Are stupid people entitled to their opinions?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
They sure entitled to it, I just don't want them to express it... :)

In a thread the other day someone was making a point of that the person was entitled to his/her opinion. Sure, as long as it made sense. But just to protect free speach no matter what kind of nonsense the person is trying to argue, that is a bit too much for me. You are entitled to have it, just don't post about it.

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it....
They sure entitled to it, I just don't want them to express it... :)

In a thread the other day someone was making a point of that the person was entitled to his/her opinion. Sure, as long as it made sense. But just to protect free speach no matter what kind of nonsense the person is trying to argue, that is a bit too much for me. You are entitled to have it, just don't post about it.

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it....

Oh, yes - they are both entitled to them AND to express them. And you are entitled to ignore both - it's just that easy. ;) (Their opinion is under no obligation to make sense and neither are you.)
They sure entitled to it, I just don't want them to express it... :)

In a thread the other day someone was making a point of that the person was entitled to his/her opinion. Sure, as long as it made sense. But just to protect free speach no matter what kind of nonsense the person is trying to argue, that is a bit too much for me. You are entitled to have it, just don't post about it.

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it....

But, you are also free to point out their stupidity in a humiliating way proportionally to their zeal in offering it.
who defines what is "stupid" and from who's perspective is this "stupidity" being rated/understood?
They sure entitled to it, I just don't want them to express it... :)

In a thread the other day someone was making a point of that the person was entitled to his/her opinion. Sure, as long as it made sense. But just to protect free speach no matter what kind of nonsense the person is trying to argue, that is a bit too much for me. You are entitled to have it, just don't post about it.

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it....

There is the ignore function. There is the 'stopping reading and moving to another post' ability.

Of course people are entitled to express stupid opinions. If not, you need a government agency to decide what opinions are stupid and what are not. And we all know 1) they would make stupid choices 2) that would be fascism. So learn to navigate the world like the rest of us.

In all honesty I think the opinion you expressed in this thread is stupid. In so much as it implies that freedom of speech is fine as long as it is not exercised. I do not intend, however, to demand that the mods shut this thread down or ban you. Of course you have written posts that I find quite intelligent, but even if I didn't I still would not demand your silence.
Yes, the stupid are entitled to express themselves

Syzygys said:

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it

Well, how are we defining stupid? There are plenty of people who think anything that disagrees with them is stupid. There are others who tend to respect rational arguments that they disagree with while holding irrational arguments in contempt. And there are many who can't tell the difference between those two processes.

The American standard for free speech—at least, what it's supposed to be—seems fairly common-sense. Threatening, endangering, and libelous or slanderous expression is forbidden. Over the years we've included harassing speech, and there is a fair argument to be had for this, since some have been determined to make the point by their behavior.

Beyond that, though, even the stupid deserve their freedom. History suggests quite clearly what happens when we start curtailing people's rights for subjective reasons.

As an example, I find the notion of a God who judges us fit for Heaven or Hell a puerile notion. To take it a step further, I think belief in a God who blesses our conception and birth° despite the fact that we arrive in the world in a manner unfit for His presence° only so that we might earn our "redemption" through constant worship and faith according to a contradictory book assembled by a bunch of self-defeating hypocrites° is not only significant of stupidity, but also indicative of mental illness. But I'm not going to tell people they can't talk about it. To the other, though, that society does not adopt bizarre and hateful prejudices according to this moronic excuse in lieu of reality does not mean these people's right to free expression has been violated.

Further complicating the situation, of course, is the idea that while I would protect these folks' right to express themselves, their most public voices so openly disdain honesty, decency, and integrity.

And that's where I start to have a problem with their expression. Indeed, they have the right to speak, and I fully understand the urge to tell them to get a clue or shut the hell up, but two vital duties of participating in the human endeavor are compassion and tolerance. We must not hurt these people. We must not stifle them. Instead, we must practice harm reduction until such time as humanity outgrows such craven juvenilia.


° blesses our conception and birth — A common argument in the political discussion regarding the right of a woman to govern her own body and what takes place within it.

° we arrive in the world in a manner unfit for His presence — This is the effect of Original Sin. At a Christmas Eve pageant, I believe in 1993, I sat in horror and disgust as a grandmother sat in front of the congregation at New Alliance Church in Salem, Oregon, and explained to a five year-old that she was born full of yucky black stuff that only Jesus could clean. If anyone should wonder why our society has gone so far astray, consider how many people, in an effort to win converts to Christianity, teach their children that they are born evil.

° a contradictory book assembled by a bunch of self-defeating hypocrites — Athanasius, often called the "Father of Orthodoxy", won a certain argument at Nicea in 325 CE. Athanasius is also credited as the first to name the books of the New Testament as we know them today. Interestingly, however, the argument Athanasius won in 325 compelled the church body to take a stance it often denounced as docetism, which refers to a belief that Jesus was not fully human. The problem with docetism is that it diminishes the value of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. So it was that, at the time during which the Biblical canon was being affirmed, the men doing the affirming were, themselves, heretics. Not that it changes a whole lot in the modern era; the triumph of orthodoxy over gnosticism drove the final nails into the cross as far as Christianity is concerned. The rest is mere theatrics. But it is a curious circumstance of history.
who defines what is "stupid"

Common sense. Let's say read the thread about the plane on a conveyor belt. The problem is a rather simple physical one (no subjective morals or whatever) it can easily be tested with a similar set up, and still, after 20 pages quite a few people don't get the solution and argue against it vehemently. Now their arguments simply, well, stupid....(beside being wrong)

Let's clarify, there are generally 2 kinds of problems, objectively decidable (like the above one) and subjective. Of course in the case of subjective problems (morals, beauty, best things,etc.) I still expect people to make a logically valid argument. Or at least to be able to see that there isn't an objective solution...

For help:
Common sense. Let's say read the thread about the plane on a conveyor belt. The problem is a rather simple physical one (no subjective morals or whatever) it can easily be tested with a similar set up, and still, after 20 pages quite a few people don't get the solution and argue against it vehemently. Now their arguments simply, well, stupid....(beside being wrong)

Let's clarify, there are generally 2 kinds of problems, objectively decidable (like the above one) and subjective. Of course in the case of subjective problems (morals, beauty, best things,etc.) I still expect people to make a logically valid argument. Or at least to be able to see that there isn't an objective solution...

For help:

that your reasoning and so is your definition on what to label what. Morals as you have mentioned them play a major role for my decision, so we differ there already.
They sure entitled to it, I just don't want them to express it... :)
In a thread the other day someone was making a point of that the person was entitled to his/her opinion. Sure, as long as it made sense. But just to protect free speach no matter what kind of nonsense the person is trying to argue, that is a bit too much for me. You are entitled to have it, just don't post about it.

It is like singing. If you are a terrible singer, I don't care how long you sing in your bathtub, but please, don't make me listen to it....

That's the most stupid opinion I've come across on this site
You clearly haven't been here long enough,.... :)

But you are a good example though. You throw out an opinion without any argument to back it uo, thus clearly, stupid itself and you are not entitled to it! Keep singing in the shower please!
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I think all are entitled to their opinion but the stupids' opinions wouldn't weigh as much as Oli's or dragon's.