Are ghosts haunting you? I think i have something here...?


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Let's take for example a colourblind human with one eye (yeah i know, just work with me) theoretically, the human has absolutely no perception of the base colours (yellow, red, indigo). At the same time, he has a lot of trouble finiding the texture depth of shadows, different shades and also rough edges (ie: fluffy robes, velvet) or smooth textures (ie; silk, polyester), whether they are the same colour or not. So this mean that the human can look at a silk pair of indigo pj's, then glance at the same type of pj's beside it, velvet in texture; yellow in colour. See it from his point of view. The "physical" form would be two pairs of pj's side by side, probably black and white (I'm not colour blind, i don't know what it's like, but lets look at it that way) with different shades accenting the fuzz on the velvet and the stale flat colour of the smooth silk. Now take ghosts and the human at the same time, place them face to face. because I have no idea how ghosts see or enough about them to make the relation, let's work with the human. The human, on average, based on study, uses simply ten percent of the brain. Is it the same when he's colour blind and has the use of one eye? Suppose he had perfect vision, actually let's give him three eyes. Could it be the third eye would contrast all the shades he misses by having only one eye and make up for the colours he has never seen before? Its true, we only use ten percent of the brain itself, maybe its just our perception. Theoretically, if we used 100% of the brain, wouldn't we be able to see more? Or do we refuse to accept they exist just cuz two eyes aren't enough to see them and yet we can feel them all around us when we're alone in the dark? Should we tell science too cool it with making every last soul dependant on records? Think about it. People have seen them. I see them. You handle the records, no matter how human we both are, no matter how scientifically matched we are, no matter how far science breaks things down, we are the same, created the same for the same chances to make the same mistakes to learn the same principles. But we see things differently. So are they there or did I spent 20 minutes of my high blabbing on an on about a theory I achieved by smoking a joint, another creation of nature like me? I don't know. I just wanted to see how it'd turn out. Whaddya think? I think I just surprised myself lol:eek:
The human, on average, based on study, uses simply ten percent of the brain.

When are people going to stop saying that? It's entirely false.
The rest of your self-proclaimed blabbing is probably just that, no offense. I don't mean to be rude; perhaps the 10% myth stirred me a bit.
I'm going to be totally incorrect, but that 10% myth looked as if it stemmed from "Flight of the Navigator".

There is a point to it though, I have previously explained it here in another post. When you think of 10%, you think of 1/10th, a block of a whole. What you don't think of is that the 10% is split up and positioned throughout the 100% (namely ever 10%).

The reason I mention this is because it can be hypothesised that we only use this split up 10% beause if we went too much higher we would suffer from illusions due to fever as our brain would begin overheating as well as you would find people passing out and suffering from M.E. all over the place.

I'm still going to say that ghosts are just side-effects of an EPR experiment. This means parallel creation that would make changes both up and down the timeline on all parallels.
So, if ghosts excist in parallels, they are here but in another timeline? What makes you say then that we cannot see them? Maybe there are a lot of people who actually can see in parallels. Why not?

Because it is not proven by science? A lot still has to be proven by science. And then I am not even speaking of what they keep hidden for us.

Fact is that there are a lot of people familiar with other entities, may you name them ghosts, or whatever. It seems these entities are even place bounded in several cases.

What is going on here then? A same place in a different timeline? A parallel zone? By lack of the word: world. Because I do not think these "worlds" will be the same then. Or am I wrong? I do not follow completely where you're going Stryder.

I can go for the parallels though. Somehow it makes sense, it leaves me with a lot of questions at the same moment, too.

Hmmm, I will think on it some...

I do not think, ghosts and the like, live in the same opinion on time as we do.
"And then I am not even speaking of what they keep hidden for us. "

Like? Can you either present evidence that suggests that the majority of scientists know something and are keeping it from the public, or an example in history in which the scientific community kept something hidden and then revealed it?
Did I say somewhere the majority TheErk? No, I thought so.

I don't need to give evidence of anything...
Well, you said "proven by science."

Taken by itself, this is a meaningless statement, because "science" is a discipline, not a "thing that proves stuff." Science is something that describes the way things work. So, I assumed that you meant "our current understanding of science", which would be best represented by what the majority of scientists agree on, such as atomic structure or the basics of quantum mechanics.

Most projects that are studying new fields that outomes can only be hypothesised and speculated about without actually doing the experiment means that they are clandenstine.

The main reason is purely because scientist want the challenge of not just working something out, but being the first to get there. Which usually means keeping their experiment a secret.

I suggest that a ghost is someone that is in a different universal position, either due to time or due to a parallel being created by a change.

(There is a preportion of the uncertainty principle in parallel theoretics which also finds roots from chaos theory.

You could ask the question:

If you had two or three identical parallel lines, will lightening strike in the same place twice? According to schrodingers wave theorum it suggests that the lightening would displace itself each time, so eah parallel the lightening would strike differently.)
So what you're saying is that a ghost is a person, living at this very moment but in a parallel timeline which changes the being of this ghost? So that he/she appears as a ghost to us, living in this parallel. Because our "timezone" is a parallel then too.

That should incline ghosts see us as ghosts?

Then how do you explain it that ghosts come forward to warn people here in our timezone, for dangers, for instance, which will occur.

And why is it that they only appear to some of us, not to all of us?

I still remain with the feeling that we can excist in parallels then, somehow.

Forgive me if I sound real dumb now, I try to understand exactly what you are saying. Somewhere in my foggy mind I think I do understand it. I can not bring it completely under words for now I think.

Then what if that parallels excists through our timezone and ghosts from the past who once lived in this parallel can still be heard or seen?

What was it that made them change to another timezone/parallel?

I am really interested in this and do try to understand what you mean. Please, help me a little here.

It could be of great help to me...

My interpretation of "Ghosts" in the sense of necromancy is that it is manipulated by people that utilise either radiology in this parallel timeline or another, to which they transcend information across.

The usage of "Ghosts" or other paranormal termings is just done because these events have been for years clandenstine and sometimes only serving them in a selfish way.

I did write a post in the pseudoscience that will probably annoy some along the lines of necromancy, where I explain how it would be possibly to provide information from someone who is dead to this timeline/parallel but not to another.

My explaination did use the assumption that a person would have to have their death manipulated, although there is a possible conclusion that the same could be done without diretly killing someone (Although if the future has your demise written up in a newspaper and written in stone, then your not going to esape your fate easily.)

[I apologise for the morbidness of that]

I should really define my explaination of parallel "ghosts" as "apparitions", seeming holographic replays that are events that are occuring at the same place but a different timeline/parallel.

As for would an apparition see you as a ghost/apparition itself?

Well there's a possibility, when you think of the number of ghosts that are suppose to occupy old castles, that have been documented from the point the castle was created and think of at first the people from that past point being seen in the hear and now, while tourists and guides wondering the castle discussing it's history might be seen then.

As for what makes a parallel? Well is simply along the lines of if an experiment is done and the results differ. If they differ then a positive result might cause the "Physicists" involved to go through their findings for a different period of time in comparison to results that were a failure.

This in turn means that they go home later or sooner depending on their result, which slowly moves round to their interaction with people as they drive home or when they get home.

This can then extend far further and soon you have ever increasing circles where the standard timeline is dotted with these instances of change. (Pretty much proves on it's own the creation of a multiverse with one instance)

[BTW, the standard theory is that the less number of parallels increases the constituancy of a holographic apparition, the more parallels and differences put between them the constintuancy will lower.

Of course the creation of parallels to do this sort of change needs a controlled environment, or things might get a bit pear shaped.]
Now I try to bring your words into perspective, 'cause I actually do see these apparitions or ghosts. Does this mean then that I am influenced by the experiments of those physicists are actually creating these parallels and somehow manage to do that in a way to "deceive" people, in a way?

If they can make these cycles of parallels, then they create the visions of the ghosts, who then come into vision.

I can imagine something by your example how they use the left energy of dead people, to extend their "being" while they are dead already, 'cause their inner spirit, by lack of another word, will remain for a little while, shortly after they died, It's a form of stealing life's energy from a dead person. Doesn't sound right to me. Such a spirit will dwell in despair, 'cause there is actually no reason for him/her being in this parallel/timezone. In fact the phycisists are playing dangerous games with the despair of a spirit which should be gone over to his/her dead timezone/parallel.

I think I would prefer not to avoid my destiny in this kind of way. It sounds like using people, dead or not, for reasons very unethical.

Somehow this should backfire big time.

Why do physicists deliberately create other parallels? With the sole purpose to make it possible to mess with the ghost parallel? Manmade? Sound rather morbid.

I can believe it happens, though.

Still, I am convinced that the ghosts or apparitions I see, are very real although it is obviously clear that they live in other time conditions. That is why I think they may live in a parallel then, which you describe.

Do you think these experiments with parallels and from there a multiverse, created by mankind is good? I think they will mess up big time. Because it is seen over and over that humans cannot control themselves and always want to go further, till the bitter end.

It sounds all so wrong to me. Then again, I still may miss the point here. I will think about it seriously. It is of real importance to me to understand it very well. Especially because I do see these ghosts frequently. I then wonder whether this is because of experiments by physicists or that the ghosts are just living in these places, but only in another parallel which co excist with our parallel.

Does this make sense or do I still miss the point?

Please, have a little patience with me...
"Most projects that are studying new fields that outomes can only be hypothesised and speculated about without actually doing the experiment means that they are clandenstine.

The main reason is purely because scientist want the challenge of not just working something out, but being the first to get there. Which usually means keeping their experiment a secret."

You have got to be kidding me. Go pick up an issue of Science or Scientific American, and you'll see all sorts of crazy (but possible) things that are merely hypothesised. Experiments aren't clandestine, they're out in the open so that the rest of the scientific community can contribute to the development of them. This is the way science works.

Although your latter claim may hold some water, I have a feeling that anything is big as "we just proved that ghosts exist in a parallel universe" wouldn't be kept a secret. There is no good hypothesis there, because there's no evidence that any phenomenon is being demonstrated. You don't see scientists running around theorizing on the kinetic properties of n-rays because they have no reason to think such a thing exists.
Then how do you explain it that ghosts come forward to warn people here in our timezone, for dangers, for instance, which will occur.

Like when? Don't you find it a bit odd that disasters and preventable accidents happen to tons of people every day, but most of them don't report that a ghost warned them about it? Do ghosts pick and choose who they want to be saved from death? This is similar to calling good luck a miracle from God: why didn't God provide a miracle to that child who was born with Tay-Sachs? People believe this because they like to put meaning where there is none--they can't accept certain events for what they are: good luck.

And why is it that they only appear to some of us, not to all of us?

Because most of us are intelligent enough to dismiss them as hallucinations. Do you know that low-frequency tones can produce not only deep feelings of dread, but intense ghostly hallucinations?

Does this mean then that I am influenced by the experiments of those physicists are actually creating these parallels and somehow manage to do that in a way to "deceive" people, in a way?

You're not thinking critically here: people have been 'seeing' ghosts and apparitions since the dawn of mankind. Unless I read what you're writing incorrectly, you're saying that these ghosts are the results of experiments?

Does this make sense or do I still miss the point?

Well, what you're saying is clear enough, but it seems totally based on insane speculation and bad science-ficition novels.

Do you know that low-frequency tones can produce not only deep feelings of dread, but intense ghostly hallucinations?

That can kind of be explained, if you mix in a tub some stones and sand, and then begin to shake the tub. Eventually the stones will rise to the top as the sand causes the displacement of the stones weight and makes it rise.

I mention this because human "Memory" perhaps works under a similar principle with neural pattern recognition. It's known that we remember a meta of an image, just enough to know the shape but perhaps lacking alot of detail.

Depending on the size of the shape would decide what frequency was being used to store it, for instance a human body like someone you know.

The Low frequency shakes your brain through reverbiration and causes solitons to be released throughout the neural pathways, and those partiular frequencies can trigger the pattern thats stored to rise to the surface.

As for the explaination of parallels and ghosts, they explain how a ghost can occur NOW and Back in the past. As I've mentioned countless times, people presume that a parallel would be the same time frame but have differences within the universe. Well my understanding is that the parallels an be stepped (Multiple numbers of parallels) so a number of different time frames can all intersect at the same time.

I mention this because for a normal timeline to diverge into two different ones, you need a time step to occur, or there would be a split of energy super-positioning that would either cause a wave function collapse or the increase of quanta as the matter thats moving positions has a frictionous reaction with itself.

Some people see a figure, may it be a ghost or whatever, appear just before something major happens. A figure who calls out for help, for people who will get trapped or some such in an accident to come. It doesn't happen all the time, it happens, though. Oddly enough, after such an apparition, something really happens, though people who it happens to, the apparition, are mostly so startled that they act too late. The reason I believe Stryder, when he says they excist in parallels, is that these ghosts are not visible to everybody, only to some. Also there are a lot of places on Earth, where ghosts dwell. It might very well be the case that they are in a different timezone. Good luck from god? I suggest you take a hike to a psychiatrist with that.

I know very well about low-frequency tones and what they can do, yes.

I am not saying that ghosts are a result from experiments either. I merely try to see what Stryder is saying and think that he has a good point in mentioning parallels, which could be an explanation of the phenomenon ghosts, or whatever you want to name them.

Insane speculations and bad Sci-Fi books uh? Think whatever pleases you, I couldn't care less about it.

All I'm trying to say is that I don't believe that ghosts exist, and that brain malfunction can explain many reported cases of ghost-seeing. If you have had an experience that YOU believe, beyond a doubt, proves that ghosts are real, then it seems reasonable enough to me to believe in them. However, I've never had such an experience, and I've heard too many stories that turned out to be something mundane rather than ghosts (where people in the story were SO sure...) to necessarily trust anecdotes.

Your bit about memory structure is interesting. I've never heard of different memories being stored at different frequencies, but then again I don't know much about the structure of memory storage devices. Anyone else know about this?

You totally missed my point. A hike to the psychiatrist? I see you've dropped down to ad hominem. First of all, your entire argument relies on anecdotes, and any rational person knows that stories are just that. Second, you're claiming that "there are a lot of places on Earth, where ghosts dwell." Funny how these places are all creepy and morbid, places that are known to elicit feelings of fear and dread in people, causing them to hallucinate. Why is it that the places in parallel dimensions in which ghosts dwell all happen to correspond to places where hallucinations are commonplace? And that they almost always in the night, when, not only is it dark and difficult to form clear images of reality, but when your brain's naturally evolved fear-trigger kicks in?
TheErk, you totally miss the point. It is not so that "ghosts" only appear in the night time. It seems there are persons/"ghosts who just come to the surface of this timezone, at times. I do not say it quite right, it is a little difficult to explain it as I would like. The fact that it never happened to you does not say it didn't happen to others.

No, not all anecdotes, I am sorry to say so.

Why is it that the places in parallel dimensions in which ghosts dwell all happen to correspond to places where hallucinations are commonplace? And that they almost always in the night, when, not only is it dark and difficult to form clear images of reality, but when your brain's naturally evolved fear-trigger kicks in?

Is that so? That places in parallel timezones corespond to places where hallucinations are common place? I do not think this is true. It goes for people who go to those places with the purpose of doing some ghost hunting who's imagination will play tricks on them. Because these people half and half expect something to happen there. The adrenalin level is high and makes them much more open for "hallucinations".

It is not true either that it mostly happens in the night. There are visions of "ghosts" during the day time too and in common houses where the lights are on and where there is no such thing as difficulties to form clear images. Also I do not see what can cause your fear to be triggered on places you mention. If so, then you are afraid already, up front. Then I suggest people stay away from those places, which seem to have such an attraction on them.

It's one thing to have your natural fear trigger go off when it is really necessarry, it's another thing to go look for something which might be fearful.

There's a difference there.

See you...

I one wrote a section on this before, it was a hypothesis on how a ghost could be formed:

Unknown to I, an experimenting physicist manages to create a parallel timeline, his reason is for it's usage in increasing his high powered computers computation by utilising it's new multiworlds superpositioning of it's processor, so different calculations an all be performed on the same processor but in parallel to each other.

In the process of creating a parallel (That was just done with the changing in position of an electron, that through a multiversal technique can register a position regardless of Heisenbergs principle of uncertainty.)

Unbeknown to the physicist, his last minute calculations after his parallel creation cause a divergance. (There is no quanta shift to the physicist, since the electron carried the brunt of the universal changes [Proving the energy that subatomics can contain].

He decideds on his way home to pop in at a garage/fuel Depot to get a sandwich and fuel. As I walk past, I glance to see him fill up his car, I wasn't actually looking to see him, just wandering past on my way home.

The thing here is something strange occurs, As remember I have had no interaction with the scientists closed experiment. So in the parallel where he's gone home earlier (or not stopped for fuel).

I walk exactly the same path, I gance across at the gas pump and see something that looks like a car with a person fueling it. I walk a bit further on but have an odd feeling (a parallel divergence) to which I turn back and see no car or person.

The understanding is that internally my though patterns would have been the same until the noticable divergence. So the way the light from looking at the man in the real parallel would cause a thought pattern to the one where the man isn't filling his ar up with fuel.

This can explain ghosts/apparitions and Dopplegangers.
"It is not true either that it mostly happens in the night."

I've heard many, many stories of apparitions and ghosts, and nearly all of them take place at night or during sleepy time.

So, I have not missed the point at all; I have simply asserted that "it mostly happens in the night" is a true statement. You disagree with me there. My point is, it happens at night because that's when people have fear and hallucinations. Don't disagree with one of my premises, make a new statement based on that different premise, and then pretend I missed the point because I didn't agree.
Let's make one thing clear here TheErk. I do not pretend. Disagreeing is fine by me.