Are Crop circles encoded?


Registered Senior Member
I am just wondering what opinions and ideas people might have on crop circles and what they may mean- possibly being encoded with some type of message(s). I would like to hear what people have to say on the subject. let me know, thanks
Crop circles are encoded. Like all other graffiti, the people who make them put vairous messages into the design. Some messages are probably directed at other circle makers, others are designed impress the self-appointed "experts". Some even contain plain lettering.

I was watching about crop circles in a TV documentary. They showed pictures and video of older crop circles. They looked very crude where as newer ones are very precise and complex as if someone did it using a CAD design software.

One so called expert alluded that the ball lighting could be the intelligence behind the crop circles and it is trying to communicate. My feeling is that if ball lighting learned to use CAD software, then we are in big trouble....invasion of the ball lights. The entire planet soon could light up like a Christmas tree! - perhaps around this Christmas.
Yeah, I think your on to something. After the world lights up like a christmas tree, santa will show up with his raindeer posse and they'll all be carrying tommy guns and go from city to city blowing peoples heads off.
I am just wondering what opinions and ideas people might have on crop circles and what they may mean- possibly being encoded with some type of message(s). I would like to hear what people have to say on the subject. let me know, thanks

They say:

"Ha ha ha, SUCKERS!"
Personally I would have expected people to lose interest in the whole 'aliens made the crop circles' thing when we started getting things like smiley-face crop circles or yin/yang crops circles...I think my personal favorite was the Mickey Mouse crop circle.

Of course, I suppose it's possible that super-advanced aliens might have a super-advanced sense of humor.
Heheh, well its interesting enough for us having two crop circle threads running, heeheh. Actually, the crop circle makers, and those self-appointed "experts" are feeding on each other. The "experts" can sell books and get fame and admiration, and the circle makers can avoid being lumped in with people that paint trains and other vandals as long as the mystery racket is kept alive.

Or maybe those trains are painted by aliens too?? How come nobody claims those paintings couldnt have been done by humans? I mean, painting the entire length of a train thats being guarded by men with dogs, in the middle of the night? And those paintings are full of symbolism? They just hafta be the work of aliens, yo!

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Some even contain plain lettering.
Really? You got any links? Nasor?

There might also be a whole load of doctored photo's on the net, though I sppose in RL it's a bit hard to fake... :confused:

Originally posted by kmguru
One so called expert alluded that the ball lighting could be the intelligence behind the crop circles
Ball lightning? Isn't lightning electricity? And if they're saying it's sentient... ?:bugeye:

Originally posted by mossfan125
...and they'll all be carrying tommy guns and go from city to city blowing peoples heads off.
Interesting how you immediately assume they'll be hostile. :rolleyes: :)
Hmm, interesting. Some of the circle designs are actually really pretty. :p

Didn't see the one with Mickey Mouse or the plain lettering though.
Well, I got a link to this "cropcircle". Although it is made manmade, I think they did a pretty good job on this one.


*Link* on cropcircle codes and what they suppose to mean. Take a look. Maybe it is of use to some of you. :)

Further more, the following is the Crabwood Circle which appeared on August 15 2002. Comments are to be found on
*this* site. It is The Alien Face.

That alien face one is ... wierd... Good likeness with the picture in the linked page though.
Are Crop circles encoded?
The more pertinent question is: "Why encode crops?" :rolleyes:

More people see road-side billboard advertising than crop circles. Why don't the Aliens just rent a bunch of billboards???

They came zillions of miles to get here, but they can't scare up enough money to advertise where alot more people will see their message? :rolleyes:


(Of course. For believers to be right, Aliens must be talented idiots.) :rolleyes:
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Those links, Banshee ---- Those "articles" are mumbo-jumbo, IMHO. Take a bunch of scientific terms, some Bible citations, a good blob of native religion, some weird theories, and a dash of general superstition, put it in a blender and let it run for 10 minutes, serve with some aestetically pleasing photos and a nice web design.

A good example of the "Scientific" approach in the article: At some point he wants to find the number nine in a crop circle (because he happens to have an amulet with "the ninth rune"), so he takes some figures from the formation, add the individual digits, get 81, and 8+1=9, HEUBLOODYREKA! There's a hidden symbol in the crop circle! Using that method, you can get any and all numbers. I havent tried (yet), but I'm willing to bet you I can find the number nine encoded in the dimensions of my desk! -- Or any other number you want.

And the "alien" face ......... is anybody for real suggesting that an alien culture is trying to contact us with that?

--- In general about symbolism in crop circles:

Those people who find these symbols, how do they know about "sacred" symbols, "sacred numbers", leylines, astronomical references, etc. etc.?

- Answer: Well, its in literature, on websites, etc. etc.

Next question: So, as its generally available knowleddge, then whats to keep people who make crop circles from using it?

:bugeye: :bugeye:
There is no way to stop people from doing that. What you are saying is very ingenius. Maybe there is an underground anarchist or terrorist group who has government insiders and connections and they have a way of getting these important government codes and passwords through without having to hold secret meetings. Maybe it's been going on right under our noses and we haven't been able to detect it. Just a thought.
What government codes? I've heard much but not that there were government codes in them. Are you suggesting that clandestine groups communicate through crop circles??? ---- Then I prefer the alien theory.
Those links, Banshee ---- Those "articles" are mumbo-jumbo, IMHO.

Those links are merely posted for people here who were asking: "Are Cropcircles encoded?"

The Alien Face is the one which was found a few days ago and is nice to look at. So, why not post it? Sciforums always seem to require websites, thus, alla, website with it.

I have no furher comments on Cropcircles.
