Are somebody familiar with George Hammond theory of "life after death"?


Registered Senior Member
Interestly,he come to this theory,and it it very resonates Anthony Peake's "Cheating the Ferryman"

Paranormal SPY Afterlife

And here is from Hammond"s website:

"In a previous Blog entry (below) containing a letter from Professor Stuart Hameroff U. Arizona, I detailed how a short millisecond signal in the microtubule system of the brain at Frohlich’s frequency could easily contain a year of human experience, and thus even though the bedside observer would see the person expire in a fraction of a second, the dearly departed would subjectively live on for a year in cyber-paradise despite his Frohlich-speed millisecond demise. This then would be the scientific explanation of St. Paul's prophesy in I Corinthians Ch 15 vs 52 that: " the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.. the dead shall be raised".
I’ve been thinking some more about the death dream download after talking to Stuart Hameroff by e-mail. Supposedly the death dream would be pre-recorded in a running-edit mode during our entire life, every hour, every second of every day. It would constantly be edited and distilled, sort of the same process that they use to cut and edit a Hollywood movie. This in fact, might even be the primary function of nocturnal dreaming.
So this edited life after death scenario, or dream, is residing in the microtubule system of the brain ready to download in a few milliseconds at a moments notice should death occur. The question then arises as to why this dream would automatically download when we die. My answer to that is that it must be completely natural, that is a default mechanism of the death process itself. Supposedly, the death dream is created by a natural mechanism having to do with the Secular Trend growth deficit of the brain (see my paper: Scientific Proof of God on this website), and then when we die, this pent-up font of “flat space” reality, by the same token, just automatically bursts forth and floods the entire cytoskeleton of the brain. And this is what produces “life after death” so-called. The underlying idea here is that the well-known Secular Trend growth deficit causes a neuron shortage and therefore the brain cannot actually perceive “true reality”, that is “flat subjective space”….. it can only perceive a “curved version” (truncation) of subjective space-time… a “curved version” of reality as it were. However, our brain is able to detect that what we are seeing is not completely real, i.e. is curved rather than flat, so what it does, in some analog fashion or other, is compute the “flat space extrapolation” of what we actually see. Of course the microtubule system cannot present this extrapolation to the neuronal system because the neuronal system is not big enough to display it. But it remains “pent-up” or “latent” somewhere in the cytoskeleton, and through some process of subconscious mentation, dreaming etc., it gets composed and edited into what we are now calling “an afterlife dream world”.
Okay, that is how and why it gets composed. Now we have to address, how and why it downloads at death. Presumably, death occurs from the top down. That is, the neuronal system shuts down or “flat lines” first. And then begins the slower process of the disintegration of the cytoskeleton-microtubule system. My first intuition would be that the flat lining of the neuronal system is what triggers the afterlife download in the cytoskeleton. Perhaps for instance, the neuronal-cytoskeletal system is originally a “closed loop” feedback system and when the neuronal system flatlines at death the cytoskeleton system goes “open-loop” and this simply causes the cytoskeleton system to “dump” any heretofore undisplayed information into the entire cytoskeleton whereas previously it was negative feedback from the neuronal system that was truncating that information and keeping it in check, i.e. keeping it pent-up in the microtubule memory. That’s one of certainly many possibilities."

George Hammond | Details Of Microtubule Life After Death -

Actually,Peake postulated "second self" for this staff,and Hammond uses "microtybe",but idea is the same.
Any thoughs?