Are there any creatures with 3D Retinas?


Registered Senior Member
I Googled it but didn't find anything. I read somewhere that if you had 3D Retinas you could see 4D objects. There's got to be a bug or an aquatic being with this surely? This would be helpful for a web comic I'm working on.

Thanks in advance.
Are there such things as 4D objects in the natural world? Does any creature living on Earth need to see them?
So you read this? That was probably Kurt Vonnegut Jr book Slautterhouse Five.
All solid objects are 4D, if time is - as the physicists assure us - a dimension.

And all retinas are 3D - they exist in time, and by registering position in the time dimension they create - or "observe" - 4D objects.
Which are not at all the same as four-dimensional mathematical constructs. So, why bother talking about 4D, when you really mean ordinary things and normal eyes?
Ah so it would seem no one on this forum immediately knows of a creature with 3D retinas. That means then, along with it not being on the first page of Google, it's probably not a thing. Which is a shame but I can live with that. Thank you everyone.
Just to clear up any confusion this is what I was imagining. A 3D being with a 3D retina. Like that's as far as it goes. 3D beings with 2D retinas can see in 3D. Thank you Deacon, Stereoscopic vision sounds interesting.

A 2D Retina is flat
A 3D retina, I imagine, would be convex
Like a 3D dome for the retina, I just read that retinas are 2D and convex so I just wanted to clear up more confusion.
I Googled it but didn't find anything. I read somewhere that if you had 3D Retinas you could see 4D objects.
?? No. A "3D retina" is merely one that has more than one focal plane, so you can focus on near and far objects simultaneously with the same lens. That wouldn't help you see "4D" (whatever that is.)
I'm more thinking in terms of depth. Anyway this topic is starting to go off the rails, can some one lock it please?
If you insist on ignoring time as a dimension, light itself is a planar wave front - 2D info is all you can get from it.