Are Theists Casualties?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
I don't know. When engaged in a debate with a theist I can't help but think 'poor bugger'. I actually feel sympathetic towards most if not all. I feel as if they are a casualty of the times.

For some, is life similar to being in a foxhole that's under constant bombardment? Like the shell shock victims of war, is there a moment when you lose a part of yourself? Yes life can be nasty and people are faced with a multitude of negative emotional situations that are beyond their capacity to absorb. Does theistic religion desensitize or does it do the opposite, create an anxiety so great that fear becomes a constant companion?

I've heard it said theism is born out of fear of death. The longing to live forever and the unknown finality of death, are they too much to bear? Grief, misfortune, rejection and dissatisfaction with life, too much to cope with? I always think about theists as if they have had enough and given in. Is belief in God the dressing for the wounded mind?

Are atheists merely survivors or ex-victims returning to the front line of life?
Are agnostics fence-sitters who were punished for making decisions when young?
Are agnostics cover all basers?
Are agnostics just trying to irritate everyone?
Are agnostics borderline?
I'd say there's a good chance a theist can be whatever they want.
Oh, I love that kind of new age thinking. There has to be theist who wants to be a daffodil.
Plus they can all suffer some form of mind trauma, no one's immune.

Unless, given the first quote, they want to be free of mind trauma. Then they'd be immune.

This is interesting.
Oh, I love that kind of new age thinking. There has to be theist who wants to be a daffodil.

Unless, given the first quote, they want to be free of mind trauma. Then they'd be immune.

This is interesting.

When you have time to access Wiki then you can give us a better retort.
Is Wiki your source for this stuff? I would be careful with them as a reference.

OK. Let's start with this quote...

Plus they can all suffer some form of mind trauma, no one's immune.
I am not sure what you mean by 'mind trauma' but given that science these days is NOT dualistic, we are then speaking about brain trauma. Interestingly, people who have gone through traumatic stresss - and suffer from PTSD - do, under MRIs - show brain trauma. IOW negative changes in the brain.

Do you have any evidence that religious people have any brain trauma?

Or is this another unscientific, illogical thread?
I've heard it said theism is born out of fear of death.
I've heard it said this is an unsubstantiated claim. I've heard it said that atheists fear loss of control. This is also an unsubstantiated claim.

I like this hearsay posting, but it's not very scientific.
I don't know. When engaged in a debate with a theist I can't help but think 'poor bugger'. I actually feel sympathetic towards most if not all. I feel as if they are a casualty of the times.

For some, is life similar to being in a foxhole that's under constant bombardment? Like the shell shock victims of war, is there a moment when you lose a part of yourself? Yes life can be nasty and people are faced with a multitude of negative emotional situations that are beyond their capacity to absorb. Does theistic religion desensitize or does it do the opposite, create an anxiety so great that fear becomes a constant companion?

I've heard it said theism is born out of fear of death. The longing to live forever and the unknown finality of death, are they too much to bear? Grief, misfortune, rejection and dissatisfaction with life, too much to cope with? I always think about theists as if they have had enough and given in. Is belief in God the dressing for the wounded mind?

Are atheists merely survivors or ex-victims returning to the front line of life?

Yet another psychotic episode, eh?:rolleyes:
I like this hearsay posting, but it's not very scientific.

Well congrats, you just figured out my M.O. There is nothing scientific about theism, although how the mind (brain) works is. I figure if theists can ramble on without science back up or by utterly ignoring it then what's stopping me from doing the same? I'm just giving them back what they serve up to the rest of us.

I get a kick out of theists going bananas on my threads. They can't wait to go on the offensive. It's like I'm doing them a favor. The difference is, I'm intentionally provoking a response by use of silly questions. Theistic discussion isn't any different except they don't see it as silly.

Threads in the form of questions should be their clue. Anybody can ask a question. People think that because I ask the question that I'm really representing the idiot atheist. Not long before its a personal attack directed at me, something the theist claims atheists are want to do. And in a way they're right....Anything anti-religious is seen as either a threat or there's an imbecile trying to set the standard of life for everyone.

Ol' PE is moving on soon anyway. I hope you enjoy your discourses with the religious intelligentsia. Going to join another forum and put PE to bed forever.


Oh by the way... I could see you were on prior to my posting this thread. A friend of mine was with me and I asked him if he wanted to bet that Doreen would be the first to jump all over this. Jeez, I could have won 4 times over.
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Well congrats, you just figured out my M.O. There is nothing scientific about theism, although how the mind (brain) works is. I figure if theists can ramble on without science back up or by utterly ignoring it then what's stopping me from doing the same? I'm just giving them back what they serve up to the rest of us.
So you are expecting only theists to read your 'work'?

I get a kick out of theists going bananas on my threads. They can't wait to go on the offensive. It's like I'm doing them a favor. The difference is, I'm intentionally provoking a response by use of silly questions. Theistic discussion isn't any different except they don't see it as silly.
I am relieved you know your posts are silly. Sometimes by the way you've defended them in the past it seemed you did not realize this.

Threads in the form of questions should be their clue. Anybody can ask a question. People think that because I ask the question that I'm really representing the idiot atheist. Not long before its a personal attack directed at me, something the theist claims atheists are want to do. And in a way they're right....Anything anti-religious is seen as either a threat or there's an imbecile trying to set the standard of life for everyone.
Hate to point it out to you but this paragraph is not in question form and it is as stupidly reasoned as your question-based posts.

Ol' PE is moving on soon anyway. I hope you enjoy your discourses with the religious intelligentsia. Going to join another forum and put PE to bed forever.

Oh by the way... I could see you were on prior to my posting this thread. A friend of mine was with me and I asked him if he wanted to bet that Doreen would be the first to jump all over this. Jeez, I could have won 4 times over.
Wow. So you've figured out I enjoy making fun of your illogical posts. I'd think you were psychic except you have so much actual evidence to work with.
So you are expecting only theists to read your 'work'?

No Doreen, I expect you to.

I am relieved you know your posts are silly. Sometimes by the way you've defended them in the past it seemed you did not realize this.

The only thing I defend, and it's been my position from day one is this: We can all believe or not believe in a God. There is nothing factual to be said after that. If I throw nothing in and nothing comes out then it is what I would expect. This has been demonstrated by theists on a consistent basis over the years. I consider religion to be by far the stupidest thing on Earth and yet you expect me to give it credence. Hah! Never.

Hate to point it out to you but this paragraph is not in question form and it is as stupidly reasoned as your question-based posts.

Not when I'm deliberately trying to get under someone's skin. I see your name in the online list and I can't resist taking a shot knowing full well you'll come back with some scholarly rebuttal in an effort to promote some self perceived intellectual superiority. By the way, thanks for your cooperation, your the easiest one on the forum to do this to on a consistent basis. You may think you're the Forum Laureate but I think you're really LG's sister.

Wow. So you've figured out I enjoy making fun of your illogical posts.

No, it means you can be manipulated. I was thinking of you before I wrote it.

I'd think you were psychic except you have so much actual evidence to work with.

Thanks for providing it. My colleagues thank you too. It was fun. I never hid that fact from you did I Doreen? I have said it more than once, I'm here for some fun.
No Doreen, I expect you to.
That made no sense.

The only thing I defend, and it's been my position from day one is this: We can all believe or not believe in a God. There is nothing factual to be said after that. If I throw nothing in and nothing comes out then it is what I would expect. This has been demonstrated by theists on a consistent basis over the years. I consider religion to be by far the stupidest thing on Earth and yet you expect me to give it credence. Hah! Never.
When have I expected you to give it credence? Why are you making things up?
Not when I'm deliberately trying to get under someone's skin. I see your name in the online list and I can't resist taking a shot knowing full well you'll come back with some scholarly rebuttal in an effort to promote some self perceived intellectual superiority.
Making psychic claims again, PE.

By the way, thanks for your cooperation, your the easiest one on the forum to do this to on a consistent basis. You may think you're the Forum Laureate but I think you're really LG's sister.
You are really going loopy with this mind reading stuff.

No, it means you can be manipulated. I was thinking of you before I wrote it.
So, you spend your time trying to get reactions from me.
Thanks for providing it. My colleagues thank you too. It was fun. I never hid that fact from you did I Doreen? I have said it more than once, I'm here for some fun.
Hey, me too. At least, in addition to other things. But you've defended yourself too many times to now write it all off as simply trying to have fun. Well, to be believed, anyway.

By the way, you're not gone yet.

Ol' PE is moving on soon anyway.
You're not just being a tease, I hope.