Are all religious figures atheist?

Are almost all religious figures atheists

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
To claim they speak the words of the big almighty?
You have to agree their is some arrogance to claim that your own personal agenda is in fact the devine lord will?
You mean like Jesus right ?
Seems to me it's either what you said or they are delusional.

Edit: Why did you use the word 'almost' there ?
well generally their probably are people who put their life for the greater good and altough they do good and are religious by nature they don't claim to do gods work altough they hope he would like it.
(not exactly devine subjects considering we're herd animals)
But I was more thiking abouth the more extreme topics like god's vieuw on current society, his vieuw on abortion, celebasy etc. The more fucked up stuff that they generally preach off

I've always like the line go and multiply it's such a good line and it works on so many levels but when religions how grand it usely get's simplified as go out and fuck them all. Actualy I believe that religions are very sad on any religious level.
To claim they speak the words of the big almighty?
You have to agree their is some arrogance to claim that your own personal agenda is in fact the devine lord will?
hence an important aspect if theistic discipline is reducing the influence of false ego and speaking in accordance with the almighty
BG 12.13 One who is not envious but is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor and is free from false ego, who is equal in both happiness and distress, who is tolerant, always satisfied, self-controlled, and engaged in devotional service with determination, his mind and intelligence fixed on Me—such a devotee of Mine is very dear to Me.
his mind and intelligence fixed on Me
heh, but I do get your point I think I'm not saying that religion is a bad thing, if it was it wouldn't be so wide spread and I'm also not saying that all their work is bad (they have many projects like digging wells and making people aware that there is a world oudside the generally known lands).
they also have some bad ones like helping the NASI's escape to south america and using suicide bombs to show yust how much they hate the world

My problem with most religions is when they go religious and whell spreading the word of god? The mostly start of okay but then you have to start praying 5 times a day or build a million churches whill practising celebasy, or deside what can and can not be read (In the time of the greek they new that the earth was round then cristianity ruled and they called in the dark ages and the earth became flat and books like those of da vinci were hunted down and looked up if not destroyed and most who now things of medicine where hunted won for being a witch sometimes during time of plague)

And this isn't yust so with christianity but with all religious. Somehow I don't think it's very religious to hamper human development. By wich the have caused billions of unnecesairy deaths.
Some maybe, but most probably have a problem integrating what their left and right brains are saying... errr what's that? Oh, no not now I'm typing on the web, Ohh ... yup sure thing. God sends Her Love. Anyway, where was I....