Are Paranormal Abilities Real....?

Kinetic Spirit

Possessed Immortal
Registered Senior Member
You know I have posted here years ago, and I use to be a huge believer in TK, remote viewing, ect. But, after all the lies I have seen on the net always looking for information that turns up to be BS, finding video's with people using TK only to find that they have some kind of thing under the table moving the object. Truely can make you very upset. I think people put that stuff on the net just to test how stupid you actually are. To hang onto something that was made up by someone on the net laughing at the morons who waste there time doing this stuff. I wasted the past 2 years on paranormal training myself. Meditating hours on in each day. Im just angry at myself I guess, just another sucker. Or, Maybe these abilities do exist, and it's gonna take many many more years for me to experience paranormal wakening, or maybe it will never happen.
"I think alot of the topics based on how to awaken paranormal abilities are based on belief" Belief seems to run in everyone's brain. A security blanket people hold on to strenghthen the fact that there idea is wrong. Belief is a word that Implies that you're not to sure or something, but I think it is real.

Im not trying to chop up anyones's thread. I think its great you all have idea's of belief and skeptism. You all have every right to belief and not belief what you want. If you have evidence, thats even better. But I dont think anyone can tell me that Paranormal abilities is possible anymore, I need to see it to believe it.

Well, Goodbye everyone...

Until we meet again....
Congratulations Kinetic Spirit. You have just made a big leap from the world
of fantasy to the world of reality. Sorry it had to be so disappointing... that
is one of the dangers of when a belief is challenged with truth.

You are absolutely correct, people can believe in whatever they want and
tend not to notice that believing is a self-chosen mental handicap. Consider
this, when someone 'believes' they are essentially saying "I accept
*something* as true without regard to supporting or contradictory evidence".
It seems pretty stupid eh?

If you happen to explore the world of 'believers' in greater detail, you
will find one of the core reason people believe is they find some idea
attractive. Who wouldn't want to have telekenesis? That would be fucking
awesome. Unfortunately (as you have noticed) if an idea is attractive, it
doesn't make it true and once the truth is learned look out... here comes
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Energy probably said it better than I can:

'Perhaps you think me deluded. That's fine. Perhaps I really am wasting my time with this. That's fine. Perhaps I'm simply accidentally tapping into a psychological means of speeding up my health, and there is no such thing as qi- that's fine. For one of my age, there are far worse and more destructive ways to waste time. If I'm wrong, I've lost a few days of my life doing something I think will make me stronger, days others may lose collecting stamps or idly watching TV or impregnating women. I can live with that. And if I'm right, I genuinely am strengthening myself. It's win-win for me. How about for you?'

Kinetic Spirit - learning is never wasted. There are many people who don't believe in psi abilities who meditate because it is a healthy, beneficial practice. That much *is* accepted by mainstream science and medicine.

Remember that most people seem to accomplish great things without using obvious psi abilities. As someone who's certain of very little, I cannot tell you whether psi does or doesn't exist, but if the idea of psi currently makes you feel disappointed or upset, I'd suggest you explore some other areas of life. Life is full of such beauty. Don't push yourself to do something you don't enjoy - no scientist or musician became great doing something they hated. Can you draw? Why not spend time on that. If you can't - why not learn? In a world full of things like art, music, writing, science... there's no shortage of choice; do what you love most.

If you later decide to, you can always return to investigating psi and if you've learned more about other things, it can only help in your search for the truth.

I may not know precisely where happiness lies, but I doubt flashy power is the only way - or even a good way - to get there.
Oh Coarse, Its never ever wasted, I meditated solely to develope power, not for my health, I'm being completely honest.
Yes, I also agree with you on the fact lots of people accomplish things without psi abilities, No offence, but thats very obvious. Todays society was not brought up on "obvious psi power" and look how the world turn out.

I stated before I was a huge believer of TK, which would draw you to the conclusion that I actually liked it, or rather enjoyed talking about it and trying to develope it. I was never pained by it in the past and I am not pained by it now. I am pained by the fact that we have alot of people putting false facts on the net.

Well, you know what. I can't say that its false, but like I said before. Maybe its gonna take a little bit of time for me, or maybe It wont happen at all. You know, I do have hobbies, Why in the world would I do something I dont enjoy.

I have many Hobbies I spend my time on and enjoy. I learn new things everyday, they maybe stupid, but i've learned something new. You are very right here. There is never a shortage of choice, Thats one thing about the universe that will not change and stays true.