Are aliens are among us?


Registered Senior Member
I believe aliens have been among s for a very long time ever since the beginning of time. There is a possibly that aliens are among us mixing in the general public or perhaps the government is containg them in an unknown area on a secret military facilities. I don't need to be told that I watch to many tv shows and need to get a life. I read a lot of books, espcially history. Some people don't know UFO's and aliens are a part of our history. I know what the government is not telling us.

everything is not what it
appears to be

[This message has been edited by ltcmmdr (edited October 10, 1999).]

They knew about aliens back in biblical times, too. They just had different names for them: gods, Sons of God, angels, archangels, cherubim, devils, etc. They described their space craft using the only words they knew, such as "pillar of a cloud" by day or a "pillar of fire" by night (Exodus 13:21), a "cloudy pillar" (Exodus 33:9,10), "chariots of fire" (2 Kings 2:11), a "whirlwind", a "great cloud, and a fire infolding itself..." (Ezekiel 1:4), etc.

This is really nothing new - we're just starting to become technologically advanced enough to begin to figure it out for ourselves.
I've think that we ourselves are aliens whether we know it or not. We have forgotten that we are the aliens. I don't doubt there are othar alien lifeforms through out the universe.
Here's a wierd thought for you:

Imagine a donkey hooked up to a cart. The stereotypical carrot dangles from a string on a stick. It's unattainable because it will always be at a fixed distance from the donkey, but nevertheless it drives the donkey onward. Is it possible that the idea of extraterrestrial civilizations may be part of a built-in mechanism that drives us onward? We imagine life on other planets just as the explorers imagined life on other continents. Before that, our imaginations were filled with the possibility of life on the other side of the mountains. It's always been that possibility of what may be out there that, like the carrot, drives us onward. Even when we establish contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, we would not be satisfied. The carrot would remain and we would push onward to...what?

The early explorers imagined all kinds of fanciful life forms on other continents. China was supposedly the land of dog-headed men. Other life forms on "alien" continents included people with one leg ending in one big foot who laid around all day using that foot as a sun-shade. There were people without necks whose faces were in their torsos and people with ears so long that they draped them around their bodies like clothes so that they wouldn't step on them. Imagine the surprise of the brave explorers who landed on alien shores and encountered humans. Is it possible that humans live on other planets? Might our first extraterrestrial contact be with people who look no different from ourselves except maybe for skin color? (Would you want your sister to marry one? :D)

I still must agree with Bill Amend, the cartoonist behind "Fox Trot" when he asserted that if aliens were among us we'd know it by their laughter.
Personally, I think that if aleins were living among us it would be impossable to tell. After all, the perfect way to study a human life is to live it. They themeselves would have no idea of the true nature of their existance. Far fetched, I know but isn't that the point of this place.

"I hope you all find what you need in whatever hole you peer down, whatever cloud you peek behind, let the disaster dukes masticate on the green grass of hope and love. this year is the most joyous and happy, mournful and sad year I have ever known. life is good bleats the bleating heart, and keeps bleating like an 808. never ever forever tommorow comes, new dawns blister, new songs to be sung. the aeroplane flies high, turns left, looks right. the aeroplane knows you know, sings the song of truth, of redemption, of sorrow, look no further than your dirty feet."____Billy Corgan