Most people don't get that far.

I have become exactly what I always said I wouldn't. Normal. White, suburban, kids, cars, house, boring job normal. I am at the height of my hypocrisy with no way out.
I've just wrote something, on another thread, as I was writing, I noticed that god.
if he existed, would be the biggest hypocrite.
It has been stated in the bible, that god is angry, jealous and greedy.
which are three, of his seven deadly sins.
and he preaches thou shalt not kill, and kill's indiscriminately.
i am an incredibly huge hypocrite. i try not to be, but it just happens.
god can do what he want. if he wanted, he could change our perception so that we thought he was a nice guy. but he doesnt (if he exsists) so that means hes a pretty nice guy for leaving us alone.
i think being a hypocrite is just being a human being. hypocricy arises from the meeting of the perfect idealized world model in our heads, with the real world where real decisions have to be made. everyone will find themselves doing the opposite of what they believe, "just this one time," "this is different." i think it just points out that in the end we will do what works in the real world and that our ideals and generalizations never incompass every possibility.
I think its the rampant simplification and absolutism that modern media seems to thrive on to give you your sound bites and keep you interested that leads to the popular idea that everyone is a hypocrite. When someone says "I'm for something, or I'm against something" no one seems to care about why, or what sort of conditional factors make up this decision. Not to mention that in the current political climate in America each party tries to foster these simplified absolutist views of their opponents positions. When you think someone is a hypocrite there is another possibility, perhaps you don't appreciate the true complexity of an issue, or the quality of the alleged hypocrites stance on it. I would like to not hear so many people summarily dismissed as hypocrites.
Everyone is capable of the "scientific" method, and just about everyone uses it to some extent. The method is in which a set of observations are made and then a likely hypothesis is constructed predicting future events. Just about all vertabrates (and even some invertabrates) are capable of this thinking.

Hypocrisy arrises when one has a set of observations, constructs a hypothesis/philosophy/political agenda, and then a future data set arrises in which the observer realizes that the previous conclusions no longer apply.

Hypocrisy is empirical philosophy.
Wouldn't it matter how close the new data strikes home?

If one has their philosophy or what have you all set up, and then new data arrises that will result in an unfavorable change in living conditions, and the new data causes them to behave in a manner contrary to their professed philosophy (or what have you), are they not a hypocrite?

I think a big part of hypocrisy, though, is an inability or unwillingness to admit that one's being a hypocrite, and has the enormous capacity to be one.
New data is not a part of hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is claiming to have one set of values and practicing another. Changing your values due to exposure to new information is not hypocrisy.

For instance, when you realize what the definition of hypocrisy is, and begin discussing it with us in terms that make sense, rather than non-sense, you will not become a hypocrite. It is likely that you wish to represent yourself as someone who understands the meaning of the word, and this new data I am trying to provide you will help you do that better! See, no hypocrisy involved.
Haha, alright. So hypocrisy must be a conscience will to decieve others? What do you call it when it's not?
You don't have to be consious of the fact that you do not practice what you preech.
So if you claim to have one set of values, but practice another, but are unaware of the contradiction, you're a hypocrite, right?
Yes that still seems to fit the definition. In fact, maybe its even sort of a requirement. People do seem to feel a certain obligation to point out vocally when someone is a hypocrite, yes?
Being a hypocrite is usually the result of not knowing fully either what you believe or why you believe what you believe. This happens often in large organized groups where the individuals are encouraged to turn the decision making over to the more qualified leaders. Religion, military and even certain social organizations can all bring out this trait. This is why I will respect a rational atheist more than I will a dogmatic Christian. We all have some hypocrisy in our nature. I abhor mob justice but enjoy plotting legal or quasi-legal vengeance. This conflicts with my principles of forgiveness and mercy and sometimes forgiveness loses in favor of vengeance.
ack, all of this homogeneity is perfectly hideous. let's face it folks, unless you have no means to communicate your thoughts to other human beings, you are most likely a hypocrite. and i don't see anything wrong with being a one. i think "" is one of the most ridiculous arguments ever concocted. i used it once, and even then felt noticeably sick for a week after employing it. attack the idea, not the person. simply because a person does not practice what they preach, it does not make their ideas any less correct or valid. just imagine if a bank robber retorted to the police; "you aren't putting your guns down, why the **** should i?" :bugeye: :rolleyes: