Are we above plagerism?

Really, are we?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Other, explain.

    Votes: 3 50.0%

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Four threads involving plagerism or the outright stealing of other peoples work, without even so much as linking to the author. Are people of sciforums so desperate to appear "intelligent" and "scientific" that they will steal the works of others to better themselves?


P.S. I intend to keep this as a sort of "Plagerism report" thread, meaning whenever I find some, I will post it here.
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Matter of priorities

Some possibilities:

(1) You'll note that none of us, even when offering citation and link, ever bother with Fair Use Act declarations. Such disclaimers would be a good thing, but even I fail to provide them.
(2) For some, with no threat of a grade or a paycheck hanging over them, they see no reason to not just forward the information, much as one might photocopy a newsletter and hand it out around the smoke break.
(3) Some people don't understand plagiarism as an issue.
(4) Most, I think, simply like the idea of speaking their mind, but don't want to put the effort into it. There are times when 10,000 original words will accomplish less than 500 words cited from Karen Armstrong or Stephen Hawking.
(5) Some people really are lacking any better means of self-expression than outright regurgitation.
(6) Some people want to hide their motives. Earlier this year a number of anti-Islamic posts came up across WE&P and Religion; turns out they were copy-and-pasted from a proud anti-Islamic hate site. Seriously, some posters think that if they don't let us know who wrote it originally, the obscene philosophies might bear greater credibility.
The work of plagerism that was cited I pointed out, of avatars, came directly from a website, and there really was no excuse. He posted as though it were his own work, no something "funny he found". In that case, he could have EASILY posted a link with the article, yet chose not to. If you read that thread actually, you can see that it turned into a debate on the issue of plagerism.

I for one can't stand it when I see it. Stealing someone elses work and passing it off as your own should be criminal, and it is in some circumstances.

Just my .02 dollars
Technicality, splitting hairs

Fafnir, that's an interesting example because it brings to mind a certain technicality, and that is as follows:

- The anonymous "sendaround" is that collection of urban myths, chain letters, con games, and simplistic feel-good littering of false wisdom. While I appreciate a link to these when people bother to waste our time and theirs posting them, most are easily recognizable by tone and rhythm.

Nonetheless, you are correct that it is, indeed, plagiarism. But I never thought for a second that Avatar wrote that himself.

You know, you're right. I will continue with the above muddling considerations, but let's go get Avatar and string him up by the balls.

Okay, I admit that I don't intend to sound sarcastic. But it happens.

I don't know; the idea of trying to pass it off as one's own work ... most of the plagiarism I see is readily apparent. Of course, that stands to reason. However, with so little evidence of more legitimate research going on (it's there, just not nearly as much as I might hope) around here, it might be that the apparent is the only plagiarism going on.

I keep playing around with my citation methods because I keep hoping to find some way that looks easy enough to encourage people to cite up. And, to boot, if you can provide a link, it gives those people who take the topic out of context less excuse for confusion.
If you copy something from an online source, you should include a link.

Not including one is un-excusable, if you can copy and paste the site, you can copy and paste a link.
Idiots by the dozens with nothing to do.

Originally posted by No!
Four threads involving plagerism

Finally, we got someone counting....More for your list, perhaps they'll help you get your tenure track at sciforums.

Here's another stick for you. Your homework is to find out where I got those from.


And your crybaby whiny assed opinion would be.....?

Do I look like a fucking people person?

If I throw a stick will you leave??

YOU!.... Off my planet!

Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?

Ohhh, let me turn on the part of my brain that gives a damn.

A hard on doesn't count as personal growth.

Well, this day was a total waste of make-up .

A woman's favorite position is CEO

I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done.

I plead contemporary insanity.

And which dwarf are you?

Hope that'll keep you busy for the next century.

Don't forget that I copied this from another's the link.

Whoaa...I made a successfull link...Horay.
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Idiots by the dozens with nothing to do.

I'm glad you took the time and energy to make a list that I'm not going to even consider looking for.

The funny thing is how you say pointing out your fraudulent post is the act of an idiot with nothing to do.

I think the idiot is the person who can't have an original thought and must steal others work to present as their own.
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