Are Aliens Congential Idiots?


Mr Anonymous

Consider, an Alien world. A civilisation old before we had even gotten around to inventing toilet paper, let alone somewhere sanitary to dispose of it afterwards that couldn't equally be described as a window...

Their species is dying on a genetic level.

So, they pile into the Saucers, whizz off to Earth, abduct people like it's going out of style and produce an in-vitro population of tiny Alien/Human hybrids.

And you can tell this, because these hybrids look like a cross between tiny little Aliens and tiny human babies.

Awwwwwwwww, bless...

Distressing for the Abductee's, obviously, but what's the suffering and humiliation, not to mention the egg and sperm harvesting fest that goes with it, of all those hapless individuals in comparison to saving a whole civilisation from oblivion, right?

Except, if you want the viable DNA of the Abductee, you don't take it from sperm and egg. Last place in the whole body you're going to find the DNA sequences that make you actually you is in your reproductive cells - the cells that produce sperm and egg tend to take your gene sequence and vary the initialisation of active and recessive genes, hence the somewhat obvious disparities between same parent siblings and why families aren't all tiny little clones of each other.

But, apparently, you're average alien doesn't seem to be aware of that.

Despite being technologically incredibly advanced, despite being involved in a DNA harvesting programme spanning generations (and therefore, by implicit implication knowing exactly how DNA works in order to be able to undertake the project in the first place) and yet, there they are, Larry, Curly and Mo'ing their way along with not a care in the world and even less, apparently, a single clue about what it is they're actually doing especially regarding biology.

So, are we really dealing with congenital idiots here, or just a bunch of lame ass humans who can't even be arsed to pick up a simple thing like a High School level biology book and read the bit about Sexual Reproduction - unless, of course, the book comes with an airbrushed drawing of an extraterrestrial and a UFO on the cover...?

Discuss!... or I may have to actually kill you.
Aliens are congenital idiots? Consider who they abduct! 'nuff said.
Actually, that would be explaining rather everything really, wouldn't it? :D
True Oli, our dna is far from perfected at this point. IMO theres probably many various aliens types, some probablly nearly identical to us, i'll bet others are hermaphrodites, some sexless.
I rather think BHK has missed the point. BHK, it's a Brit thing.
Well, it was more along the lines "hillbilly type Americans" (as seems to be the perception over here). But I'll accept Americans, you colonials never did learn your place :)
Nah, they got off light 'cos we were fighting some foreigners (Dutch?) at the time, and they've been uppity ever since. The least we should do is ask for them to pay for the boats they used :)
Seems as if those uppity colonists pulled the old "trading places" maneuver on the queen's domain. Since it's been not but a sticky wicket, that.

Christ I need some time in the UK to cop the lingo.

OH.. and yes, aliuns r dum.

uh meen cumparred 2 cuzzin cleetus. dat sumbitch got a nighnteeen oan hiz schoolin tehst scoar numberz. dem dar dam Eee Tees got nuthin oan cleetus.
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Yes, Wes. You do need to do that....

Mother of Pearl! do you need to do that.....
Aliens ARE dubm asses, I concur with that: it took em decades of exchange and abduction of countless phd's and proffessors to actually come up with a cloaking device,...

So much for their plan of not interfering with us! :D
I don't think they are dumb, I think they are mad. This is why they only associate with paranoid schizophrenics.
Ophiolite said:
I don't think they are dumb, I think they are mad. This is why they only associate with paranoid schizophrenics.

Thats not entirely true, as I've mentioned before Hollywood feeds the Alien Genre through films and preys on the guilibility of people to continue selling tickets to see movies or get people to rent DVD's etc.

When a film breaks the box office and it contains something mythological, is it providing a clue that the majority of people on this planet are as you stated "Paranoid Schizophrenic" or is it because they occasionally want a little break for reality to get away from the trauma's of work enduced stress etc. (e.g. a Fantasy)
If they have such a great control over dna and such, why did they even have to leave their planet to escape dying on a genetic level?