Are We Going To Find Out What is Really Happening?


Registered Member
Do you believe that in the near future we'll learn the truth about UFOS and some other strange things that happening in world? Perhaps. My personal opinion is that we'll not. Maybe I am so negative, because I am nearly twenty and for five years now which I am looking strong evidences for UFOS I haven't found or seen anything.
So the next step for me is to stop looking and concentrates to my studies,which have nothing to do with these strange things. Tell me your opinion about that. Maybe your word will turn to be really useful.Thank you.
IF we learn the truth, then UFOs will be identified, then there will be no more UFO groups. By its very definition, UFOs will remain that way for enternity....the group will allways find something to make it UFO....

On the otherhand, if we are dealing with a phenomena, that will take us 100 years to understand it, how do you propose an answer next year?

Suppose these crafts are travelling through interdimensional space that create a reflection into our space (meaning some unknown reaction), then how do you suppose to undestand it? What is the point of searching without the knowledge that goes with it?

The otherpart is, if you look at UFO stories over the past 50 years, they change as our technology evolves and take a parallel structure. Why is that? If you have a well documented case, we can disect here, but you will end up with more questions than answers. But we can try for the fun of it....

So, tell us one story that you think is a good one.....
My friend I accept what a true believer accepts.I accept what a denier rejects.Anything I say it is misunderstanding for most of deniers and anything I do not say has the consequence to tell me that I am forgetting things.So I do not say anything.The more they can say to me is that I have not good memory.
Looks like a good strategy until you actually experience it....I have a friend who personally saw the lights that was a confirmed UFO sighting. I could not explain it, since I was not there, he did not have enough data to understand what was real...there is nothing he could do further...

So is life...
We were with the two of us and saw suddenly strange lights ahead of us.
We were going home on our bike's late in the evening when we saw those lights.
Man, we were so startled we nearly fell in the gutter along the road or whatever you name it......
It was a strange experience, frightening and we were scared for a day or five.
After it happend we went home as fast as we could, seemed like we had wings then.
We still think it was an UFO, we are sure it was an UFO..........

One strange experience....
It was a strange experience, frightening and we were scared for a day or five

Why was it frightening and why were you scared ? You could have been the first contact with the aliens and be famous....
It happened more then 20 years ago, we were stoned and coming back from a rotten party, and the UFO scared the h**l out of us.
What I am going to tell you now, happened more then 20 years ago, remember that and don't judge me after all that time, okay???:cool:

The day after 'the sighting' we went to another happy party, we were 17 and went from party to party at that time. There we used LSD and in the week following on that, we used it too much I guess, because everywhere we went we saw that UFO again....
In the end we were 2 shivering girls who never wanted to meet an UFO again....

And now I can hear you think: Yeah, then 'the sighting' wasn't for real.
I assure you that it was for real......
But then again, who am I....some one on the net who claimes to have seen an UFO.
After that, a lot has happened. I'll tell about it if I have the nerve, because I don't want to be 'the Joke Of The Forums' you see.
I think I have to start a new thread.

But then again Kmguru, you read a lot I've written the last few weeks.
Do you think I'm telling you a story.......???
Well, I guess I'll take a crack at it. Here's my 2¢.

This happened around 1970. I don't tell it much as it is just one of those things that happened with which I can offer no good explaination. I was in the Army and we had went on an extended stay in the area of Ft. Steward, Ga. Now I have no idea what the town there looked like or even it's name. Never got to go into town. We stayed there in GP large tents for about two months to allow the battalion to qualify with the main guns of the tanks. We were on the firing range. Our job at that time was to suppy flare illumination for the tank gunners to be able to see at night. During the night while we were firing flares there came 3 sets of lights. Each had a white light in the center and a red light on either side. We could not see anything else but the lights. These sets of lights came to a stop over the area where we were firing but higher up. And they stopped and just sat there. I would say I was seeing things but it was witnessed by approximately 100 men. The range officer gave the command to cease firing and all stopped. There was nothing that we could have heard as the tank engines were running and they drowned out everything else. A call was made to the local fighter base which scrambled 2 jets to come look. It was about 20 minutes before the jets actually arrived. During this time the lights remained steady and still, hovering. When the jets showed up the lights all went straight up at astonishing speed. Before the jets got to the location where the lights were, the lights were gone. I have no explanation for it. I do know that we sat and stood around and commented on the lights while waiting for the jets. To this day I have no idea what they were other than I have never seen anything like that.
Hi Banshee, Hi Wet1: here is my attempt at an explanation.

In case of Banshee, the first sighting was real but may not be real UFO phenomena. It is a 50/50 chance that it could have been a local air traffic or ballon or something. For the other explanation of the 50% please read on to the comment on wet1. Now, what followed after that is the LSD binge. LSD is one of those dangerous drugs that has a lasting effect on human body. It sits on the nerve centers and can produce flashbacks at anytime. When the random firing of the brain occurs, you see memory patterns mixed with present sensory input. Unless you create a separate command structure that takes control (as if someone slaps you and says get hold yourself...) the experience does not produce any meanigful results. Somesay that a small amout of LSD can energize certain part of the brain so that you speed up your brain functions. But I have not researched that data from military archives (LSD was tested extensively by the military to provide a fighting edge), so I can not tell you any good that comes out of it. I know, two teenagers that took what they call acid, I am not sure, what it was, and while they were fairly smart kids, they did a lot of dumb stuff and screwed their life at a very early age.

Now to wet1. Because a lot of people have seen the red and white lights, I will rule out any visitors from outer space. And because they did not and never interact with local population, I am adding more strength to my theory. And it id even more outlandish than the alien theory. Here it goes.

Since we know very little about Time and how other primary forces affect it, I have a hunch that, sometime in future we will develop machines that fly in very great speeds. In the early stage of the development, it may have a side effect of breaking the time barrier and going to the past. Because they are afraid of screwing up the timeline, there must be a mandate not to interact with people from the past. If such is the case, we will never find out for sure until we start experimenting with such vehicles. I think, very high magnetic fields can create distortions in time and space - for more info on this check out University of Florida, high energy maglab.

The other speculation along the same lines is that of slip stream drives which may be called interdimensional drives from again future or a parallel dimension or an anti dimension (that is from the antimatter universe that co exists with out own separated by a dimension). Again a very high magnetic field can protect such an anti-matter ship from interacting with our space.

I am more inclined to believe, that they are from the future because, our government has resources and hard data. The only situation our government or any other government in the world will not discuss this is if they are from the future and has been warned not to do so from the future. Even our arch enemy Russia stayed mum during the cold war.
In space there is no time or speed limits.
Why do you think our sighting was fake and the sighting of Wet is real...
What bulsh*t, we took LSD AFTER we had seen this UFO.
You do have nerve, how can you be so sure???
Ever seen an alien craft??? I thought so, how can you say it was not true........
It was right before us, I'll never forget it, never.
Kmguru, I am sure, the acid came long after the sighting.
We were afraid of the craft for several day's because of the acid.

But when we saw it, it was there, without acid......