Are theists essentially control freaks?

Is this actually a Religion topic?
Or a Human Science one? (E.g. the psychology of the theist).

The obvious answer, of course, is: some are, some aren't. :)

But: with regard to what?
Controlling others?
Or simply liking the idea that there's "purpose" (and therefore everything IS under control).
Are theists essentially control freaks?

No more than anyone else I'd say. Any example of a theist who is obsessed with controlling others would almost certainly have an analog outside of theism.
(Chimpy's inner voices:
*damn right!*
what's a control freak? when can I have cookies?
Hey, man, that's not cool...)

Hey waitaminute! :eek:
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You only have 3 inner voices?

It's fashionable to have at least 4 these days.
I am a control freak , or I use to be. You got to be when you are responsible for an outcome. When something gets all fuckered up and the head hunters come for a head they typically come for the head and if you are the head well you lose your head . The rest run and scatter un hurt . Say woo wee missed the bullet that time , to bad we can't ride that train anymore . The head is gone . The engine that could can no longer . Some government monitored work you got to have an " Official Responsible person" The one with the training and is certified . There head rolls when someone fucks up cause they are the legal " Responsible Person "
Control freaks ! Yeah my way or the highway cause if you fuck it up they come for me. Glad I am not a Mod on this forum like James R. Ah yeah big responsibility. Should we poke him with some more voodoo pins see if he cracks ?? The wild animal in him might come out and play with us . I will stand at the back of the class and put Gustav at the front row .

There is no monopoly on control freaking . Good leaders know how to delegate responsibility and don't concern them selves that much with the minutia.
It is good to know what is out of your control .

Now I don't care so much .
Do what you want
Glad I am not a Mod on this forum like James R. Ah yeah big responsibility. Should we poke him with some more voodoo pins see if he cracks ?? The wild animal in him might come out and play with us .

I know...Internets are serious business...
Now I don't care so much .

I don't care that much either. Not enough to really start fighting over stuff, anyway.
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Is this actually a Religion topic?
Or a Human Science one? (E.g. the psychology of the theist).

The obvious answer, of course, is: some are, some aren't.

But: with regard to what?
Controlling others?
Or simply liking the idea that there's "purpose" (and therefore everything IS under control).

No more than anyone else I'd say. Any example of a theist who is obsessed with controlling others would almost certainly have an analog outside of theism.

Consider: theists tend to want to convert others.
Nowadays, openly expressing the desire to convert others is not PC, so even theists are not that likely to express it directly.
But if we look at the directives within the major theisms, the members are usually instructed to "bring others into the fold" - ie. members are instructed to convert people.
This is an example of trying to control others.
Consider: theists tend to want to convert others.
Nowadays, openly expressing the desire to convert others is not PC, so even theists are not that likely to express it directly.
But if we look at the directives within the major theisms, the members are usually instructed to "bring others into the fold" - ie. members are instructed to convert people.
This is an example of trying to control others.

Honestly, I think religion (just like politics) is simply hijacking an innate human tendency to exert one's influence on the world.

Something that may support your position however is the following:

"Researcher Flavil Yeakley has documented that ICOC members' perceptions of their interests and personalities suggest a shift towards personality type 'ESFJ' (one of sixteen possible types) once joining the church. The researcher cautions that the method used does not prove an actual personality shift so much as the participant's perception that such a shift should take place."

ESFJ being Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment. I'd imagine that such a shift might be common to religious fundamentalists of all varieties.
Honestly, I think religion (just like politics) is simply hijacking an innate human tendency to exert one's influence on the world.

Sure, it is a perfectly human tendency to want to exert influence over others.

But theists do it in the name of their Infinitely Big Brother, this Infinitely Big Brother being on their side but not on the side of those they want to influence!

This is why the situation with theists trying to influence others is so unique - and absurd.
In all other examples of humans trying to influence others, we never deal with someone who has an infinitely powerful ally on their side.

The competition between the theist and the non-theist is set up so that the non-theist always loses.

"Researcher Flavil Yeakley has documented that ICOC members' perceptions of their interests and personalities suggest a shift towards personality type 'ESFJ' (one of sixteen possible types) once joining the church. The researcher cautions that the method used does not prove an actual personality shift so much as the participant's perception that such a shift should take place."

Good point! This is the impression I had as well in my involvement with organized religion.