Are atheists narrow minded?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves .... have you ever met any religious people? They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves .... have you ever met any religious people? They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.
So you stereotype and generalize about atheists in the same post where you observe that they stereotype and generalize. Hrm.
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them....

I have to admit I was that way years ago. My Mom and sister in law were so stupid. Then my daughter wanted to go to church. I realized I was trying to force my beliefs on others the same way christians do. I basically had to bet off my high-horse and let it go.
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists.
how many atheists do you know personaly?
What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves ....
and how would you describe brainwashed indoctrinated theists?
have you ever met any religious people?
too many
They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!
they may be normal but they are still brainwashed,those who are open minded and question religious beliefs and gods etc using logic, reason,usualy become atheists.
And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.
Quakers may be cool,so what...are you Quaker??

its Muslims and xians who always caused the worst violence and mayhem and intollerance of other believers and especialy non believers.. all in the name of God,

no one atheist ever killed anyone in the name of Atheism,non belief
In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.
projecting much??do you

projecting=labeling aplying characterictics to others the way YOU are yourself
intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

It's not the people, it's the cult ideologies that enslave the people. People are the victims.

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves

As a Muslim, it would be difficult if not impossible for you to accept that. Indoctrination leads to brainwashing which leads to having left no reason or rationale. Seems a rather fitting description.

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense.

That is what has been demonstrated by many theists. Muslims, like yourself and others most certainly have demonstrated hard line intolerance towards other theists and atheists alike. You yourself have called for Jews heads on lances and wanted to beat the crap out of a biologist. On top of that there is the problem with habitual lying.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.

Coming from a Muslim who has yet to stop lying or perpetuating violence, that shouldn't surprise anyone. :rolleyes:
it dempends on what you consider openminded.
Is openminded listening to what other people have to say, or immediately believing everything you hear?
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves .... have you ever met any religious people? They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.
I think you will find it's the religious who are narrow minded.

IE: Who or what created the universe.

Using religious rationale.

Religious man: God of course!
How do you know that?
Religious man: I have faith it happened
Just because you have faith, does it make it true?
Religious man: Yes it does!
Will you ever change your mind?
Religious man: Whats to change? God created everything. End of story!

Using Atheist rationale.

Atheist: it is theorized that the big bang created the universe
How do you know that?
Atheist: I don't, but it is the best guess we currently have for how we came to be.
Since you are not certain, does it make it true?
Atheist: No not necessarily. However, until we find a better solution or a different reason to our current situation, then it's the best thing we have to go by.
Will you ever change your mind?
Atheist: If the situation deems it necessary then change is a thing we cant ignore, our minds are open to the truth, so we will fall in line with any new facts.

The difference? The stereotypical religious man will not change his mind no matter what and fully believes god created everything. Narrow way of thinking and he has no proof or evidence. only faith from what someone else told him, indoctrination. Your mum once told you about Santa. Christmas is a religious holiday. Santa, even though he is derived from various cultures, is now considered a Christian "mascot". You were lied to about Santa from your parents. Now what would you do if you didn't question your parents and you just went with the lie for your entire life? You would still believe in Santa till you died. Now associate Santa with god. You are told something for all your life until you die. But you fully believe it because your parents fully believed it. Same goes with their parents and so on and so forth. Eventually...
"If a lie is told enough, it will eventually become truth"... Adolf Hitler.

So you see it is not the open minded Atheist, thats at fault here, but the single narrow minded theist.
In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.

Talk about a very generalized statement. How many do you actually know? Besides those here I mean. I'd think they would have much more tolerance for others than say Baptists.

Are atheists narrow minded?
Some probably are. The only common perspective between all atheists is a disbelief in a god or gods. You cannot say anything else about atheists.

Are theists narrow minded and closed minded?

Yes. They are closed to any other concept other than a god did everything.
Well, we only accept things that make sense, but since that encompasses a wide range of ideas, I would hardly call that narrow minded. We can certainly entertain ideas that don't make sense without necessarily believing in them.
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves .... have you ever met any religious people? They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.

I believe he just answered his own question.
Hi Norsefire,
There are certainly narrow-minded, dogmatic, atheist zealots. There are also narrow-minded, dogmatic, theist zealots.
Unfortunately,Not all atheists are zealots. Neither are all theists.

Unfortunately, zealots (both atheist and theist) are more visible on public discussion forums than the more open-minded, because they are the most argumentative. The unfortunate result is that the impression given to theists who read public discussions is that most or even all atheists are closed-minded zealots, and vice-versa.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.
I'm sure that's true, and I strongly suspect that part of the reason is that you are critically examining posts made by atheists more than you are critically examining posts made by theists.

An atheist would likely notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from theists, because they critically examine more theist posts.

I think that the real state of affairs is that most the most vocal posters in religion-themed public discussion forums tend to be heavily intolerant, ignorant, arrogant, and prone to stereotyping... and that these posters are not representative of their respective populations.
Now, of course, atheists like to think of themselves as open minded, rational people; perhaps the rational part is true, but I can't quite notice any openmindedness among many atheists. What I do notice is arrogance and intolerance of religious people, as well as generalizing and stereotyping them

For instance, atheists describe religious people to be some brainwashed, indoctrinated and mindless slaves .... have you ever met any religious people? They're normal people like you or I! Sheesh; many great people were religious. And many people today, normal ole people, are religious!

And then, of course, the generalization that religious people are intolerant and violent; again, absolute nonsense. What about the Quakers? They are some of the most tolerant and peaceful people in the world.

In the end, atheists are the ones that I notice heavy intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, and stereotyping from.

Everybody's narrow minded. Some people can't even deal with gays. And some of them are religious.
I agree Simon, everyone is ultimately narrow minded. That's not a bad thing, though; society is intolerant by nature. Society demands conformity and order.

Pete, good post and I agree but for atheists supposedly being "free minded" thinkers, they certainly aren't displaying it, from the ones I've seen on here. Not all of them, but the ones on sciforums certainly. And even then, not all of those. But still.
I agree Simon, everyone is ultimately narrow minded. That's not a bad thing, though; society is intolerant by nature. Society demands conformity and order.

Society isn't _________ minded. It just is. Individuals and groups can be open or closed minded.
I agree Simon, everyone is ultimately narrow minded. That's not a bad thing, though; society is intolerant by nature. Society demands conformity and order.

Society demands it until society itself accepts whatever it is that it once deemed inappropriate.

You can't put out a blanket statement like that and expect a good response, Norse. No, they aren't narrow minded, just like they aren't open minded. As Simon said (no pun intended) they just are. I happen to be very open minded to certain things.

I think you for some reason attribute non-belief to closed-mindedness, which is wrong.
Society demands it until society itself accepts whatever it is that it once deemed inappropriate.
Sure, but they don't have to

I think you for some reason attribute non-belief to closed-mindedness, which is wrong.
It is not non belief, after all I used to not believe in God. It's that many atheists seem stubborn about their position and intolerant of belief.

To people who will believe anything, an educated opinion must seem narrow minded.
A narrow minded response. Are you saying all theists take literal interpretations? Or that none of them understand science or education?
Sure, but they don't have to

But it always does...

It is not non belief, after all I used to not believe in God. It's that many atheists seem stubborn about their position and intolerant of belief.

Stubborn how? Stubborn because they won't convert?

Most atheists aren't intolerant of belief. They are simply intolerant of that belief being imposed upon them through their government and legal system.
It's this forum, norsefire.

It's this forum, norsefire.

It's this forum, norsefire.

Seriously though as I believe I have said not too long ago in a post in religion calling an atheist as narrow minded or something else is wrong. It's similar to calling a theist narrow minded. One cannot and must not call an atheist such a name unelss they were having a hissy sissy fight with them. The reason is simple. "Atheist" as others have said is a term used to describe a persons stance, people are fundamentally good and have characteristics which allow the term atheist to be used properly.

I have tried before to debate your way of resaoning as I like the outlook it takes and the ways in which I can debate with you however; you never respond to me so I sort of start to dis like that as well as you.

As I said from the beginning your reason is probably because you visited this forum and got into sissy hissy fight with atheist in your head.
But seriously atheists are not narrow minded, nor are they stupid beligerant or closed minded.