Are U.S. Abductees breaking the Law?


Registered Senior Member
Here's a cracker for all you American Abductees and encounter victims.

"Contact between U.S. citizens and extra-terrestrials or their vehicles is
strictly illegal!!!"

I need someone in the U.S. to confirm this Law as true.

Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted
on July 16, 1969.

( Until confirmed, don't quote me :) )

Anyone guilty of such contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined $5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to determine
with or without a hearing that a person or object has been "extraterrestrially exposed" and impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order.
( There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus be arbitrarily quarantined. - Dave )
You Yanks just don't stop with the crap, huh??!!!...don't tell me...for the sake of national security, right??? :)
Look forward to any answers on this one!
( Confirm it either way for me please, anyone. )
If that is true, then that would bring forth some implications.

One of them is hypocracy. The US government denies UFO's and extraterrestrials, yet had the decency to make a law prohibiting contact.

Seems rather strange.

Also, people usually get abducted without conscent. If the government can jail a person and fine them for contact with an extraterrestrial, even without conscent of the abductee, this law would be most unfair.

SO if E.T. was made in the '80's and this law was made in 1969 then Steven Spielberg might have a lot of explaining to do.
Thats if the law is true of course.
I believe you are right Dave, there is a law and I think the main reason is the germs and etc. from other planets which might have a field if turned loose on Earth. Remember the men who went to the moon had to be quarantined after their trip and the germ free rooms used in putting the satellites together for Mars and etc.
i believe the law was rescinded in last couple years, after it was widely distributed in copies through various ufo research organizations (MUFON,etc) in 1980s and 90s.
It was quietly shelved but the exact nature of its status,like the UFO Cover Up remains is sufficient to note that the extra-terrestrial contact control officer for NASA would have complete police and military power over any american citizen if it was warranted by some exposure of that citizen to harmful or unfriendly alien contact.

Dave-yes that law is there. I've seen it. But before you ask what what we're smoking here in good ol' US of A, what are you cranking on where you're from? I bet I can find plenty of silly laws and regulations, regardless of your homeland. We all do them. Nobody is innocent. For example, Germany recently had to pass a law saying that it was okay to put spaces when spelling a long word that was made up of several smaller words. We don't stop with the crap and neither does anybody else. It's just that you can't smell your own crap.

Looking on the flipside of the coin, if I get hauled in for talking to ETs, the state is going to have to prove it (innocent until proven guilty, you know), in which case I get fined 5 grand and make a million on the book I'll write. Any publisher would gladly advance me the 5 grand.
Hi Oxygen,
So, besides all the "your crap stinks just as much" stuff, are you confirming it is Law and is still standing then?
Do you know how I can see it? ( e.g. web page etc. )
I will go on the hunt for some good Aussie garbage down under here. I was being less general about rules than you though. I meant in the sense of - "Aliens? There ain't no such animal!"...but if we catch you with one, we'll throw you in the slammer!!!!"
I'll let you know if we have any perverse uncontrollable rules about them their space creature types down here in whoop whoop !!LOL
Dave's got a good point, and it would be interesting to find out if it were true. I'd also like to know how a democratic government could justify such legislation?

How could such a Bill go through without widely asked public questions?
AH! It's somewhere in my files, and my brother actually downloaded it for me. As soon as I find it, I will happily post it. Yes, I think it's a hoot. I would be honored to be charged with such a heinous crime.

These laws get passed quite easily. Some of them are 'riders' attached to a legitimate law that gets passed. Some are ordered through, placed on the desks of yes-men. You can pretty much bet that nobody in the US was asked to vote on it.

Aside from possible bacteriological contamination, I would like to know what purpose this law serves. I agree that some well-meaning individual may gleefully run up to greet our "cosmic space-brothers" and return to his people carrying space-measles or any other wonderful disease that we've never encountered before, but if this they don't exist, what's the threat?

If you saw an extraterrestrial vehicle land on your street and its occupant(s) get out, would you risk the contamination for the sake of establishing contact, or would you remember how easily European diseases wiped out the American Indian?

For the record, I think the government knows they exist and this law is a technological safeguard against such a scenario.