Are family life and kids just "good"?


Registered Senior Member
Alternatively it depends on cirkumstances - sometimes yes sometimes no.
Economists and demographers mostly think of a future problem of "missing workforce", in those parts of the world were fertility is low. Question: is it particularly "unethical" not to participate in reproduction of the future workforce(not even the part of it who work for "defense of nations" -military and police forces)? perhaps not. Many arguments "pro kid" (and family) are questionable, I think. Perhaps a few are valid? Then which one (can anyone find the needle in haystack)?
Having kids is not necessarily "participat[ing] in reproduction of the future workforce."

Nor is it necessary for all adults to have children. In fact many species defer child bearing for some or have non child bearing adults. (Ants, bees, and Florida Jays come to mind off hand)

"Many arguements" is a bit vague.
One might say that as they get elderly, they would rather be taken care of by a family member.
After a couple generations of "single child" or "no child" tendencies, the likelihood of this is greatly reduced. One may find themselves with no siblings, no aunts or uncles, no cousins and no children.
With modern medical advances people can live for long periods of time without the ability to get around and take care of themselves.
Social welfare programs would be needed to provide assistance to these people. Of course that requires tax money which is being stretched as well, because of the shrinking workforce.
Just a thought.
shrinking workforce? how about letting some more immigrants in if you're complaining about a labour shortage. reproducing just because you live in a low density area is simply irresponsible when you consider the overpopulation in the majority of areas.