Are we the gods?


Registered Senior Member
Men may have the ability through advances in science to become immortal, to create new life forms, and to seed space with lower beings. Can men become gods?
I thought the purpose of the ideas of the gods was to explain nature and gives us purpose?
I thought the purpose of the ideas of the gods was to explain nature and gives us purpose?

Obviously they don't explain nature, but the purpose is to provide a role model for the human race.
But, the gods do explain nature. It rains because the rain god says so et cetera. As for witches, be kind to witches they are our friends!
But, the gods do explain nature. It rains because the rain god says so et cetera. As for witches, be kind to witches they are our friends!

But yesterday you wanted to burn them at the stake, why did you change

your mind?
You can't be a god. Are you immortal? Can you move freely about the universe? No.
Exactly, young gods. Of course, if you never actually reach god status, then it doesn't do you much good. But, lifts the ego a bit?
I always thought that to be the case, that if we are able to create life from non life and prolong our lives so much that we are essentially immortal that we will become almost like gods, I want to be the god of that would rule
Well, unfortunately, our rein as gods will be short lived, as no doubt, we will create more advanced intelligences.