Are Christians Evil?


Considering what we know of Christianity can it be said they are not really religious but more of a fanatic, negative force in history. They kill anything they don't like, and they aren't able to see Jesus along with the Bible are mere fantasy's. We constantly see commercials for starving children, however what they don't tell you is while they're trying to raise money they also use the poverty an sickness these people experience as a means of controlling them. By offering food in exchange for religious worship Christianity is actually ruining society overall.

Africans would submitt to anything as long as it benefited them, same goes for anyone without food. What do you think?
What do you think?

I think that people willing and eager to refer to anyone else that they do not know as "evil" based on nothing more than their religious affiliation does damage to society - Christian or pagan.
Considering what we know of Christianity can it be said they are not really religious but more of a fanatic, negative force in history. They kill anything they don't like, and they aren't able to see Jesus along with the Bible are mere fantasy's. We constantly see commercials for starving children, however what they don't tell you is while they're trying to raise money they also use the poverty an sickness these people experience as a means of controlling them. By offering food in exchange for religious worship Christianity is actually ruining society overall.

Africans would submitt to anything as long as it benefited them, same goes for anyone without food. What do you think?

Do you hear voices too?
Ignoring the blanket "all africans are starving" implication there...

The use of people's misfortunes to force a conversion of faith is a method of conquest, and by strictest definition a survival tactic. England can be perceived to have done something similar (historically) by making their language universal, they have placed their mark on the world basically with permanence. A pseudo-conquest perhaps. Similarly Christianity as a political force seeks to do the same.

This method of conquest can appear to have little honor; a very cowardly way of submitting a people, by use of their own crippling weaknesses. If we look at it this way, by todays moral standards - which are not drawn from the bible - it may be construed as "evil" if you will.

As much as I'm not religious however, I don't feel at all comfortable with blanketing all christians as evil. In my experience many Christians, dear old Mumsie included, are genuinely very charitable people...and probably would continue to be if the whole RC structure crashed and burned in the morning.
christianity is no more evil than any other religion, it is religion it's self thats evil, that is the negative force in history, people are mear pawns, to the intoxication of religion, any religion, or any business will offer a carrot to entice people to follow them, or buy theirs, but once sold (on the idea/fed) people will defend the giver of the carrot with so much further, as to be fundimentalistic in the faith, we cant really blame them for this, they are just easily lead and intoxicated after all.
you have to be weak minded even to follow a religion, so most definitely yes.

I have no religious people working for me, I would not employ one ever!, with there heads, are up their gods arse,(in fantasy land) how could you possibly trust any of them.
Considering what we know of Christianity can it be said they are not really religious but more of a fanatic, negative force in history. They kill anything they don't like, and they aren't able to see Jesus along with the Bible are mere fantasy's. We constantly see commercials for starving children, however what they don't tell you is while they're trying to raise money they also use the poverty an sickness these people experience as a means of controlling them. By offering food in exchange for religious worship Christianity is actually ruining society overall.

Africans would submitt to anything as long as it benefited them, same goes for anyone without food. What do you think?
Doesn't seem that christians, as you define them, are any more evil than atheists - after all quite a few of them manipulate persons, entertain false ideas etc etc
Doesn't seem that christians, as you define them, are any more evil than atheists - after all quite a few of them manipulate persons, entertain false ideas etc etc

could you elaborate on that, with a little evidence.
thank you
Doesn't seem that christians, as you define them, are any more evil than atheists - after all quite a few of them manipulate persons, entertain false ideas etc etc

Slightly different Lightee...athiests aren't using human misfortune such as famine to expand a power base
There is quite a vast difference between saying, "Those are evil Christians" and "Christinas are evil", don't you think?
If you are robbed by an Italian, are all Italians no-good thieves?
I fail to see how Christianity is a manifestly -evil- religion. False, we shall allow, but evil? Judaism may be evil, Islam may be evil, but Christianity at least moves away from the genocide of an Old-Testament Demiurge.