Are Christians being set up?

eddie monkey

Registered Senior Member
Given all the troubling implications of the satan story in the christian worldview, I really don't understand why christians automatically & uncritically trust the offer they think god is giving them.

Consider: Did god screw up when he created satan? And if god wasn't able to get creation right the first time around, why do christians think he has fixed the bugs now? And short of becoming a robot in heaven, what's to keep the saints from rebelling against god? Maybe satan had good reasons to rebel.
Satan is a fallen angel which God did not wish to strip of his powers and therefore intended for evil to exist. Typical of mythological stories is to have an antogonist and protagonist otherwise the story is boring. The authors created Yahweh/Elohim to be a perfect all loving deity in which humans are created in his image. However, there are "bad" or immoral people whose actions cannot be explained if their deity is good and perfect which leads to the creation of Satan. He is the epitome of wrong doing(sin) and must be the explanation why some of God's creations have violated the "laws of morality". Satan's further role in the myth is to be the lord of the realm(hell) in which humans go to if not accepted into the Kingdom of God. To keep the story interesting, Satan and his minions can be defeated if humankind keeps true faith in God and also by following his dogma, one can ascend into His kingdom(paradise) where one will reside with the Lord for eternity. Back to reality, the end result of this myth is to give reason of existence and thinking too hard back then gave them migraines.
My take

As for the whole 'Satan' thing, here's my take on it: God has in his nature EVERYTHING, otherwise He can't be omnipotent. However, he will never sin, because He is omnipotent enough to resist any and all temptation. His creation, unless He created them omnipotent, would have to have the same nature of sin and good while at the same time not having the omnipotence to resist all temptation, or the omniscience to know when they are being deceived. That was why Adam was 'posse no picare,' 'possible not to sin.' When he sinned, his sin was of course carried down as his actions betrayed his nature and taught his children to sin down the generational lines. Therefore, he was the representative of the human race and all people, unless forgiven by God, were placed under his representation. In the same way, Satan was 'Posse non picare.' But he sinned, and his sin tempted the other demons to sin, thus causing the fall of the heavenly legion. Jesus came down as God/Posse non picare, rather than remaining as God/posse sed non volo picare. By not sinning, he set up another 'bloodline' in a spiritual sense where people would be sheltered from Adam's sin, like an umbrella in a sense. And with the punishment paid and Adam's sin removed, God allows us to be viewed with the righteousness of Jesus: Jesus became our representative, a Second Adam.