Are Jews responsible for the death of Jesus Christ?


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There is general controversy on this rather serious topic. The subject of many films, as I have not read the bible although I was baptised and consider myself to be a Christian, I have trouble understanding this topic. Is it true that the crowd of Jews called for the crucifixtion of Jesus, when given the choice of freeing either him or Barabas, the theif and murderer.

Is so, that would make these Jews responsible for crucifying Christ...

And on a secondary topic.. Would this reason alone be the reason for Adolf Hitler's mass persecution of Jews during his reign.. (Even though, it turn's out he has a bloodline which comes from the World War II financiers (as well as many others and the family many consider to be behind the New World Order)
The Rothschild's, making him a Jew himself)..

Answers and discussions please...

1. No, the Romans did it. Wether some Jews supported the idea or not isn't that relevent. All of Jesus' followers were Jewish, too. If Jews get the blame for crucifying him (thereby providing you with the basic tenets of your religion), then others get the credit for siding with the Savior. You can't blame an entire religion for something a few people may have done.

2. Not really, although he exploited the centuries old slander against them. Hitler despised the Jews for being his political enemy, for introducing "impure" bloodlines into Europe, and for supporting communism. Most of the newspapers that published anti-fascist opinion were Jewish-owned.
This is a silly thread; were the Romans incapable of independent thought?
It's as silly as blaming the Italians, they should get more of the blame. Of course, there's that whole Catholocism thing, probably just a ruse...
Yes the Jews were to blame. They rejected Jesus as the messiah and wanted him dead. The followers of Jesus at the time accepted Jesus as the messiah being different from the Jews that rejected Jesus
So, don't Jews get the credit as well? Jesus was just another kind of Jew, and the rest were typical of any established conformist order. The Baghwan says that makes us all Jews. We would kill him again today. I had a friend with schizophrenia who acted like Jesus, put on robes and a scarf and walked down the street speaking in tongues. They arested him with tazers and put him in the state hospital, forcing him to take drugs and sedatives.
Yes the Jews were to blame. They rejected Jesus as the messiah and wanted him dead. The followers of Jesus at the time accepted Jesus as the messiah being different from the Jews that rejected Jesus

Well if you're getting picky about it, its well known to Muslims that Jesus was never crucified, that he died of a ripe old age. So you cannot blame the Jews. :p
Well if you're getting picky about it, its well known to Muslims that Jesus was never crucified, that he died of a ripe old age. So you cannot blame the Jews. :p
Really? Oh you're right I just read some passages...according to the Qu'ran God intentionally killed Jesus (Isa), the Jews only boast that they killed him.

"They plotted, and Allah plotted. Allah is the supreme Plotter. He said: 'Jesus, I am about to cause you to die and lift you up to Me. I shall take you away from the unbelievers and exalt your followers above them till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me you shall return and I shall judge your disputes. The unbelievers shall be sternly punished in this world and in the world to come: there shall be none to help them. As for those who have faith and do good works, they shall be given their reward in full. Allah does not love the evil-doers.
This revelation, and this wise admonition, We recite to you. Jesus is like Adam in the sight of Allah. He created him of dust and then said to him 'Be,' and he was." (Qu'ran 3:54-58)

Then it states here:
"That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary a grave false charge; That they said (in boast): We killed Jesus the son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah. But they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjunction to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. ... And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness against them." (Qu'ran 4:156-159)
Is it true that the crowd of Jews called for the crucifixtion of Jesus, when given the choice of freeing either him or Barabas, the theif and murderer.
No, Jesus never actually existed. The story is part of a larger allegory which requires a death of a half-man/half-God in order for ..... bla bla bla bla ..... yes you get to live after you die + pay me money.

The first of such stories I believe were with Isis?
Well if you're getting picky about it, its well known to Muslims that Jesus was never crucified, that he died of a ripe old age. So you cannot blame the Jews. :p

It was probably both. He just recovered, like in "The Last Temptation of Christ", and went to live in a log cabin, far from Judea. Maybe India.
Yes the Jews were to blame. They rejected Jesus as the messiah and wanted him dead.

If the idea was for jesus to come and get sacrificed for mans sins, then the jews/Romans can't be to blame, only god can. It was his plan that his son/himself be pretend slaughtered otherwise he'd be forced to send you all to hell to burn. As such no blame can be placed on humans.
Yes the Jews were to blame. They rejected Jesus as the messiah and wanted him dead. The followers of Jesus at the time accepted Jesus as the messiah being different from the Jews that rejected Jesus

Some Jews. Jesus, for example, and his followers and his mother, did not reject him. And they were Jews. No vote was taken amongst the Jewish population, probably most of whom only heard rumors of Jesus. You can always manipulate some instigators and get a crowd together to scream things. The local Jewish authorities didn't like competition. So? If the Klan marches through some neighborhood, can I say Christians hate blacks and jews?

Further you say they rejected Jesus. They didn't accept him as the Messiah. That is not killing him. Nor is it even wanting him dead, though certainly some Jews did want him dead. Again, some Jews.


And if Jesus came today, guaranteed, local CHRISTIAN, religious authorities would reject him. And, living outside with prostitutes, and other outsider figures, Jesus would find CHRISTIAN police and aldermen and the grey little CHRISTIAN (jewish, moslem, athiest) poeple sitting on their porches who cluck their tongues and make anonymous calls to the police and Klan and psychiatrists and so on, lined up against him.

If you can't see people as individuals, you are not listening to Jesus at all.
Really? Oh you're right I just read some passages...according to the Qu'ran God intentionally killed Jesus (Isa), the Jews only boast that they killed him.

So are you saying the Jews are more powerful than God?:D

Wow, is that an advantage or what?

If you consider it, God could have saved Jesus if he wanted to, so either he did save him or he did not care to, either way, the Jews could hardly decide for God, could they?

How is this a serious question?

Only if you treat it like one. :)