Are there any women here today ?

Ted Grant II

Registered Senior Member
Historically, men are more likely to try to influence the world than women.
Most religious claims are made by men.
Most murderers are men.

Why ?

If you have an answer, you are more likely to be male.
Come on ladies, let's have your views!
Ted Grant: And . . . . Do you still beat your wife (at least as good a question as your OP! . . . .

Why men? . . . .Generally because they have a more intimidating (stronger) physique.
Historically, men are more likely to try to influence the world than women.
That's probably not true. Men are just more ostentatious about it. "Behind every great man there's a woman."

Most religious claims are made by men.
The "virgin" Mary made one of the biggest religious claims of all time. Then there was Joan of Arc.

Most murderers are men.
Or maybe the women are just better at getting away with it.
he "virgin" Mary made one of the biggest religious claims of all time.
In fairness, I don't think she did.
She was an orphan girl of no more than 14, in the care of priests, when whatever happened, happened (We can only speculate).
It was the priests who needed to pass her off, quick as possible, to a compliant husband. Joseph agreed to keep quiet - for his own reasons.
Then the brat grew up to be a radical reformer, and his followers got hold of the story of his birth and turned it into an ad campaign.
I posit that the difference is that men have fragile egos.
If they're going to exert their power (or take someone else's) they have to let the whole world know it.
Women who seek power have no need to feed their egos.

Thus known history is skewed toward the male "squeaky wheels".
Some of those wheels have spikes on and roll right over the people who get in their way.
I posit that the difference is that men have fragile egos.
If they're going to exert their power (or take someone else's) they have to let the whole world know it.
Women who seek power have no need to feed their egos.

Thus known history is skewed toward the male "squeaky wheels".

There is a woman human here today !
DaveC is trying to be nice, which is a lot better than Saint Paul who thought religion was basically for men.
The ancient treatment of women was shocking by today's improved morals.
Even God thought it was OK to sell your daughter.
I don't want my father to sell me !
The Newer Testament indicates women should take a back pew, cover their hair and keep quiet.

I want to drive !
I want to teach !
I want my own house !
I want my a job !
I want a girl friend !

Oh Oh Oh ! I got it all already !

I don't hate men.
They are useful.
They dig holes.
They mend stuff.

I wish they didn't fight.
Men want to change the world :
To enhance their own status in the scheme of things. (military leaders)
To fix something they perceive as wrong. (revolutionaries, crusaders)
To gain control of something beyond their control. (religious leaders)
To see if they can. (inventors, explorers)
To improve their and their families' condition. (pioneers, reformers)

Women support those efforts wholeheartedly, tepidly, with trepidation, or under duress, depending on their individual evaluation of both the current situation and the outlook for change. They're far better at calculating the odds accurately. When a woman has made some major change in the world, the successive generation of male chroniclers have largely erased their contribution from the history books. There is some effort to correct the records, but it's difficult to find credible data any from earlier than the 19th century.
I feel convinced this poster is a 220lb male truck driver, covered in tattoos.

Not that thers anythang wrong wit that
My thoughts exactly. I feel convinced this poster is a 220lb male truck driver, covered in tattoos. :D

Post 30 in this thread:
seemed to me to indicate the author is most likely not a woman.

Exactly. Especially when WT's avatar is so obviously (I learned a new word yesterday) thirsty.

Which is why I was noting the fact that WT appears to be explicitly wanting us to believe it.

SciFo is rife with members who are not what they seem. All that matters is what they espouse.
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Exactly. Especially when WT's avatar is so obviously (I learned a new word yesterday) thirsty.

Which is why I was noting the fact that WT appears to be explicitly wanting us to believe it.

SciFo is rife with members who are not what they seem. All that matters is what they espouse.

Google image search reveals the pic to be of a Brazilian model, one Elisandra Tomacheski <<<
Well I for one think it is great that Elisandra is so interested in science. Maybe she will go on a date with me after I become super rich. A Nigerian Prince I met online is going to be putting a hefty deposit in my bank account!
Well done Sherlock! Not that it proves a lot, of course - one does not expect people to post actual mugshots of themselves on an internet forum.

Still, one has to wonder what the motivations are behind such a ruse.

An internet forum is hardly a court of law, so there's not exactly a legal obligation... Likewise, I can appreciate an earnestly crafted persona that is quite different from the poster themselves. (Plural pronouns for the singular feels odd to me, but apparently it's now the accepted format.) But simply pretending to be male or female--just, why?
Still, one has to wonder what the motivations are behind such a ruse.
The usual motivation is a bid for attention/likes/responses. In the olden days, when someone was suspected to be a female IRL, a feeding frenzy would ensue among the younger male members. Doesn't have to be amorous, just lots of posts, lots of niceness, and a contrived sense of power.
The usual motivation is a bid for attention/likes/responses. In the olden days, when someone was suspected to be a female IRL, a feeding frenzy would ensue among the younger male members. Doesn't have to be amorous, just lots of posts, lots of niceness, and a contrived sense of power.
Well, it seems that Ivor Bigun, Wilhelmina T, Ted Grant and a bunch of other entities preoccupied with the Religion subforum were all socks of each other and have now been banned. I learned this today, from a reply to the report I filed against Ivor Bigun, a couple of days ago.

So a nice bit of cleaning up there! :biggrin: