Are Tyler and Xev sleeping together?

Are tyler and Xev sleeping together?

  • Definetly, they must be meeting each weekend!

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No... They probably just have cybersex.

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • They are in love, they just don't know it yet..

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No way, Tyler would never go for a bitch like Xev.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • They are just very good friends.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters


The Anti-Cthulhu
Registered Senior Member
They seem to support each other on every point... What do you think?

Originally posted by Xev
Oooh! Ismu you little..... :p

Quite female.

I dunno, still not sure you're female. I can't hack your private data, yet. :D

Urrr... did you post you photo on pic thread? (You didn't as I remember) :p
Thanks for your opinion, ismu... I have added that to my .signature.
I wish I could add it to the poll.
Originally posted by ndrs
Thanks for your opinion, ismu... I have added that to my .signature.
I wish I could add it to the poll.

Urrr... you're welcome.

But actually i didn't pick on one's side. I'm neutral. Xev is funny, and nice sometimes.

And thank you using my post as you signature. Really This is the first time on my life :D
I have no opinions about it either way. It's their lives so if they are, so what? Whose business is but theirs?

What I get tickled about is that most of the guys here never stop to think. The majority of the ladies are already taken. That's the way it is in life. It should be no different here than anywhere else. People, for the largest majority, develop relationships and tend to keep them if they can.

A forum such as sciforums tends to bring folks together. Just like in "real life" they form friendships, only difference is this is cyberspace. We still have the same human emotions that we have in our mundane, ordinary lives and we carry them with us where ever we go.

If that leads to a relationship, good for them or anyone else....
Thank you, Wet1, very insightfull.

Umm, do we have to dignify this shit with a response?

ndrs, you loathsome, bizarre cross between a used Janet Reno tampon and my grandpa's discolored testicle, stop fantasizing.

ismu, in all seriousness, I'm female. I think I've stated that once....or twice....

Your inability to grasp this simple fact does not bode well.... :p

Oh yes, and ndrs, let's review:

Your "insult" centers around my sleeping with an attractive and brilliant man. Gee, I'm stung.

My insult centers around the fact that you couldn't get laid in a roomfull of $5 hookers if you were waving $100 bills.

Round one; Xev!

Edit to add:

Oh, here is a link to another poll:
Last edited:
Personally, I think y'all are way too starved for attention (redux)

Just beg.

It's more dignified.

--Tiassa :cool:
"Your "insult" centers around my sleeping with an attractive and brilliant man. Gee, I'm stung"

Yeah, how exactly is this insulting to us? Or is it not meant to be?
I don't see how my sleeping with an attractive, intellectual, interesting and realistic woman an insult?
Like i voted, they're in love but just don't know it yet. ;)

Can someone refer me to the pic thread? I don't think i was here that early on...

You forgot to add the true answer, to the question.
Who cares, you freak!:D
ratbat: very simple, you don't care, you don't open the forum, you don't vote.
wet1: I agree.
The only reason I created this post, was to ask people's opinion about xev's and tyler's flaming wars with anyone who confronts them with their topics...
xev: I created this post as a joke, but not as an insult. I wouldn't like to go down to your level. I'm feel pass that age to start flame wars.
and my grandpa's discolored testicle
you know how your grandpa's testicle looks like? :p
Originally posted by Lesion42
And if they aren't, they will be. Our plan must not fail!:D ;) :cool:

they must search fo rthe silver crystal. It is their only hope... and.. stuff

The thing that worries me the most about this is the fact that you are so deprived that you have to fatasize about OTHER peoples sex lives.
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross

The thing that worries me the most about this is the fact that you are so deprived that you have to fatasize about OTHER peoples sex lives.

thats true. But I quess thats what porn is all about too.