Are We Decieved By Satan?


The Art Of Fact
Registered Senior Member
I was watching a movie the other day and something was mentioned that really made me think...

What if time is an illusion created by Satan to make us forget about God and Jesus? I'm agnostic/athiest and one of the many reasons I don't believe in a God is cause the last time there was ever (supposedly) evidence of a God was like 1000 years ago from what we read in the bible. But what if it's all an illusion. Jesus is still alive, etc... But time is an illusion set forth by Satan and it's working... What if the time of Jesus (0 A.D.) is really present and always is, cause there is no time.
B.C., with dinosaurs and evolution, etc, was created with time by Satan, and so was everything since the time of Jesus (A.D.). Including our science and technology...

So behind this illusion of time, the religious (Christian I should say) characters are still very present and non-fictional. The battle between God and Satan is still very real and we are caught in the crossfire, completely ignorant of it all....

Not something I believe in, but an incredibly cool "What-If", just hoping for some feed-back!
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What ...hah!? What if Jesus is still alive!? Hello!? What if....he didnt exist in the first place? What if Your not an atheist?
If such omnipotent beings did exist, then there isn’t much you could do about it anyway. If such beings wielded such total power then humans would be no more than puppets, to be killed, nurtured, tortured, created, destroyed, all at the whim of these imaginary characters.

However, even if time is an illusion then the illusion seems very consistent and stable and appears to stretch for billions of years at least. There doesn’t seem any good reason why we cannot imagine it stretching from and to infinity.

The nice thing about perfect illusions is that you can’t tell them from reality. If they are really good, such as this one, then the illusion becomes, for us, our reality.

But things such as gods, demons, spirit worlds, and heroic saviors, only appear in movies and storybooks, they are the very essence that comprise the building blocks of imaginative mythology. Such stories, of course were written in times when very little was known about the real universe and when such tales were considered believable.

Unfortunately there are still many gullible people who cling to these fairy tales in a desperate hope that such mythical words do exist where they can escape from their perceived drudgery of mortal living. But look at your world and your life, does anything indicate to you that such myths are in any sense real? Of course not; the idea is simply not credible.
if time as an illusion, milk wound't go bad.

But if there were a devil, wouldn't that be a risky thing to do? What if we forgot him too? But maybe that is just my outlook on things. If everyone forgot about him. he wouldn't "exisit".
Whoa people, I do not believe this theory in the slightest. It was simply a cool idea I thought i'd share!

What ...hah!? What if Jesus is still alive!? Hello!? What if....he didnt exist in the first place? What if Your not an atheist?
Daphnee, I am athiest, but I'm open to the possibility of a God, but I don't think that means there is one. As far as I'm concerned there's ALOT of evidence pointing against God. But I'm not going to have FAITH there's no God. If I did what would be the difference between me and someone who has faith in God!? And besides, athiests are alowed to pose "what-ifs", we have no 10 commandments, remember? lol

But if there were a devil, wouldn't that be a risky thing to do? What if we forgot him too?
"The most clever thing the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"
Can't remember what that's from....]
"The most clever thing the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"
Can't remember what that's from....
Yes I have heard that but the cleverest thing he could do is convince everyone that the impossibility that there is life beyond death is possible and that people should not think for themselves, or question anything, or not look to science to help solve problems, divert people from solving their own problems, and all that people have to do to find this fictional eternal salvation is to believe in him i.e. the real name of the devil is Jesus. That seems to be the ultimate illusion.
that there is life beyond death is possible and that people should not think for themselves, or question anything, or not look to science to help solve problems, divert people from solving their own problems, and all that people have to do to find this fictional eternal salvation is to believe in him

sounds like Jahve to me :rolleyes: :D
The illusion

If time was an illusion then that would mean I was never late
for work in my life! Woo hoo! Nice idea.

That quote is from the movie The Usual Suspects.
I think Kevin Spacey was the one who said it. :)

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
was convincing the world he didn't exist."
real name of the devil is Jesus.
Another awesome "What-If". Everyone praying to God and Jesus and in reality we're really praying to Satan! God may be dead, or has just plain given up... Interesting...

That quote is from the movie The Usual Suspects.
THAAAAAAT'S where I heard it!
I find your theory interesting from a Christian perspective as well...

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...

Ecclesiastes 3:10
I have seen the burden God has laid on men. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.

God created everything in a specific time and order. I think the lie is that we have become trapped in time - slaves of it.

John 12:31
Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.

Satan is in fact the one trapped in time, since his judgement has alread been passed, and his influence is limited to the present. Satan cannot change the future, and has no hold over the past just,
time is an illusion

"Time is nature's way to keep everything from
happening all at once." -Prof. John Wheeler
Whilst I really do appreciate it as a great concept of a hypothetical scenario.. the idea of time as "created" by Satan is really no more fantastic or implausible than a "creator" making a universe in 7 days... informing his followers of the fact it was created in seven days... and then go to extraordinary lengths to hide the fact and make it seem that the planet is much much older... I know its cliched... but did the trees in the garden of Eden have tree rings??? how do creationists explain sedimentary rock???

Anyway as always take it apart fellas....
Funky, I agree with you in the end, but for arguments sake, it is a pretty cool what-if. Cause technically speaking, everything we've learnt about evolution, science, etc, we learnt in TIME, which would be the delusion... I do not believe this myself, but through circular logic, it could technically be true. Of course this does not mean it is!
Notme, your theory actually means that time is not really a barrier. Think about it: the only obstacle to the past is subjectivity of historians (and the bias of witnesses). People don't really doubt Ceasar's conquest of Gaul, but we only have his own word for it. The truth of the Bible does not lie in the few discrepancies, but in a coherent message. And the Bible is the oldest and most diverse collection of documents relating to religion on earth.

But since we do progress from one second to the next, and learn from one moment to the next, you can't really say it is all an illusion. It is merely a reality that we can't see. You don't have to believe in time, but it still goes by. There are many witnesses that will second me. No pun intended ;)

From a biblical perspective, Jesus told his people to read the signs of the times and realise their significance. We see a natural progression on a small scale, and it follows that there is a larger progression as well.

Hypothetically, creation might have happened in seven 24-hour periods, because there was no-one to witness "time" other than God. Evolution as we experience it might have happened in "fast-forward" - I mean, it is being created after all. God was making history, literally. And time was an intended byproduct, not a natural law. Whichever way it was, the facts remain subjective, and in the case of creation, only God was there to witness it.

Since God's reality is eternal, the concept of time really isn't that binding. What He wants us to know is that we were created, the seven days are simbolical of the seven days of the week, with Saturday/Sunday as holiday. God didn't really need the rest, after all - but He had the whole of creation in mind when He started it. Including the physical and psychological welfare of His creation.

Think about this: humans are the only species that can love unselfishly over a few generations. Time has hold over love.
Seems to me you are saying the bible delivers a message independant of time, trancending time so-to-speak... The message of the bible, message of God, pierces Satan's illusion of time... This is why people must accept the bible, and why it is the path to salvation. A good point.

What if living in the moment, apreciating the present, rendering time useless, is piercing the illusion. Basicly, what if Jesus didn't get it right with the bible but Buddha got it right? Just an ulterior perspective...:)
Illusion that you believe completely and utterly IS reality. Reality only exists in your own mind. IF you never have any stimulus or thoughts that are contrary to something then that IS reality.

Same with time. Satan controlling time!? That's a new one. He could yell 'zap!!!' and all believers would age fifty zillion years and die instantly by his hand.

*takes out books of evil magic and cackles*

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Me thinks Zero should replace Satan, lol.

Zero: "K, Satan, take 5, I got it from here..."
