Are We Sinful? Are God Insane?


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
First of all, thanks for your viewing. I am here to clarify what the sinful act is all about. Human advance into 21st century with more advance knowledge and technology compare to ancient times. This advances correspond to the increase of rules and regulations that govern the society at large. Different cultures and countries adopt different rules.

Assuming that today you have commit something that is against the laws. Does God really need to punish your 'sinful' act and you need to do regular confession in the church or you will end up in hell when you are died? How to define sin? What sin constitute of?

Lets assume you have killed someone, why do you need to compensate the wrong doing by hanging to death? Or why the God will curse your wrong doing in hell? Is killing someone really that sinful? Ancient time allowed it to be happen due to food insufficiency, it's call cannibalism. It is accepted by some community and it is not a sinful act. Some animal do eat their own species, for example, mouse etc.

Other example I put forward is rape. Animal do rape their own species with or without consent of other party, eg dog, cat, monkey etc. All living matters created by God is equal, with soul and living. Does God really condone the act of raping in animal but not in human? This is ridiculous if you consider raping and adultery is sinful. Since raping and sex is good for population growth from extinction and god design sexual experience an intense feeling of orgasm to be enjoyed by all living matters including animals. It encourage all living matter to engage in sex constantly to avoid extinction. (p.s. It is also ridiculous to mentioned this kind of intense feeling of orgasm is due to evolution of species without God's intervention.) Peeping someone bathing or panty is consider an usual matter since animals don't wear any clothe at all and naked all the time without feeling embarrassed.

Next, does engaging in war really a sinful matter? Soldiers killed many opponent without feeling guilt. Japanese, Germany, England etc acquiring the new land and territory using force in ancient times. Plants do the same tactics to acquire sunlight by outgrown the species, crawling up the fence or grow taller to acquire the life necessity. Plants do compete with each other to acquire nutrients and water sources, so do human do compete with each other to acquire important resources.

Does threatening or bluffing other considered a sin? Think carefully... animal do threaten and kill the intruder in order to safe guard its territory such as lion and tiger. Bluffing is sometimes considered an act of self defense. All living matter on earth thrive in harsh environment and always learn the new tactics to scare away the enemy or even kill them or engage in self defense mechanism.

Does stealing consider a sin? Plants and animal do steal. Monkey sometime snatch the food from the people in order to fulfill its hunger. Plants do steal the nutrients from other plants by growing its root to adjacent soil occupied by other plants. Human steal from the rich is normal and if without stealing, some may not be able to survive in this world.

Does Islam condone the killing of western people? Islamic may willing to do suicide bombing to do revenge. All this is because it is a retaliation act of oppression by the West. Human and all living matters thrive in harsh environment and willing to annihilate with each other in order to gain a better prospect in the future.

Next, those drug addicts are innocent and jailed. Drugs is non existence in ancient times. Drug addict usually pay high price to buy drugs. Consume drugs in excess of quantity, may harm his health. This is done by himself and may not harming the surrounding people. Their jail sentence or even death penalty just inappropriate for them because they have paid the high price of the drugs' cost and health.

Actually modern world's regulation just trying to protect the interest of the few. The culprit may not be always sinful since animal and plants do the same in their life. If you consider our human matters are sinful, then all other living matters of animal and plants already cursed to death by God as they do sinful matter everyday.
"Actually modern world's regulation just trying to protect the interest of the few"

You've hit the nail on the head with that comment. I agree with that 150%. Try to make laws more justified and all you do is get another group that puts their spin on what they think should be done according to their laws when they take control. And so the circle remains unbroken, the rich control the rest no matter who they might be. :mad:
Earth started about 4 billions years ago and no one claim to be God or saints, and there is no regulations and the definition of sins by then. But until recently (about few thousands year ago), someone start to claim himself as God and define all those nonsense sins, and subsequently police forces is formed to catch those 'guilty' person and put them into jail or prosecuted. Is God really care what sins we have done and punish us for 'sinful' act? God create all the living and non-living matter in the universe, animals other than human do commit 'sinful' act everyday, why God only 'punish' human being for wrong doing but not other animals or living matters? If you think carefully, it is totally illogical and absurd. God belongs to one only that exist long before the earth is formed, and Allah or Jesus or other religion is deemed not fit to be called God. The real God can't be substituted by any religion. Here I declare there are no 'sinful' act in the real God's world, you are free to be cannibalism, killer, snatch, adultery, God will never punish you since all those act is permitted since 4 billion years ago and homo sapien do commit all those 'sinful' act like cannibalize people without being condemned, same to other animals that cannibalize their own species until today.
We all live in the script story written by the God. He is the director of the film and we all are the actor and actress. We all love to watch dramas and movies because it is interesting and full of dramatic event, so God as well love to watch the drama He designed. Whatever we do, encounter in the daily life, born, died, sickness, jail, 'sinful' act, rich and poor, success and failures, the friends we meet and talk, is already written by God before we are born. He is holding our story lines. If you blame yourself of being sinful because of your 'acting', then you must scold your director that making you to act those 'sinful' act instead. But you are oblige to act on His behalf because He is your Lord and we are 'slave' and He pay us our living fees. He wrote the most logical, dramatic and unforgettable story lines, the best story telling in this world. He is the Oscar winner of all time, beating the most creative directors on earth. So next time someone ask you the question of what is the purpose you live on this earth, you may answer "we all are the actors and actress hired by God and He love to watch your drama."
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