Are Angels and Aliens The Same?


Registered Member
Are angels and aliens one in the same??? I think that this is a very good possibility. In the bible there are many instances in which they mention being visited by angels, from God, obviously. Now a days, you very rarely hear of anyone encountering an angel, but there has been more and more alien encounters. You have to consider that back in the days of the bible, space travel was probably the furthest thing from anyones mind. It wasn't even something one would think about. But religion was a fundamental part of their world. So if someone from that time saw a being that wasn't human, they would naturally associate it with a heavenly being (i.e. Angel). We live in a time of technology and space travel, and in most cases religion isn't as we would naturally associate a being as something from another planet (i.e. an alien). So what's next for angels/aliens? Who knows what society will be based on 1000 years down the road. Maybe the angel/alien entity will take on a new incarnation entirely. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Charlie Flowers
I think evidence to support the existence of angels or aliens visting earth would have to be provided before the question can even be considered.
Crunchy Cat said:
I think evidence to support the existence of angels or aliens visting earth would have to be provided before the question can even be considered.
I'm sorry...I meant the idea of angels and aliens. I never meant there were actually angels and aliens running around. LOL...but I stand corrected.

Charlie Flowers
If aliens exist and have figured out how to get here then they are clearly more advanced than us. I also suspect they would have enhanced themselves to a level of intelligence far beyond what we can imagine. I also suspect that before they make any contact with us they'd want to see if we can also make that breakthrough in our own intelligence first. Otherwise it would be like us trying to communicate with mice. Unlike Star Trek where first contact is when warp drive appears, it makes more sense to me if it is intelligence that becomes the deciding factor.

I'd also suspect that no aliens are likely to want to see us move out into the galaxy with our current backward and barbaric religious beliefs and resultant warfare. We have to mature first.

Regarding angels. As heavenly messengers they are just fantasy, but could earlier peoples have really seen aliens that might have appeared as angels? No, I doubt it. If any potential aliens are as intelligent as I suspect then they would not have let themselves be seen.
Cris said:
If aliens exist and have figured out how to get here then they are clearly more advanced than us. I also suspect they would have enhanced themselves to a level of intelligence far beyond what we can imagine. I also suspect that before they make any contact with us they'd want to see if we can also make that breakthrough in our own intelligence first. Otherwise it would be like us trying to communicate with mice. Unlike Star Trek where first contact is when warp drive appears, it makes more sense to me if it is intelligence that becomes the deciding factor.

I'd also suspect that no aliens are likely to want to see us move out into the galaxy with our current backward and barbaric religious beliefs and resultant warfare. We have to mature first.
LOL! Wow - so many assumptions or ideas about what "aliens" might be like without ANY evidence at all.
Why do you "suspect" they (the aliens) would have inhanced their level of intelligence before they'd contact us?
All it takes is a breakthrough in inter-stellar propulsion and Bob's-yer-Auntie's-Brother! We could take our "barbaric religious beliefs and resultant warfare" out into the galaxy!!

If a race of aliens lived around Alpha Centauri, would WE really wait until we knew we were of superior intelligence?
Would we make intelligence the deciding factor?


I always find it amusing when people make assumptions about extra-terrestrial alien life forms. :D

In answer to the topic's question though - if there was any evidence of the existence of "angels" then surely, by definition, they that evidence would either be:
1. Evidence of existence after death - i.e. entirely part of the human biological process; or
2. Evidence of an extra-terrestrial alien species.

However, evidence of an extra-terrestrial alien species would not be evidence of angels.

So yes, they could be the same.
But alas there is no evidence for any of them - either angels or alien life outside of our planet (although probability would suggest there is... somewhere).
Well, if they visited Earth, they could easily get away with it if they touch down when man does not yet have technology or a scientific understanding of things. They would be called angels by men who don't know any better then future generations would assume these are myths and then the 'aliens' would get away without another species becoming aware of their existence.

But no, I don't think angels are aliens - Angels are yet another myth spouted by the bible.
Great comments guys...I have another question for you guys. Do you believe that Angels exist? And do you believe that Aliens exist? Personally I think that angels are just a metaphor for goodness in other people. But as to the existance of alien life...I think that's entirely possible. Love to hear your comments.
Charlie Flowers
Unexplainedbiz said:
Are angels and aliens one in the same??? I think that this is a very good possibility.

Unexplainedbiz said:
I'm sorry...I meant the idea of angels and aliens.

Ewwwwkay... My idea of angels is winged people-looking life forms flapping about and performing altruistic deeds (purely fantasy). My idea of aliens are life forms not from Earth. Because my idea of angles is fantasy and my idea of aliens is a prediction of reality, they are not the same thing.

But this is the religion forum where fantasies are rife – this was my opportunity to delve into a fantasy world.

Why do you "suspect" they (the aliens) would have inhanced their level of intelligence before they'd contact us?
Because we are just a few decades from developing super intelligence for ourselves and I doubt we can make the breakthroughs in interstellar propulsion before then. At the moment we can barely get ourselves into orbit and even then at enormous risk. And I’d guess they’d know that if they are watching.

If a race of aliens lived around Alpha Centauri, would WE really wait until we knew we were of superior intelligence?
Would we make intelligence the deciding factor?
Doubt we can get there without it.

I always find it amusing when people make assumptions about extra-terrestrial alien life forms.
A lot like the assumptions people make about gods and demons, although aliens seem infinitely more likely.
J.M.Allegro tells us in his works, including The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross that psychedelic mushrooms secretly refer to te 'Fallen Angels'...!ie., that anceints and some Idigenous peples, and moderns believe that tey are 'plant teachers......'angels' means 'messengers'. so see the anceint logic, or magical thinking, or BOTH: that opening the bodymind via psychedelic inpiration can bring one into contact iwit various entities-----in te past it may havebeen 'angels' for certainpople, yet in you google the 'Ant People- you will see that long ago Indigenous peoples were also familiar wit entities similar to the 'Greys'.....!

Terrence McKenna, a famous psychonaut, also seems to link shroomswit UFOs and Aliens.

so what does all this mean?

dont know....hahah

but i will speculate a bit

i feel there is CONTINUUM of dynamic potential; experience, and that CONSCIOUSNESS is only really starting to be explored by areas of science

our 'ordinary' experience itself is actaully MANIPULATED deliberately by the powers that be, as a form of mind control. and is bias is keeping us using the 'left brain'--for business, and so on. tis a VAS part of our potential is suppressed and repressed

I tis supprssed and repressed part of our being are all manner of ewxperiences which very may well include entities we call 'angels', 'aliens'.............

are the latter two the same?

well its like saying is cheese and pcikle the same or chalk an cheese or apples and oranges............
the continuum is your relationship with emergy/matter and consciousness

for example i believe there can be heavens and hells. not as the patriarchs would have it, as everalsting. ways of fee;ling. heel doesn't have to be 'bad' ca be a dramtic learningexperience....for example, some people who have been abducted feel violated and see it as negative, others see it as some kind of saanic experince--see Dr Mack's research

over to you
Oh, ye of of little understanding. Because you are from earth, you can only understand earthly things, and you think that angels have physical wings. Angels represent people who are free, like birds. Angels are free from earthly desires, that's why they are pictured with wings.
Unexplainedbiz said:
Great comments guys...I have another question for you guys. Do you believe that Angels exist? And do you believe that Aliens exist? Personally I think that angels are just a metaphor for goodness in other people. But as to the existance of alien life...I think that's entirely possible. Love to hear your comments. Charlie Flowers
M*W: This is a question I've pondered all my life. Ancient humans painted pictures of flying machines and beings that resembled our astronauts in space suits. The ideas for their paintings didn't come from having a wild imagination. They painted what they had actually seen but probably didn't understand.

Artifacts have been found dating some thirty thousand years ago with voluptous female bodies, sometimes depicted giving birth. These female sculptures had reptilian heads. That's not to say that aliens had come to earth. Maybe we looked like that. Perhaps that's a stage of our anthropological evolution that we haven't discovered yet. I don't know.

I believe that "angels" are metaphors for the stars. Lucifer, the light-bringer, "rebelled against god (the sun)" with his "band of angels (stars)" and they fell to earth. I think this was nothing more than an ancient meteor shower. It must have been terrifying for the ancient humans who tried to "explain" this phenomenon through tribal lore. Now, some 30,000 years in the future, people STILL believe that Lucifer rebelled against god and the sun is not only god but is the son of god!

Our ancient ancestors pondered the skies and the elements -- things that they feared and awed. The stories they created and told were based on the characters of the zodiac like Abraham and the Ram in the Age of Aries, Mithras and the Bull in the Age of Taurus, Moses being pulled out of the water in the Sign of Aquarius, Jesus and the Fishes in the Age of Pisces. All ancient lore. All ancient myth.

As we're coming to an end to the Age of Pisces, we will see more and more modern humans falling away from christianity. It's inevitable. Even Jesus was supposed to have said, "I will be with you always even to the end of the Age" when christianity will be gone from the face of the earth and ancient lore will be forgotten.

It doesn't really matter if there are angels or aliens. There is no god but the Sun as ancient tribal legends still prove. Those who believe there is a separate creator god from the Sun are only fooling themselves. They still believe in ancient tribal lore. Wake up, you fools! Christianity will be mythological lore within the next 145 years when the Alpha-Aries turns into Omega-Pisces as it makes it's complete revolution around God-Sun.
Hey Medicine Woman...gald to see y back...missed ya

altho i agree with much of what you say......i fairly recently watched a docu. aboutthe 'Venus' statuette and noticed the head ofitlooked to me like a mushroom cap......being familiar with Allegro's ideas, and Wassons, etc, i googled bout it and found some research which corroborated my insight.....the notes i may dig up later

Yes, the stella world does play a central role for many ancinet peoples, but i think you are missing--ornot emphasizing the psychedelic mushoom/plant connection

Foe example< in Allegro's book, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, he relaes how PLiny--in Christian times told of the connection--in the minds of ancient people--between stars and 'medicante'--ie, psychedelic shrooms and plants. that te 'dew' was a kind of 'spermatoza from the'penes'/'stars'....and that this 'dew' was specicially more powerful in sacred fungi

The Morning an/or Evening Star is related in mythic writings with both Lucifer AND Jesus, and 'Venus' was THE most powerful star, the main light source before and after the Sun/Moon
"The morning and evening star is, of course, Venus. To appreciate the relevance of this luminary to the sacred fungus we must try to understand its place in the astral system as anciently understood, and the fertilizing power that it was supposed to wield. ...........As we may now understand, their names for "star" show that the ancients pictured these luminaries as penes in the sky, their light fancifully seen as a "glow" of the glans' fiery crown. At first sight it seems strane that this most powerful of all stars should be given female names like Venus and Juno. The reference, however, is to its generative power. When this lesser penis oh heaven slipped from the connubial bower before its master, it came dripping with the semen of the terrestrial womb. " The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, JohnM.Allegro
"[Pliny]: "After the rising of each star, but particularly the principle stars, or of the rainbow, if rain does not follow but the dew is warmed by the rays of the sun ... drugs (medicamenta) are prduced, heavenly gifts for the eyes, ulcers, and internal organs. And if this substance is kept when the dog-star is rising, and if, as often happens, the rise of Venus or Jupiter or Mercury falls on the same day, its sweetness and potency for recalling mortals' ills form death is equal to that of the Nectar of the gods" The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by John M.Allegro
duendy said:
Hey Medicine Woman...gald to see y back...missed ya

altho i agree with much of what you say......i fairly recently watched a docu. aboutthe 'Venus' statuette and noticed the head ofitlooked to me like a mushroom cap......being familiar with Allegro's ideas, and Wassons, etc, i googled bout it and found some research which corroborated my insight.....the notes i may dig up later

Yes, the stella world does play a central role for many ancinet peoples, but i think you are missing--ornot emphasizing the psychedelic mushoom/plant connection

Foe example< in Allegro's book, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, he relaes how PLiny--in Christian times told of the connection--in the minds of ancient people--between stars and 'medicante'--ie, psychedelic shrooms and plants. that te 'dew' was a kind of 'spermatoza from the'penes'/'stars'....and that this 'dew' was specicially more powerful in sacred fungi

The Morning an/or Evening Star is related in mythic writings with both Lucifer AND Jesus, and 'Venus' was THE most powerful star, the main light source before and after the Sun/Moon
M*W: Thanks, Duendy. I was out sick for a while, and then my computer came down with a virus.

Although I'm quite familiar with herbals, I don't know anything about psychedelic mushrooms (although I'm open to studying them).

Interestingly, in the recent past I was reading something from Allegro, or his name came up, and I found his work to be quite interesting. I hope to read more, because what I read made sense to me.