Are there foreign words in the Qur'an?


Valued Senior Member
I was talking with a Muslim friend of mine insists the Qur'an is written in "pure" Arabic, and does not contain a single foreign word.

So my question is: are there foreign words in the Qur'an?

I was under the assumption that orthodox doctrine holds that the language of the Qur`an is the purest Arabic (excluding names). To start I thought these two were good examples.

"Pharoah" comes from the Egyptian language and means king or potentate. The word for "king" in Arabic is different.
"Injil", which means "gospel" = "good news", comes from the Greek language. The correct word in Arabic is "bisharah".

Does anyone have more information on this topic?
Arabic is the most beautifull languange with the strongest and most detailed vocublry and grammer system. God had to choose the most perfect and strongest language to send his code in.....Arabic is not derived from anything like English is from Germanic, and Germanic is from Latin, and Latin god knows from what. Arabic is a pure language.
Originally posted by heflores
Arabic is the most beautifull languange

You speak how many languages? Is is more beautifull than 4000yr/old Chinese?

Originally posted by heflores
with the strongest and most detailed vocublry and grammer system.

See abovea and of course: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Originally posted by heflores
English is from Germanic, and Germanic is from Latin, and Latin god knows from what.

And English has to do with what?

Originally posted by heflores
Arabic is a pure language.

What does this mean? Are you saying there are no forein words in Arabic today?

Because there are forein words in the Qur'an so maybe the most beautifull languange with the strongest and most detailed vocublry and grammer system was n't good enough and God had to choose other more perfect languages to send parts of his code.

OR it could be that like everything else in the world, Arabic borrowed changed added and evolved.
Nihao, (hello in chinease)
Not all, arabic is different from any language that I have heard of. The modern hebrew is the only language that is closer to arabic and borrowed a lot from arabic. Please note that modern hebrew is not anything like the ancient hebrew (aramaic) spoken by Moses and jesus. Amazingly, arabic is also a young language, not ancient. So to consider that a language that complicated evolved over such a short time is quite a find. I think that arabic was prophesized in the bible, but that's depart from the point. Of course the christians interpretation of this new tongue that will evolve in the town of Kedar, who is the son of Ismail, is what their pastors do after they have way too many wines and start speaking in tongues.

To believe me about the beauty of this language, you have to dig and read arabic ancient poetry, written prior to the coming of Islam....I studied those poetries in school and they are unlike any other poetry I have heard in another language.

I know arabic, english, spanish, frensh, and a tiny bit of chinease.
I don't think that chinease is a beautifull or strong language by any means...It's very restrictive in it's use of letters and grammer....It's actually, quite an ugly language, no offense. Arabic has the most amount of letters that you will find in any language and they are all unique and not that easy to be pronounced by foreigners....

Che che (bye bye in chinease)
Ni Hao Helfores,
You must mean Mandarin then? What about the other 54 Chinese dialects? I don’t mean to say Arabic isn’t a beautiful language - I'm sure it is. But Helfores, to say it’s the mostest most beautiful is a little bit ego-centric don’t you think?
Zai jian
Originally posted by heflores
[BChe che (bye bye in chinease) [/B]
xie xie is thank you.

PS: Please post with regards to the question!
:D ;)
Originally posted by Michael
PS: Please post with regards to the question!
:D ;)

I'm sorry, I'm not a mind reader, but Please don't post back to posts that don't seem to exactly mimic the preconcieved answer in your mind.......
This is what I learned from my linguistic courses:

English is within the language group of West Germanic that is part of the Germanic language branch which belongs to the language family called Indo-European.

Latin is a language branch(also part of the Indo-European family) that contains the Romance languages: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Romanian.

However, Arabic belongs to the same group that includes Aramaic, Hebrew, Tigrinya, and Amharic. These languages derive from the Semitic language branch which is part of the Afro-Asiatic language family.

So, no, Germanic does not come from Latin and I don't believe Arabic is a "pure" language if it is a derivative of the Semetic language and its alphabet is derived from the eastern version of Aramaic script.
"Pharoah" comes from the Egyptian language and means king or potentate. The word for "king" in Arabic is different.

Pharoah is an Arabic word , the proper name of king in Kemetian(ancient egyprian) is Shekhem .

"Injil", which means "gospel" = "good news", comes from the Greek language

Yes , ofcourse , Arabic of that time most defiently contained Greek words as Greek philosophy was an object of study of the Arabs .

There is no such thing as pure language , Arabic is a semitic language that contains semitic origin of words and an occasional borrower from other frequent used languages like any other language does .

Arabic was simply very high developed and superior , like for instance Latin was superior to germanic whitch didnt even had grammar .

Thats all

modern hebrew is the only language that is closer to arabic and borrowed a lot from arabic

hebrew didnt borrow from arabic anymore than arabic borrowed from hebrew , as they are semitic languages .

Amazingly, arabic is also a young language, not ancient

it has semitic fathers , what would the Arabians have been speaking ?

I think that arabic was prophesized in the bible

could u elaborate a bit ?

True-Wisdom :cool:
the elaboration was for heflores , and for u that the post was good (correct , something i dont see that often around here)

thats why :cool: says cool
