Are you a genius...?


Registered Senior Member
Please, count how often the letter "F" appears in the following text:
Then scroll down, only if you've counted them, though!
How many?
WRONG! There are six!
This is the reason...
The brain cannot comprehend the word: "OF"
Unbelievable, isn't it???
Everybody who counted six times the letter "F" immediately, is a genius!
If you counted three, it is normal. Most people do so.
If you counted less than three, it is pretty stupid!

Thanks for that one Banshee.

I analysed why people fall for it (including myself), It's not down to how much of a genius someone is though.

The simple fact is that when a person is asked to look for a letter or count letters, we go straight for the Bulk worlds, we don't read it but look. The smaller words are usually bypassed, as they are just glue in sentences.

In a sense this is proven by search engines that don't count words like: of, and, the, I, me, they, we, etc.

I'm sure what you posted will be of use for anyone discussing artificial intelligence in certain respects. (especially those of "Fuzzy Logic")
I didn't count 3. I actually counted 4 instead of 6. I must be some where in between.

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
I couldn't even count one F...
Why is that??


good morning sciforums!
its another beautiful rainy day in miami.
another great day 2 b a billionaire!
WRONG! There are six!

normally when i solve a puzzle, i'd jump up and down and scream and applaud at the top of my lungs.
then id proceed 2 drown my self in an ocean of self-approbation.
this 1 jus didnt do it 4 me.
theres really no trick.
u jus count the bloody Fs, and get six.

if most people r counting 3, it may not have anything 2 do with being a genius.
could it be that they r jus rushing?
hey now!
theres no need for any of that.
take ur time.
take ur time 2 stop and smell the genetically enhanced roses.

ok next riddle!
how many S are in this post?:eek:

disclaimer: for anybody actually thinking about counting all the S, dont waste ur time. it was a joke. i dont have an answer.
how many S are in this thread?:)
Just to let you know...

It's doesn't really prove anything, if your a genuis or not.

Thomas Edison once remarked: "Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration"
I've seen this test, before. I think it was designed as an oral test rather than a visual test. It works better that way.

BTW I counted six.
me w.e.

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Thomas Edison once remarked: "Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration"
i love thomas edison!
that quote is so him!
i dont think i can name anyone in american history that has worked as painstakenly hard as that man 2 make the contributions he has made 2 our world 2day.
if everybody had the type of determination and strong will that he had, i bet our world would be so much more intellectually advanced than it is now.
even if one person had the mind he had, we would all probably be reaping the benifits.

-me w.e.
Dear people...

It was meant as a joke. Nothing serious.

My goodness, if I'd known you people would go into it so serious I would've mentioned it a little more clearer.

I think genius should not be taken too serious, 'cause it is just for fun...

I counted six. I knew I was a genius before this quiz though. My brain is implacable.
I can be. You hear the one about the goldfish that went bankrupt? Afterwards they called him a bronzefish.

Sorry we got off to a bad start. Welcome to sciforums. Your IQ has increased by thirty points just by coming here.
Thanks for the welcome Pollux. I think my IQ is high enough already(not to brag though).